污染损害指数,pollution harm index
1)pollution harm index污染损害指数
1.A universal formula of pollution harm index suited to water quality assessment;水质评价的污染损害指数公式
2.A universal formula based on pollution harm index was used to assess air quality of Shenzhen city in 2007.采用基于污染损害指数的普适公式,对深圳市2007年环境空气质量进行了评价,并结合污染物来源和气象条件,对污染损害指数空间分布与时间变化进行了分析和探讨。
3.An universal formula based on pollution harm index is used to calculate partial index of pollution harm,and then the comprehensive pollution harm index of water quality is derived by weighting to partial index of pollution harm using the general fuzzy contrast method.采用基于污染损害指数的普适公式,计算各种污染物的污染损害分指数,并利用广义模糊对比法对分指数进行赋权,求出水质综合污染损害指数

1.The comprehensive pollution harm index of the water quality can be calculated with the aid of the general weighted contrast for the pollution harm partial indices.提出用对比加权对污染损害分指数进行赋权的新方法,计算水质综合污染损害指数
2.Air Quality Assessment for Shenzhen City based on Pollution Harm Index Method基于污染损害指数的深圳市环境空气质量评价与分析
3.Water Quality Assessment and Analysis of Shenzhen Reservoir Based on Pollution Harm Index Method基于污染损害指数法的深圳水库水质评价与分析
4.Exploration of Evaluation Index System of Health Damage of Environmental Pollution环境污染健康损害评价指标体系探索
5.histopathology of pollution injury污染损害的组织病理学
6.Chapter IV Prevention of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environ- ment by Land-Sourced Pollutants第四章 防止陆源污染物对海洋环境的污染损害
7.Claims Report on Marine Pollution & Damage by Ship船舶污染损害索赔报告书
8.Claims Report on Marine Pollution Damage海洋污染损害索赔报告书
9.As for the pollution damage arising from the wrongful act by a third party,由于第三者的过失造成污染损害的,
10.Prevention of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environ- ment by Coastal Construction Projects防止海岸工程对海洋环境的污染损害
11.International Fund for Compensation for Air Pollution Damage,19911971年空气污染损害赔偿国际基金
12.International Fund for Compensation for Air Pollution Damage, 1991 1971年空气污染损害赔偿国际基金
13.Study of Fishery Damage Assessment Caused by Oil Pollution;溢油污染对渔业资源的损害评估研究
14.On the State s Claims for Compensation for Pollution Damage to Marine Environment;论污染造成海洋环境损害的国家求偿
15.Study on the Punitive Compensation Principle for the Damage of Environmental Pollution;环境污染损害惩罚性赔偿原则之探究
16.Study on Amends Limit on No- fault Environmental Harms Caused by Pollution;无过错环境污染损害的赔偿限度研究
17.Legal framework for"Environmental Damage Liability Insurance Law"《环境污染损害责任保险法》之法律构架
18.The Reorganization and Compensation for Environmental Pollution Infringement环境污染侵权责任的认定及损害赔偿

Pollution Hazard Index污染危害指数
3)pollution damage污染损害
1.With the quick development of Chinese marine economy,the density of maritime vessel traffic increases rapidly,and at the same time the risk of pollution caused by ships also increases,which results in mounting pressure on compensation for pollution damage.随着我国海洋经济的迅猛发展,海上船舶活动密度迅速增加,船舶发生污染事故的风险也随之增加,导致对船舶污染损害赔偿的压力增大。
4)damage skin factor损害表皮因数;污染系数
5)pollution harm rate污染损害率
6)oil pollution damage石油污染损害;油污损害

迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数 迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数是用于测定两地间人口迁移效率的指标。它是净迁移对总迁移之比。计算公式为:EIM一摇寿纂拼又‘。。上式中,}人么夕一材方}为i、]两地净迁移人数;从少+材户为i、]两地总迁移人数;El入了为迁移效率指数。 EIM的取值范围为。至100,如某一地区的值越大,反映迁移的的影响也越大。如果计算i地区与其他一切地区之间的人口迁移效率指数EIM厂,则: }艺材。一芝Mj、}EIM汀艺。+乏M,(j笋i) 迁移偏好指数是从一个地区向另一地区的实际迁移人数与期望迁移人数之比。计算公式为:____M.___材尸2行一:一二子一一不石一二,么M“ 了厂‘.厂‘、八 }二不十二六二1 、厂厂7上式中,M“为从i地迁到j地的实际迁移量;艺材。为总的人口迁移量;尸为总人口;M尸I,j为迁移偏好指数。通过计算迁移偏好指数,可以反映各地区的相对引力。 迁移差别指数是反映具有某种特征的迁移人口与非迁移人口区别的指数。例如,专业技术人员的人数所占比重,各种文化程度人数所占比重等,以便研究人才流失和其他间题。计算公式为:M‘从IMD、一翌不丝xl。。 .义V‘ N上式中,M为迁移人数;M,为具有i特征的迁移人数;N为非迁移人数;N‘为具有i特征的非迁移人数;了八了D、为迁移差别指数。