第一阶段,the first stage
1)the first stage第一阶段
1.But the innovation in system is matter of vital importance in the initial stage or the first stage of exploitation.但是,在开发的初期或第一阶段,其制度创新理应处于首选路径。

1.Item 1. The first stage--assembling and regrouping.第一项:第一阶段,为集中整理阶段。
2.first phase of PIP第一阶段执行和平方案
3.This is called stage 1 sleep.这被称为第一阶段睡眠。
4.The First Stage: Structural Reform Promotes Poverty Relief (1978-1985)第一阶段:体制改革推动扶贫阶段(1978-1985年)
5.that the Bishop had marked the first phase of his new life, and that Champmathieu marked the second.主教标志他新生命的第一阶段,商马第标志它的第二阶段。
6.The first stage should take about two years and the second a year.第一阶段,大约须有两年时间;第二阶段,须有一年时间。
7.Its first stage was military adventurism, in the second it turned into military conservatism and, finally, in the third stage it became flightism.其第一阶段是军事冒险主义,第二阶段转到军事保守主义,最后,第三阶段,变成了逃跑主义。
8.Is there a limit to the number of times I can take Step1 and Step2 CK?应考第一阶段与第二阶段的CK考试,是否有应考次数的限制?
9.Tolstoy's life in often seen to form two distinct parts: first comes the author of great novels, and later a prophet and moral reformer.托尔斯泰的一生可以分为两个阶段:第一阶段是小说家,第二阶段则是预言者和道德革命家。
10.Study of Existing Slopes--Stage I General Revie现存斜坡研究第一阶段概略检讨
11.Preparatory Assistance for the Establishment of an Oceangraphic Instate Phase I建立海洋学院第一阶段的筹备性援助
12.of the first stage of education and schools.指教育和学习的第一阶段
13.Such was the first stage of Party building.这就是党的建设的第一阶段
14.36. The first stage has not yet ended.(三六)第一阶段,现在还未完结。
15.In the first stage, the enemy is superior and we are inferior in strength.第一阶段敌是优势,我是劣势。
16.The first stage was the Party's infancy.第一阶段是党的幼年时期。
17.The first was the stage in which we took part in the Northern Expedition.第一阶段,是参加北伐战争。
18.Proposed Agreement on the First Stage of Demilitarization of Sarajevo萨拉热窝非军事化第一阶段拟议协定

3)primary creep behavior蠕变第一阶段
1.A micromodel has been developed for the dependence of primary creep behavior on crystallographic orientations of nickel-base single crystal superalloys,the internal stresses resulting from the lattice misfit and thermal misfit are analyzed using the model,and the macro responses of the internal stresses are tested by plate specimens made of nickel-base single crystal DD3 at 850℃ and 950℃.根据镍基单晶合金材料细观结构的定向特点,提出了分析蠕变第一阶段性能晶体取向相关性的细观单元模型。
4)The first dispersal phase第一扩散阶段
5)phase one exchange第一阶段交换
6)constant rate drying period干燥第一阶段
