灰色概率,grey probability
grey probability distribution灰色概率分布
1.The concepts of grey probability, grey probability distribution, grey probability density, grey expectation and grey variance are applied based on the theory of probability and grey system approach.以概率论和灰色系统理论方法为基础 ,利用灰色概率灰色概率分布、灰色期望及灰色方差等基本概念 ,针对环境系统的随机不确定性和灰色不确定性 ,建立了基于灰色概率的非突发性环境风险度的量化方法 。
2.The concepts of grey probability, grey probability distribution, grey probability density, grey expectation and grey variance are defined based on the theory of probability and grey system approach.本文基于概率论和灰色系统理论方法 ,定义了灰色概率灰色概率分布、灰色概率密度、灰色期望及灰色方差等基本概念 ,针对系统的随机不确定性和灰色不确定性 ,建立了风险分析的灰色 -随机风险率方法 。
3.Directing towards the grey uncertainty of probability itself,the concepts of grey probability,the grey degree of grey probability,grey probability distribution,grey probability density,grey expectation and grey variance are defined based on the theory of probability and grey system approach.针对概率本身的灰色不确定性 ,基于概率论和灰色系统理论方法 ,定义了灰色概率灰色概率的灰度、灰色概率分布、灰色概率密度、灰色期望及灰色方差等基本概念 ,介绍了可以用于灰色概率分布参数估计的D S理论及其参数统计推断的Dempster方法和Shafer方
3)grey probability density灰色概率密度
1.Directing towards the grey uncertainty of probability itself,the concepts of grey probability,the grey degree of grey probability,grey probability distribution,grey probability density,grey expectation and grey variance are defined based on the theory of probability and grey system approach.针对概率本身的灰色不确定性 ,基于概率论和灰色系统理论方法 ,定义了灰色概率灰色概率的灰度、灰色概率分布、灰色概率密度、灰色期望及灰色方差等基本概念 ,介绍了可以用于灰色概率分布参数估计的D S理论及其参数统计推断的Dempster方法和Shafer方
4)Axyomatics of grey probability灰色概率的公理化体系
5)grey-randomicity risk probability灰色-随机风险概率
6)grey conception灰色概念
1.In this article,the definitions of grey degree and measurement for grey conception were presented.本文提出了灰色概念度量的定义 ,给出了灰色概念的灰色度的定义 。
