生境适宜性评价,habitat suitability assessment
1)habitat suitability assessment生境适宜性评价
1.Based on the grid analysis of GIS,with the combination of habitat suitability assessment and human interference analysis,the ecological sensitivity evaluation model was established.基于GIS下的网格分析,建立了结合生境适宜性评价和人为干扰特征分析的生态敏感性评价模型。

1.Suitability Assessment and Dynamic Monitoring of Mongolian Gazelle (Procapra Gutturosa) s Habitat in Xinbaerhu Right Banner, Inner Mongolia, China;内蒙古新巴尔虎右旗蒙原羚生境适宜性评价与动态监测
2.Breeding Habitat Suitability Evaluation of Red-crown Crane in Zhalong National Nature Reserve by the Method of Habitat Suitability Index基于HSI模型的扎龙国家级自然保护区丹顶鹤繁殖生境适宜性评价
3.Landscape Dynamics and Suitability Assessment of Przewalski s Gazelle Habitats;普氏原羚生境的景观动态与适宜性评价研究
5.Land eco-economical suitability evaluation based on niche fitness;基于生态位适宜度的土地生态经济适宜性评价
6.Environmental quality suitability evaluation of heavy metal polluted cropland soils耕地土壤重金属环境质量适宜性评价
7.Studies on Ecological Benefits Evaluation and Tourism Suitability Assessment of Natural Environment in Fuzhou National Forest Park福州国家森林公园生态效益与自然环境旅游适宜性评价研究
8.Landscape Dynamics and Suitability Assessment of Endangered Plant Tetraena Mongolica s Habitats;濒危植物四合木生境的景观动态与适宜性评价研究
9.During Green Grass Period Habitat Selection and Evaluation of Tibetan Red Deer(Cervus Elaphus Wallichi) in South-slop Gangsidili Moutains冈斯底里山南坡草青期西藏马鹿生境选择及其适宜性评价
10.Application of Niche-fitness Theory into Multi-suitability Evaluation of Garden Land;生态位适宜度法在园地多宜性评价中的应用
11.Urban land ecological suitability assessment: theories and methods城市土地生态适宜性评价理论与方法
12.Suitable Evaluation Analysis to Urban Inhabit Environment of Hohhot;呼和浩特市城市人居环境适宜性评价分析
13.Suitability Evaluation of Agro-geological Environment for Chinese Chestnut in East Area of Beijing;京东板栗农业地质环境适宜性评价研究
14.The Geological Environment Suitability Assessment of Nanning s Underground Space Development;南宁市城市地下空间开发地质环境适宜性评价
15.Study on Evaluations and Optimizing Way of the Suitability of Human Settlements in Dongting Lake Region洞庭湖区人居环境的适宜性评价与优化研究
16.Analysis and appraisal of meteorology environment adaptability in the Huhhot city zone呼和浩特城区大气环境适宜性分析评价
17.A discussion on the evaluation of natural suitability for human settlement in Xinjiang关于新疆人居环境自然适宜性评价的讨论
18.Research on Lodgeable Evaluation of Human Settlements in the Heavy Disaster of Wenchuan Earthquake四川省汶川地震重灾区人居环境适宜性评价

suitability evaluation of foraging habitat觅食生境适宜性评价
3)ecological suitability assessment生态适宜性评价
1.Study on methodology of ecological suitability assessment of urban landuse:An example of Pingxiang;城市土地的生态适宜性评价方法——以江西萍乡市为例
2.Applying the factors-overlay analysis with the principle of "taking the most value" and the method weighted with "pair-wise comparisons",this paper makes the ecological suitability assessment of the urban construction land use based on GIS.本文以GIS为技术支撑,采用"取大值"原则与"成对明智比较法"加权进行因子叠加分析,对连城县进行了城市建设用地生态适宜性评价研究。
3.The conflict between urban land use and eco-environmental protection is very intense in the rapidly urbanized area,and it s important to do ecological suitability assessment on land use in such an area.城市建设用地生态适宜性评价是合理利用我国有限土地资源的一项基础性工作,本研究的特色是以大连城市化区为例在归纳GIS方法应用的基础上,将目前国内广泛采用的单纯权重叠加法推广到加权的潜力—限制性分析法。
4)ecological suitability evaluation生态适宜性评价
1.Ecological Suitability Evaluation and Suggestion for Landscape Ecological Planning in Scenery District of the Southern Mountain Region of Jinan济南市南部山区风景旅游区景观生态适宜性评价与规划探讨
2.As a result,based on the ecological suitability evaluation,five zones of tourism land could be worked out,including the highly suitable land,suitable land,basically suitable land,not suitable land,and highly unsuitable land in Changsha.在借鉴已有评价方法的基础上,从宏观的角度,以长沙市为例,选取了区域生态环境、旅游资源价值、社会经济因子3个方面的评价因子,建立起旅游生态适宜性评价因子体系。
5)geological suitability evaluation地质环境适宜性评价
1.In this paper,the different types of functional regions in Jiujiang City were systematically divided based on geological point of view,and geological suitability evaluations of the primary functional land(public facilities and living land,industrial and warehouse land,eco-green land) were carried out.从地质环境角度,对九江市区不同功能用地类型进行了系统划分,并针对划分的主要功能用地类型(居住及公共设施用地、工业及仓储用地、生态绿化用地)分别进行了地质环境适宜性评价,根据评价结果,结合九江市区的用地现状,提出了不同功能用地优化布局建议,为九江市区后期用地规划与调整提供了依据。
6)suitability assessment适宜性评价
1.Local Farmland Suitability Assessment for Harmless Vegetable Production Based on GIS;基于GIS技术的区域无公害蔬菜地适宜性评价
2.Combined with the implementation of "code of primary products quality security" and "safety management methods of agricultural producing area",two farmland soil pollution assessment methods were presented in the paper,which were the soil heavy metal accumulation assessment and suitability assessment.结合《农产品质量安全法》及《农产品产地安全管理办法》的实施,提出将耕地土壤重金属污染评价分为累积性污染评价和适宜性评价两类。
3.Two types of farmland soil pollution assessment method were presented in the paper,which were the soil heavy metal accumulation assessment and soil environmental suitability assessment for agricultural producing area.在提出将耕地土壤重金属污染评价分为累积性污染评价和农产品产地土壤环境质量适宜性评价两类的基础上,以土壤重金属全量测定值与土壤重金属背景的比值反映土壤累积性污染状况,而以土壤中重金属有效态测定值与土壤中重金属有效态临界值的比值作为评价农产品产地土壤环境质量适宜性的方法,制定了耕地土壤重金属污染监测与评价技术规程,给出了以盆栽试验为基础,小区试验进行验证,以国家食品卫生标准限量值为依据,确定土壤重金属有效态临界值的方法,并将其制定成为耕地土壤重金属临界值技术规范。

土地适宜性评价土地适宜性评价land suitability evaluation tudi shiyixing Pingiia土地适宜性评价(l and sultabilityevaluation)评价土地对特定利用类型的适宜程度的过程。通过分析某块土地对特定的土地利用方式是否适宜和适宜程度,从而作出适宜等级的评定。特定利用类型或利用方式在内涵上宽窄不一,宽者如农业、牧业、林业、城镇建设、旅游等;窄者如小麦、柑橘、杉木等。世界上影响最大和使用最广泛的是联合国粮农组织(FAO)于1976年公布的《土地评价纲要》中的土地适宜性评价体系。 土地适宜性评价从土地利用研究和土地调查开始,要求明确土地利用条件和每一土地单元的属性和相关的社会经济条件。在此基础上进行土地质量与土地利用的相宜性比较以及相关的环境、经济、社会条件的分析。根据上述比较分析确定土地适宜性等级,建立土地评价的数据档案,以便在有关成本、收益因价格发生重大变化时,可以重新评价,改变适宜性类型。 (陈百明)