山西大学,Shanxi University
1)Shanxi University山西大学
1.PROBING TO THE INCREASE OF SCIENTIFIC THESES IN UNIVERSITIES:a Case of Statistical Analyses of the Published Scientific and Technical Treatises of Shanxi University;对高校科技论文增长的探讨———山西大学科技论文统计例析
2.The Music Mass Organizations of Shanxi University after the War of Resistance Against Japan;抗战胜利前后的山西大学音乐社团
3.From Shanxi Academy to Shanxi University (1902-1937);从山西大学堂到山西大学(1902-1937)

1.From Shanxi Academy to Shanxi University (1902-1937)从山西大学堂到山西大学(1902-1937)
2.Educational Investigation for Western Learning House and Chinese Learning House of Shanxi Grand School;山西大学堂西学专斋与中学专斋教育考
3.A Preliminary Discussion on Rubbings from Stone Inscriptions of the Ancient Collected Calligraphy Cards of Bao Xian Hall in Shanxi University;山西大学藏《宝贤堂集古法帖》拓本初探
4.Preliminary research into whereabouts of the P.E. major graduates in Shanxi university;山西大学体育教育专业毕业生的流向
5.On Shanxi Academy s contribution to contemporary university education of China;山西大学堂对中国近代大学教育的贡献
6.Tracing Researches on the Physical State of College Students in Shanxi University;山西大学学生身体素质状况的跟踪研究
7.An Analysis of the Indexes of Undergraduate Constitution in Shanxi University;山西大学学生体质检测指标参数的分析研究
8.Journal of Shanxi Medical University(Preclinical Medical Education Edition)山西医科大学学报(基础医学教育版)
9.Shanxi Datong University gymnasium roof design and construction山西大同大学体育馆屋盖设计与施工
10.Construction of Network Teaching Environment of“Guiding Leaning Crowd” in Shanxi Broadcast & Television University;山西电大导学群网络教学环境的构建
11.The Establishment of the Norm of Shanxi College Students SCL-90;山西省大学生SCL-90的常模建立
12.Construct College Science and Technology Garden and Promote Economic Development of Shanxi;建设大学科技园 促进山西经济发展
13.Thoughts on the Construction of Science & Technology Field in the Universities of Shanxi;对山西省推进大学科技园建设的思考
14.The Research on the Course System of Track and Field;山西师大体育学院田径课改革的研究
15.A Few Issues in Learning from Dazai in Agriculture in Shanxi Province;论山西农业学大寨运动中的几个问题
17.Research on the Present Situation of the Leisure Sports of the University Students in Shanxi Province山西省高校大学生闲暇体育现状研究
18.The Inclination of Feeling Value Concept of Students in Shanxi Agricultural University;山西农业大学在校大学生情感价值取向

Shanxi Academy山西大学堂
1.On Shanxi Academy s contribution to contemporary university education of China;山西大学堂对中国近代大学教育的贡献
3)Shanxi University山西大学堂
1.“Britain Trend” of Shanxi University;山西大学堂的“英国风”
2.Shanxi University's Science Education and the Characteristics between 1902 and 19121902~1912年山西大学堂的科学教育及其特点
4)college students in Shanxi山西大学生
1.students were tested,the statistic result revealed that the personality traits of college students in Shanxi Province are more Characteristic of the tradition than of the times.对 450 8名被试测查结果的统计分析表明 ,山西大学生人格特征多传统色彩 ,少时代精神。
5)Shanxi Datong University山西大同大学
1.Investigation and Analysis of Extracurricular Sports Present Situation in Shanxi Datong University;对山西大同大学课外体育活动现状的调查与分析
6)Journal of Shanxi University山西大学学报
1.Quotation Statistics and Analysis on Journal of Shanxi University (Natural Science Edition) Papers;《山西大学学报》(自然科学版)论文的引文统计与分析
