VPN网络,VPN network
1)VPN networkVPN网络
1.The data transfer platform was developed on the VPN network based on ADSL.该设计采用基于ADSL的VPN网络作为数据的传输平台,通过架设动态主机解决动态IP问题,使得现场站点能够以固定域名被访问。
2.The system design is given in the text on the basis of analyzing what is required forBased on VPN network environment automatic observation system.本文在对本需求分析的基础上给出了一个基于VPN网络的环境自动监测系统的总体设计方案。

1.The Research and Design of MPLS VPN;MPLS VPN网络的研究与设计
2.Easily Set Up Windows 2000 VPN Network;轻松组建Windows 2000 VPN网络
3.Study the Service Systems Accessed to MPLS-VPN Network for Guizhou Power;贵州电力MPLS-VPN网络接入业务系统研究
4.The Study and Design of MPLS Based Enterprise Network;基于MPLS技术的企业VPN网络研究与设计
5.The Design and Building of VPN Net Construction Based upon Smartcard Authentication;基于智能卡认证的VPN网络设计与实现
6.Theory Research and Application of MPLS-VPN Network;关于MPLS-VPN网络的理论研究及应用
7.MPLS Oriented VPN Network Design and Its Engineering;基于MPLS的VPN网络设计与工程应用
8.VPN Network Equipment Platform Shaping and Technical Analysis;VPN网络设备的平台选型和技术剖析
9.Research and Implementation of HTun VPN at Windows Platform基于Windows的HTun VPN网络通信研究与开发
10.Organization and Utilization of Multi Branch Enterprise VPN Net多分支企业VPN网络的组建与应用
11.MTU problems in MPLS VPN network and their solutionMPLS VPN网络中MTU问题的分析与解决
12.IPv6 multicast transition technique based on MPLS VPN一种基于MPLS VPN网络的IPv6组播过渡技术
13.Construction of a VPN Security Gateway over IXP425 Network Processor;基于IXP425网络处理器的VPN安全网关构建
14.Research and Application of VPN-Based Collaborative Design;基于VPN的网络化协同设计研究及应用
15.Based on IPSec VPN Employment Network Security Plan;基于IPSec VPN就业网络的安全方案
16.Building a Multi-schooldistrict Library Network by VPN;利用VPN构建跨校区图书通还通借网络
17.The Introduction and Comparison of Two kinds of VPN Technology两种VPN隧道网络协议详解与比较
18.Network Construction in the PLA Application of VPN Technology军队网络建设中VPN技术应用研究

VPN network isolationVPN网络隔离
3)Virtual Private Network(VPN)虚拟专用网络(VPN)
4)VPN(virtual private network)VPN(虚拟专用网络)
5)VPN((Virtual Private Network)VPN(虚拟个人网络)
6)VPN gatewayVPN网关
1.IPVPN Gateway Based on Embeded Linux Platform;基于嵌入式Linux平台的IPVPN网关
2.The Research and Design of VPN Gateway Applied by Small to Medium Business;应用于中小型企业的VPN网关的设计与实现
3.<Abstrcat> A high efficient,more stable and secure VPN gateway system which supports dynamic IP address is designed and developed based on IPSec protocol.在Linux系统上设计与开发了一种高效稳定的、基于IPSec协议的和支持动态IP的新型VPN网关系统,并对系统作出分析与评价。

《网络分析和反馈放大器设计》  论述网络分析和反馈放大器设计的名著,H.W.博德著,1945年在美国出版。作者在本书中叙述并发展了网络的一般理论,首先提出在一个网络中任何元件的回归差F 等于该元件具有正常值时的网络行列式与该元件值为零时网络行列式之比,推导出回归比T和环路传输μβ的关系  