审批制度,approval system
1)approval system审批制度
1.The reform proposal on decision and approval system are also been put forward.关于规划决策审批,《城乡规划法》在依法审批、规划修改、公众参与、法律责任等方面提出了新要求,特点鲜明,对规划决策审批制度改革具有重要指导意义。
2.The whichever and valid government all exsitses necessity of administration examination and approval system, but it must again according to the for society to need and enter the ground continuously proceedses reform, become economic developments of propulsion with public management means that develop of society.任何一个有效的政府都存在着必要的行政审批制度,但它又必须根据社会需要与时俱进地不断进行改革,成为推进经济建设和社会发展的公共管理手段。

1.Reform of the administrative procedures for examination and approval was pushed forward.行政审批制度改革加快;
2.You shall give an impetus to the reform of the administrative examination and approval system of customs, transfer the powers of examination and approval to the lower levels,推进海关行政审批制度改革,下放审批权限,
3.Administrative Power Control and Administrative Examination and Approval Institution Reform in China -On the Value Orientation of Examination and Approval Institution Reform;行政控权与行政审批制度改革——论行政审批制度改革的价值取向
4.Constrains of Chinese Administrative Permit System and Institutional Innovation;行政审批制度改革的体制制约与制度创新
5.Reforming the System of Examination and Approval and Standardizing the Operation of Examination and Approval;改革行政审批制度 规范政府审批行为──广东省和深圳市改革行政审批制度的启示
6.Some Concern over Administration Approval System Reform关于行政审批制度改革的若干思考
7.The transformation of government functions requires that we reform the system of administrative examination and approval.转变政府职能,必须改革行政审批制度
8.Reflections and Intensification of China s Administrative Examination and Approval System Reform l;我国行政审批制度改革的反思与深化
9.Research on Government Innovation--A Concurrent Discussion about Reform of Administrative Examination and Approval System;政府创新研究——兼论行政审批制度改革
10.Planning Decision System Based on Urban-rural Planning Law;基于《城乡规划法》的规划决策审批制度
11.Inspiration of the Reform of the Administrative Examination and Approval System of USA to China;美国行政审批制度改革对我国的启示
12.The Retrospect and Prospect about the Reform of the Administrative Approval System in China;我国行政审批制度改革的回顾与展望
13.Influence on the Administrative Examination and Approval System Reform After China s Entry into the WTO;加入WTO对行政审批制度改革的影响
14.The Predicaments and Outlets of Administrative Approval System Reform in China;中国行政审批制度改革的困境及出路
15.WTO vs Reforms in the Administrative Examination and Approval Institution in West China;WTO与我国西部地区行政审批制度改革
16.Accelerating the Reform of the Administrative Permission System;进一步加快行政审批制度改革的步伐
18.WTO ang Reform on Examinatorial and Approvable System of Public Security Administration;论WTO与公安行政审批制度的改革

examination and approval system审批制度
1.The UK government has rapidly reformed the examination and approval system of degree-awarding powers in recent years.英国近年来对学位授予权审批制度进行了颇多改革,最近的一次是在2004年9月,政府颁布了《关于英格兰和威尔士地区高等教育机构申请学位授予权和大学名称使用权的指导意见》。
3)quota approving system额度审批制
4)administrative approval system行政审批制度
1.The reform of the administrative approval system,which has to overcome various resistances with the help of an effective driving force mechanism,is a self-revolution launched by the government.行政审批制度改革是政府发起的一场"自我革命",它必须具备强大的动力并形成有效的动力机制才足以克服各种阻力。
2.The administrative approval system reform in China has been carried out with the same speed of the open-door policy,and now it is confronted with many predicaments.中国的行政审批制度改革是随着改革开放的深入推进而发展起来的,当前正面临着一些困境。
3.The key point of the administrative approval system reformation is to break with the old system and establish new scientific system to meet the requirement for the development of socialism market economy.行政审批制度改革的关键在于破除旧的不适应社会进步、阻碍经济发展的制度,建立科学的、能更好地适应社会主义市场经济发展要求的制度。
5)the administrative examination and approval system行政审批制度
1.Speculation on the driving force mechanism of the administrative examination and approval system——A case study of Quanzhou Municipal Administrative Service Center;行政审批制度改革的动力机制探析——以泉州市行政服务中心为例
6)administrative examination and approval system行政审批制度
1.China s current administrative examination and approval system has basically been formed in the era of the planned economy,with the deepening of reform and opening up and the continuous development of the market economy,especially as China s joining in the World Trade Organization,the original approval system has been increasingly unable to meet the needs of social development.我国现行的行政审批制度基本上形成于计划经济时代,随着改革开放的深入和市场经济的不断发展,特别是我国加入世界贸易组织,原有的审批制度越来越不适应社会发展需要。
2.This thesis looks back the practice of the three rounds of reform of administrative examination and approval system in Shaoxing Municipality.本文通过对绍兴市前后三轮行政审批制度改革的回顾,运用成本——收益方法,分析了政府和组成政府的政治家、官员、普通公务员以及政府外的社会公众等主体在行政审批制度改革中各自的成本收益比较,找出了政治家、官员、普通公务员和社会公众在行政审批制度改革中不同行为和表现的经济学原因,并据此提出了深化改革的对策。

矿产勘探报告和储量审批制度矿产勘探报告和储量审批制度mineral resources exploration report and mineral reserve examination and approval regime kuangehan kantan baogao he ehuliang shenPi zhidu矿产勘探报告和储t审批制度(而ne耐~reesex-讨oration。卯d and而ne耐~rve~nation and即-proval regime)经过地质矿产勘查工作后探明的矿产储量是国家的资源性资产,按照矿产储量法规、规范对矿产储量和地质资料进行审批,可以保障国家规划、计划有可靠的依据。法律规定,国务院矿产储量审批机构或者省、自治区、直辖市矿产储量审批机构负责审查批准供矿山建设设计使用的勘探报告,并在规定的期限内批复报送单位。勘探报告未经批准,不得作为矿山建设设计的依据。矿产资源法实施细则进一步规定:供矿山建设使用的重要大型矿床勘查报告和供大型水源地建设使用的地下水勘查报告,由国务院矿产储量审批机构审批;供矿山建设使用的一般大型、中型、小型矿床勘查报告和供中型、小型水源地建设使用的地下水勘查报告,由省、自治区、直辖市矿产储量审批机构审批。矿产储量审批机构和勘查单位的主管部门应当自收到矿产资源勘查报告之日起6个月内作出批复。 勘查报告的审批程序是:各地质勘查主管部门于每年11月底前向储量审批机构报送下一年度提请审批的报告计划,经全国储量审批机构统一安排后,通知有关单位执行;地质勘查单位按期报送正式的勘查报告,各种资料齐全,质量符合规定要求;储量审批机构对列人计划的报告可派员到勘查单位或者勘查现场调查情况,检查勘查工作进度和质量;储量审批机构确定主审员,聘请评论员进行审查,提出审查意见书;召开审查会议,作出批准决议书,经储委主任、副主任签发后生效。 截止到1992年底,两级储量审批机构共审批报告5 913份,《矿产资源法》公布后,审批质量不断提高,经审批过的已被利用的占82%。(曹树培)