总大肠菌群数,amount of total colibacillus
1)amount of total colibacillus总大肠菌群数
1.0,the amount of total colibacillus was below 500 cfu/L afte.0的试验条件下,消毒后污水中总大肠菌群数<500 cfu/L,达到国家一级排放标准(GB8978-1996)。
2.0, the amount of total colibacillus was belo.0的试验条件下,消毒后污水中总大肠菌群数<500 CFU/L。
2)total coliform count大肠菌群总数
3)total coli-group总大肠菌群
1.A method is found out to determine the total coli-group by the five fermentation tubes.通过实验,摸索出测定总大肠菌群的一种五管发酵法。
2.According to the state standard on drinking water quality, we add the monitoring item of fecal coli-group in the biological monitoring item based on only monitoring total bacterial and total coli-group.根据城市供水水质监测网颁发的《水质检测实施细则》 ,在生物检测项目中由原来只检测细菌总数和总大肠菌群增加了粪性大肠菌群 ,鉴于我省大多数自来水公司的水质检测还没有增加此项目 ,所以把开展此项目的必要性 ,应具备的条件以及工作中出现的问题进行整理以备同行参考 ,同时引起大家对此项目的重

1.A comparative study on the three methods of determination of total coliforms三种方法检测水中总大肠菌群的比较探讨
2.Research into the Total Numbers of Colony and Coliform Group in the Barreled Drinking Water Consumed by College Students in Henyang衡阳某高校桶装水中菌落总数及大肠菌群的检测结果分析
3.Comparison of three methods for total DNA extraction from intestinal microflora of the fowl鸡肠道菌群总DNA三种提取方法的比较
4.The Comparative Research on Intestinal Flora Population of Patients with Colorectal Cancer and Normal People大肠癌患者与正常人肠道菌群的比较研究
5.Study on the change of intestinal microflora and bacterial translocation in Weaned RatsSD大鼠断奶后肠道菌群及肠道形态的变化
6.Studies on Changes of the Intestinal Microflora in Giant Panda Returned to the Wild;野外放归大熊猫肠道菌群变化的研究
7.Assessment on uncertainty of coliform group determination in milk powder奶粉大肠菌群检测中不确定度的评定
8.Escherichia coli大肠埃希氏菌, 大肠杆菌
9.Exploration of the Relationship between Intestinal Flora and Hyperlipidemia Through the Changes of Large Intestinal and Small Intestinal Flora of Hyperlipidemia Rats Model;从高脂血症大鼠模型大、小肠菌群改变探讨肠道菌群与高脂血症的关系
10.Analysis of E.coliform Group by Slip Method纸片法检测大肠菌群测定结果的实验研究
11.Analysis and Proposal of Examination Steps for Coliform Bacteria in Cold Drink冷饮食品大肠菌群检验步骤分析与建议
12.Study on Vegetables Polluted by Fecal Coliform of Animal Slurry;畜禽粪便中粪大肠菌群对蔬菜污染的研究
13.Structural Shifts in Gut Microbiota of Rats in Response to Bile Duct Ligation;胆管结扎大鼠肠道菌群结构的分子生态学研究
14.Dynamic Variability of Intestinal Flora and Endotoxin in Rats with Fulminant Hepatic Failure;急性肝衰竭大鼠肠道菌群和内毒素的动态研究
15.Researches on the Gut Microbiota Structure of Diet-induced Obesity Rats膳食诱导肥胖大鼠的肠道菌群结构研究
16.The Fecal Coliform Bacteria(FCB) in the Shellfishes and Seawater of Pozao Island in Zhangzhou漳州破灶屿海区海水及贝类体中的粪大肠菌群
17.Improvement of Detection Method of Fecal Coliforms in Surface Water粪大肠菌群多管发酵测定法的改进研究
18.Protective effect of Spirulina supplement on microecology and growth of rats in chronic stress螺旋藻对慢性应激大鼠结肠菌群和体重的影响

total coliform count大肠菌群总数
3)total coli-group总大肠菌群
1.A method is found out to determine the total coli-group by the five fermentation tubes.通过实验,摸索出测定总大肠菌群的一种五管发酵法。
2.According to the state standard on drinking water quality, we add the monitoring item of fecal coli-group in the biological monitoring item based on only monitoring total bacterial and total coli-group.根据城市供水水质监测网颁发的《水质检测实施细则》 ,在生物检测项目中由原来只检测细菌总数和总大肠菌群增加了粪性大肠菌群 ,鉴于我省大多数自来水公司的水质检测还没有增加此项目 ,所以把开展此项目的必要性 ,应具备的条件以及工作中出现的问题进行整理以备同行参考 ,同时引起大家对此项目的重
4)Total coliform总大肠菌群
1.The total coliform was counted by membrane filtration testing;and the residual chlorine was detected by color comparator.方法使用自制简易加氯器对理县城区3个主要蓄水池进行水质消毒,并通过滤膜法检测水中总大肠菌群值,用余氯比色器跟踪监测末梢水余氯变化,评价自制简易加氯器对水中微生物的杀灭效果。
5)coliform group count大肠菌群数
1.Coliform group counts and fecal coliform group counts were determined by most probable number (MPN ) and bacterium total amounts were measured with dilute platform method.采用多管发酵法(MPN法)测定大肠菌群数和粪大肠菌群数,稀释平板法测定细菌总数,并进行了浮游生物检测,以此对白河南阳段水质做出初步评价。
2.coliform group count:26000·L ̄(-1))That was closely related with frequent activities of human,livestock and poultry in the lake area,receiving parts of waste water untreated of industry and daily life of the county t.草海──特别是沼泽地水域水体已受到不同程度的微生物污染(细菌总数平均值为4。
6)coliform groups大肠菌群数
1.We mainly detected Bacillus cereus count in raw milk,as the same time,aerobic bacterial count,coliform groups count were detected.对我国冀宁浙3个省典型乳品企业的原料奶中微生物污染情况进行调查与鉴定,主要检测原料奶中蜡样芽孢杆菌数,以及菌落总数和大肠菌群数,确定原料奶中微生物的污染状况与蜡样芽孢杆菌污染的关系。

大肠菌群  水质参数之一。需氧或兼性厌氧、革兰氏阴性、不生芽孢、在37°C培养24小时内使乳糖发酵产酸产气的杆菌。有的国家把培养温度定为35°C,也有把培养时间定为48小时内的。    用大肠菌群作为水质的指示菌的原因有:①在人粪中大量存在,因此在为人粪所污染的水体中容易测到;②检验方法比较简便;③对氯的抵抗力相似于致病的肠道细菌。可以认为:消灭了大肠菌群,致病肠道细菌也已消灭,水可供饮用。    大肠菌群的检验方法有两种:①发酵法。以不同量水样接种于规定数目的含有不同量标准培养基的发酵管中,在37°C经24小时培养后,如发酵管产酸产气、显微镜检验又为革兰氏阴性无芽孢杆菌,则为阳性反应。根据培养和阳性的发酵管数目,按统计学原理即可得出大肠菌群数(每升或每100毫升中的个数)。 因为数目是按统计学原理算出的,故称最可能数(MPN)。②滤膜法。水样通过滤膜过滤,因膜的孔径很小,大肠菌群截留在膜上。将滤膜移到远藤氏培养基上,在37°C经24小时培养后直接数典型菌落数,即得结果。由于滤膜要具有标准的孔径,以及操作上所需的技术要求较难掌握,滤膜法的使用还不普遍。两种方法所得结果不可比较。    1976年中国颁布的生活饮用水水质标准规定,每升水中大肠菌群不超过3个。