大沽河口,Daguhe estuary
1)Daguhe estuary大沽河口
1.Assessment on wetland ecosystem health in Daguhe Estuary大沽河口湿地生态系统健康评价
2.Based on an analysis of three phases of remote sensing images(1988,1997 and 2005),we obtained information on the land use change of the Daguhe estuary: the area of infield decreased,and the area of construction increased especially after 1997,and most of which came from infield.通过对1988,1997和2005年3个时相Landsat卫星遥感数据的解译,得到了胶州湾北部大沽河口地区3个年份的土地利用变化状况,对比研究表明:该区域人工建筑物面积不断扩大,耕地面积不断减少;1997年以后加大了对未利用土地的开垦力度,使耕地面积减少速度相对降低,而河口自然湿地面积不断减少,主要转变为耕地和养殖池,湿地生态环境遭到破坏。
3.Analysis of three phase of remote sending images(1988,1997,2005),we obtained the information of land use change of Daguhe estuary:Area of Infield reduced, and area of construction increased especially after 1997 and most of which come from infield.通过对1988年、1997年和2005年三个时相Landsat卫星遥感数据的解译,得到了胶州湾北部大沽河口地区三个年份的土地利用变化状况,对比研究表明:该区域人工建筑物面积不断扩大,耕地面积不断减少;1997年以后加大了对未利用土地的开垦力度,使耕地面积减少速度相对降低,而河口自然湿地面积不断减少,主要转变为耕地和养殖池,湿地生态环境遭到破坏。
2)Daguhe Estuary大沽河河口区
1.Study on the Status of Eco-environment in Daguhe Estuary of Qingdao;青岛市大沽河河口区生态环境现状研究
3)Daguhe River estuary bay大沽河河口湾
4)Dagu River大沽河
1.Change of Humic-Like Fluorescence Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter from Dagu River to Jiaozhou Bay;大沽河—胶州湾段溶解有机物类腐殖质荧光特征变化
2.Investigation and Assessment of Water Pollution of Dagu River(reach in Qingdao)and some Countermeasures;大沽河干流青岛段水污染现状调查评价及防治对策
3.The Total Amount Control and the Water Environmental Capacity of Water Pollution in Qingdao Section of Dagu River;大沽河干流青岛段纳污能力及排污总量控制分析

1.Water Quality Evolvement and Forecasting of the Well-field at the Middle-low Reach of Dagu River;大沽河中下游水源地水质演化及预测
2.Vulnerability Assessment to the Dagu River Groundwater Reservoir Based on MapInfo;基于MapInfo的大沽河地下水库脆弱性评价
3.Dagu River Area-source Pollution of Agricultural Fertilizer and Its Countermeasure大沽河水源地农肥面源污染及其对策
4.Study on the Effect of Channel Leakage on Flood Routing of Dagu River大沽河干流渗漏对河道洪水演进的影响研究
5.Manufacturing and Corrosion Protection of Steel Cofferdams for Dagu River Shipping Channel Bridge of Qingdao Bay Bridge青岛海湾大桥大沽河航道桥钢围堰加工与防腐
6.Total Amount Control of Water Pollution in Dagu River (Reach in Qingdao);大沽河干流青岛段水污染物总量控制研究
7.Study on Sustainable Utilization of Water Resource of the Groundwater Storage in Dagu River;大沽河地下水库水资源可持续利用研究
8.Research of the Optimization on Restoration Schemes of Saline Groundwater at the Low Reach of Dagu River;大沽河下游地下咸水恢复方案的优化研究
9.Water Quality Evaluation and Human Health Risk Assessment of Dagu River Groundwater Reservoir大沽河地下水库水质评价与健康风险分析
10.Numerical Simulation of Underground Salt water Changes at the Lower Area of Dagu River in Qingdao青岛大沽河下游地下咸水体变化的数值模拟
11.Date Base Construction for AnnAGNPS Model--Case Study of Dagu WatershedAnnAGNPS模型数据库的建立——以大沽河流域为例
12.Spatial Variation of Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Dagu River Basin大沽河流域土壤饱和导水率空间变异特征
14.Construction Techniques for Steel Boxed Cofferdam of Tower Pier Pile Cap of Dagu River Shipping Channel Bridge,Qingdao Bay Bridge青岛海湾大桥大沽河航道桥桥塔承台钢套箱围堰施工技术
15.Numerical Modeling Application in Prediction of Water Quality in Daguhe River Groundwater Source Field, Qingdao;数值模型在青岛市大沽河水源地地下水水质预测中的应用
16.Research on Agriculture Non-Point Source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution' Total Amount of Dagu Watershed大沽河流域农业非点源N、P污染物入海量模拟研究
17.Water Environment Quality Evaluation of Qingdao Part of Dagu River With Gray Relational Analysis Method利用灰关联分析法评价大沽河青岛段水环境质量
18.Application of Gray Relational Analysis Method in Evaluation of Water Quality in Qingdao Part of Dagu River灰关联分析法在大沽河青岛段水质评价中的应用

Daguhe Estuary大沽河河口区
1.Study on the Status of Eco-environment in Daguhe Estuary of Qingdao;青岛市大沽河河口区生态环境现状研究
3)Daguhe River estuary bay大沽河河口湾
4)Dagu River大沽河
1.Change of Humic-Like Fluorescence Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter from Dagu River to Jiaozhou Bay;大沽河—胶州湾段溶解有机物类腐殖质荧光特征变化
2.Investigation and Assessment of Water Pollution of Dagu River(reach in Qingdao)and some Countermeasures;大沽河干流青岛段水污染现状调查评价及防治对策
3.The Total Amount Control and the Water Environmental Capacity of Water Pollution in Qingdao Section of Dagu River;大沽河干流青岛段纳污能力及排污总量控制分析
5)Dagujia River大沽夹河
1.The Comprehensive Evaluation of Water Quality in Dagujia River Based on the Principal Component Analysis;基于PCA分析的大沽夹河水环境质量综合评价研究
2.A Study on the Quantification of Annual Runoff Distribution Characteristics in the Dagujia River Basin;大沽夹河流域径流年内分配特征的量化研究
3.Polluted Water Economic Loss Measure Research of Basing on Logistic Model——Taking Dagujia River as Example;基于Logistic模型的水污染经济损失计量研究——以大沽夹河为例
6)Dagu Port大沽口

大沽、天津之战  清光绪二十六年(1900),中国清军及义和团在大沽、天津抗击八国联军入侵的作战。    二十六年夏,义和团反帝爱国运动在中国北方迅猛发展。英、法、德、美、俄、日、意、奥等帝国主义列强纷纷调兵前来中国。五月上旬,各国军舰20多艘集结大沽口外,对清政府施加压力,并伺机侵占炮台,扩大侵华战争。    大沽口位于海河入海口处,为天津门户,两岸建有4座炮台,装备各型火炮近180门,由清军2000余人驻守。五月十九,联军 900多人在塘沽登岸,炮舰10艘驶入海河,对炮台形成水陆夹击之势。二十日,联军以清军在海河口布雷为词,通牒天津镇总兵罗荣光,限二十一日2 时交出炮台,遭罗拒绝。二十一日零时50分,联军即炮击炮台,清军发炮还击,激战6小时,伤敌舰6艘,毙伤敌 200多人,终因后援不继,炮台先后失陷。联军夺占炮台后,迅速向天津租界增兵,并积极准备进犯天津城。    联军攻陷大沽口后,天津义和团和清军不断袭击老龙头火车站及紫竹林租界内的侵略军,并拆毁铁路、电线,断其对外联系。二十五日,清廷对各国宣战。六月上旬,驻津清军增至2.5万人。直隶总督裕禄同义和团首领商订部署,从三个方向对租界内侵略军发起进攻:提督马玉昆率武卫左军会同义和团曹福田部,自北面进攻租界,在东机器局重创侵略军,并一度攻占了火车站;淮军、练军会同义和团张德成部,从西面一度攻入租界;武卫前军统领聂士成率部进占跑马场、八里台、小营门炮台后,从南面直逼租界。十三日,侵略军自租界南面出击,聂士成率部同敌在八里台激战,壮烈殉国。时清廷任命李鸿章为直隶总督兼北洋大臣,准备议和。十四日,帮办北洋军务大臣宋庆到津,开始屠杀义和团,战局急转直下。十七日凌晨,侵略军7000多人自租界分两路进攻天津城,裕禄、宋庆及马玉昆率 2万多清军弃城撤往杨村、北仓。十八日,天津城陷,北京受到直接威胁。