指示克里格,indicator Kriging
1)indicator Kriging指示克里格
1.Application of ordinary and indicator Kriging methods for screening non-rice-cropping areas普通及指示克里格法在水稻禁产区筛选中的应用
2.The present article is to introduce the authors' improved indicator Kriging water environmental simulation model based on the traditional ordinary Kriging method.以水环境模拟参数随机场中的离子质量浓度为例,介绍了指示克里格估值计算的理论方法及应用。
3.A module about visualized reserve computation with indicator Kriging method has been developed under VC.net环境下利用Open GL图形库函数完全自主开发了指示克里格法的三维可视化储量计算模块,给出了指示克里格法的计算步骤,并设计出阿舍勒铜矿体的指示克里格法可视化储量计算流程,实现了对阿舍勒铜矿体的指示克里格可视化储量计算。

1.Application of ordinary and indicator Kriging methods for screening non-rice-cropping areas普通及指示克里格法在水稻禁产区筛选中的应用
2.wirehaired pointing griffon硬毛指示猎物格里芬狗
3.Enlightenment of Erickson s Personality Development Theory to Family Personal Education;埃里克森人格发展理论对家庭人格教育的启示
4.Cutoff value of indicator Kringing method and the relationships between cutoff value and relative functions in expressing spatial variability of soil and salt土壤水盐空间变异性指示克立格阈值及其与有关函数的关系
5.Now, armed with Eric Humphrey's instructions, there might still be something they could do.现在,有了埃里克·汉弗莱的指示他们还是可以有所作为的。
6.Throw the dice and follow the instructions in the grid you arrive.(丢骰子后,请依照你所到的格子里的指示来做动作,才能一一过关喔!
7.Mauriri, under the direction of Grief, called down instructions to them as they passed slowly beneath.当他们慢慢下行时,莫里里根据格里菲的指示,呼喊着向他们下达命令。
8.However Eriksson added that wherever Beckham played would make no difference to his role for England.但埃里克斯表示,不管贝克汉姆为哪个俱乐部效力,他对英格兰的影响将不会有很大差异。
9.Michael finished the brandy in his glass. "Send Clemenza in to me. I'll instruct him personally.迈克尔把玻璃杯里的白兰地一饮而尽,然后说:“叫克莱门扎到我这儿来,我要亲自给他下达指示。
10.The testimony could help defense efforts to show that Rickman was lying because he had a hand in getting Suhreet her job, but falsely put the onus on Myerson.证词可能有助于辩方显示里克曼扯谎,因为他曾参与替苏里特谋职,却诬指迈尔森应负责任。
11.MICHAEL Carrick has pinpointed Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs as key reasons for his emergence as one of United's most influential players last season.迈克·里克日前指出,斯科尔斯和吉格斯两名老将是上赛季他斩露头角的关键原因.
12.Kevorkian was released from prison this morning after serving eight years for second-degree murder in connection with the death of a man with Lou Gehrig's disease.因为与一名身患卢格里克氏病的患者的死有关,被指控二级谋杀,而在监狱里蹲了八年。
13.Index of the indicator pane whose style is to be set.要设置其风格的指示器窗格的索引。
14.Mammonism in Frank Norris s McTeague;弗兰克·诺里斯《麦克梯格》中的“拜金主义”
15."Last week Seattle-based Starbucks said it expected to raise prices some time in the coming fiscal year, beginning October 4. "上周,总部位于西雅图的星巴克表示计划在10月4日开始的新的财政年度里提高价格。
16.Mr. Craig had been proud to show his taste and his hothouse plants on the occasion.在这种场合,克莱格先生正好来表现他的风雅嗜好和炫示那些在温室里培养出来的花草。
17.Cenozoic sedimentation in the southern Tarim Basin:Implications for the uplift of northern Tibet and evolution of the Taklimakan Desert塔里木盆地南缘新生代沉积:对青藏高原北缘隆升和塔克拉玛干沙漠演化的指示
18.Billy Pilgrim--A Figure on Playing Cards;比利·皮尔格里姆——一个扑克牌里的人物

indicator kirge指示克里格法
1.In the application of the technique,the variogram in traditional geostatistics is replaced by the spectrum analysis function of transition probability matrix,and the method of co-inkriging and conditional simulation is used to the modeling.为了刻画储水介质非均质性问题,本文采用了基于马尔柯夫地层序列分析的分布条件模拟方法,以转移概率矩阵的谱分析函数替代了传统地质统计学中的变差函数,利用协同指示克里格和条件模拟建立模型。
2.In order to describe the heterogeneity of porous medium,this paper adopted the conditional simulation method based on Markov stratum sequence analysis,used eigensystem analysis of transition probability matrix instead of the traditional geo-statistics variogram,and constituted hydro-geological structure combined with co-inkriging method.为了分析储水介质非均质性问题,采用了基于马尔柯夫地层序列分析的分布条件模拟方法,用转移概率矩阵的谱分析函数替代传统地质统计学中的变差函数,利用协同指示克里格方法和条件模拟建立结构模型。
4)multi-ply-indicator Kriging多重指示克里格法
1.Study on the method multi-ply-indicator Kriging in karst-fissure mediurm in Jinan;济南泉域岩溶裂隙介质的多重指示克里格法研究
5)indicator Kriging指示克里金
1.Taking the spatial distribution of image pixels into account,this paper presents a new method to perform image segmentation by indicator Kriging according to the distinguishing features of CT microscopic flooding image.针对CT微观驱替图像的特点,考虑图像中像素的空间分布,提出利用指示克里金方法分割图像。
6)indicator kriging指示克立格
1.At the same time, it summarizes the cokriging(TCOK) and indicator kriging(TIK) in the pure temporal domai.本文在时间域内对几种纯时间域克立格技术进行了研究,重点对纯时间域中的普通克立格(TOK)、简单克立格(TSK)及泛克立格(TUK)进行了论述,也对纯时间域中的协同克立格(TCOK)和指示克立格(TIK)作了简要的概括。
2.Based on some foreign standards of soil PAHs assessment,regional environment risk assessment of topsoil PAHs in Tianjin Area was discussed using the method of indicator Kriging.在参照国外相关标准基础上,应用指示克立格方法对天津地区表层土壤PAHs进行区域环境风险评价,并对评价结果进行比分析。
