荧光显微分析,Fluorescence microscopic analysis
1)Fluorescence microscopic analysis荧光显微分析

1.The Microscopic Analysis of Spontaneous Fluorescence in the Tea Leaves Suffering from the Fluorescent Green Spot Disease;茶树荧光性绿斑病叶的自发荧光显微分析
2.flow microfluorometer analysis流动显微荧光测定分析
3.The System Research of the Microscopic Fluorescence Continuous Spectrum Image Analytic System;显微荧光图像连续光谱分析系统的系统研究
4.The Research of the Microscopic Fluorescence Continuous Spectrum Image Analysis System;显微荧光图像连续光谱分析系统的研究
5.laser microspectrum analyzer激光显微光谱分析仪
6.any of various fluorescent substances used in fluorescence microscopy to stain specimens.用于荧光显微术中给标本染上荧光的荧光物质。
7.Detecting Micro-luminescence of 330 Codon in emb gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Molecular Beacon Hybridization结核分枝杆菌Emb330codon分子信标杂交及荧光显微观测
8.Introduction to Theories of Several Super-resolution Fluorescence Microscopy Methods and Recent Advance in The Field几种超分辨率荧光显微技术的原理和近期进展
9.Detecting of mutation site of Rpsl gene with fluorescence molecular probe荧光显微观测Rpsl基因突变DNA分子探针杂交研究
10.Study of Microfluidic Chips with Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry;微流控芯片原子荧光分析系统的研究
11.Analysis of Hg(Ⅱ) by Fluorescence Quenching of Microcapsules and Research of Metal Nanoparticles by Fluorescence Quenching;微胶囊荧光猝灭Hg(Ⅱ)的分析及金属纳米颗粒荧光猝灭的研究
12.Analytical method of microquantity uranium in air by laser-fluoremetryGB/T12377-1990空气中微量铀的分析方法激光荧光法
13.Application of Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy in the Anlaysis of Microelement;原子荧光光谱法在微量元素分析中的应用
14.Study on the Trace Eiements in Chinese Traditional Medicine by Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy;中药中微量元素的原子荧光光谱分析研究
15.High-power light-emitting-diode induced fluorescence detector for microfluidic chip analysis发光二极管诱导荧光微芯片分析检测器的研制
16.Fluorescence microscopy A form of microscopy in which fluorescent probes are added to the material being investigated.荧光显微术:用来观察研究插入荧光探针后的物体的一种显微技术。
17.Apply of Micro-beam Micro-district X Fluorescent Probe Analyzer in Tiny Particles Analysis微束微区X荧光探针分析仪在矿石微粒分析中的应用
18.laser micro-probe spectrochemical analysis激光显微探针光谱化学分析

fluorescence microscopic analysis显微荧光分析
3)flurescence microscopic image analysis荧光显微镜图像分析
4)Fluorescent microscopic image analysis荧光显微成像分析
5)flow microfluorometer analysis流动显微荧光测定分析

荧光显微镜诊断荧光显微镜诊断fluorescence microscopic diagnosis 使用荧光显微镜观察组织内的荧光物质或荧光标记物以进行诊断的一种方法。如恶性肿瘤细胞核内的DNA和胞浆内的RNA均比正常细胞多,故荧光素染色后发生强烈的荧光,有利于对恶性肿瘤的诊断。