昆承湖,Kuncheng lake
1)Kuncheng lake昆承湖
1.Ecological remediation measures of the Kuncheng Lake in Changshu City;常熟市昆承湖生态修复对策
2.On Temporal-spatial Variability of Water Quality and Environmental Stress of Kuncheng Lake in Changshu City;常熟市昆承湖水质时空变异特征和环境压力分析
3.Investigation and fishery utilization of the plankton in Kuncheng Lake;昆承湖浮游生物的调查及渔业利用

1.Simulation of water quality of shallow lakes in cities: the example of Kuncheng Lake城市浅水湖泊水质模拟研究——以昆承湖为例
2.On the Strategic Inheritance of Kunqu Operas--A Criticism of the Metaphysical Viewpoint of Inheritance of Kunqu Operas;论昆剧的战略继承——对昆剧形而上学继承论调的批评
3.The Exploration of Experiential Formula of the Deep Mixing Piles Synthetically Foundations Bearing Capacity In Kunming;昆明地区深搅桩单桩复合地基承载力
4.Analysis and Research about Loading Ability of the Water Environment of Poyang Lake;鄱阳湖湖泊水环境承载力分析与研究
5.Aestheticism in Chinese Traditional Opera--On the Charming of Art in Kunqu Opera and its Heredity and Renovation;中国戏曲中的美——昆曲的艺术魅力及昆曲的传承与革新
6.The South Lake Island, largest of its kind on the Kunming Lake, is linked with the East Dike by 17-Arch Bridge.南湖岛东连十七孔桥与东堤接壤,是昆明湖中最大的岛。
7.The Summer Palace covers an area of290 hectares, including the areas of Kuming Lake and Longevity Hill.导游:颐和园占地290公顷,包括昆明湖和万寿山。
8.Look! Those brightly coloured insects are flitting about the surface of the lake.瞧!那些色彩缤纷的昆虫在湖面上飞来又飞去。
9.a member of the Olgonquian people of S Ontario.一个住在安大略湖南部的欧冈昆民族的人。
10.The Summer Palace covers an area of 290 hectares, including the areas of Kuming Lake and Longevity Hill.导游: 颐和园占地290公顷,包括昆明湖和万寿山。
11.The Fauna and Taxonomy of the Family Formicidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) from Hunan Province, P.R.China;湖南省蚁科昆虫(膜翅目)的区系和分类研究
12.An Analysis of Species of Litter-layer Insects in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve野鸭湖湿地自然保护区地表昆虫多样性分析
13.Heritage and Variation:from Xikun style to Huang Ting-jian;论黄庭坚对“西昆体”诗学思想的承继与超越
14.On the Inheritance and Reformatin of the Modern Style Poetry by Mei Yaochen,Ouyang Xiu and ect on the Xikun Style Poetry;试论梅欧诸人的近体诗对西昆体的继承和改造
15.Bearing Too Much Love ─On the keeping point of Milan Kundla’s The Lightness That Life Can’t Bear承载太多负荷的爱——谈米兰·昆德拉《生命中不能承受之轻》的切入点
16.Any of various gnatlike flies of the family Chironomidae, found worldwide and frequently occurring in swarms near ponds and lakes.双翅目小昆虫一种双翅科中咬人的小昆虫,遍布于世界各地,通常在水塘和湖泊附近成群出现
17.Will the ice on the lake bear your weight?湖上的冰承受得了你的体重吗?
18.Inheriting the Essence of "Hu Xue",Cultivating the Talents Who Can Make Practical Use of Truth;传承“湖学”精粹 培养“明体达用”人才

Lake Kuncheng昆承湖
1.Research on Pollution Characteristics of Nutriment Elements and Heavy Metals in Sediment of Lake Kuncheng;昆承湖沉积物中重金属及营养元素的污染特征
2.Spatial distribution of water quality parameters in Lake Kuncheng;昆承湖水质参数空间分布特征研究
3)Kunming Lake昆明湖
1.Water quality changes of Kunming Lake and pollution control methods;昆明湖水质变化分析及污染控制对策
2.Research on the Hydrophytes Landscape of Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace, Beijing;颐和园昆明湖水生植物景观的研究
3.In this paper, with the research of Jade Ribbon Bridge Poetic Painting of Qing Dynasty, the origin of the painting and the direction of the"Jade Ribbon Bridge"in the painting are defined, the differences between the "Jade Ribbon Bridges"of Hangzhou and Beijing are analyzed, and the creation thought and cultural background of the Jade Ribbon Bridge in Kunming Lake are sorted out.围绕对清代宫廷绘画"玉带桥诗意图"的考证,明确了绘画来历以及卷中"玉带桥"的指向,辨析了杭州北京两地"玉带桥"的不同,疏理了昆明湖玉带桥的创作脉络和文化背景。
4)The Green Lake of Kunming City昆明翠湖
5)inheritance of Kunqu opera昆曲传承

坚昆  中国北方古代民族名。《史记》作鬲昆;《汉书》除保留鬲(隔)昆称号外,通称之为坚昆;《魏略·西戎传》亦作坚昆。首先将"坚昆"勘同于"柯尔克孜"的是初唐人,宋朝人继承了这一成果。考古发现及近代人研究证明,这一论断完全正确。坚昆的地理方位,据史料为当今叶尼塞河上游至阿勒泰一带。    秦汉时,匈奴冒顿单于征服了周围许多民族,坚昆亦在被征服之列。坚昆同丁零、乌桓、乌孙等一起曾积极进行反抗匈奴贵族统治的斗争。汉将李陵降匈奴后,匈奴单于任其为右校王(或右贤王),管辖坚昆等地区。公元前49年,匈奴郅支单于西征,败乌孙,兼并乌揭、坚昆、丁零三国,留都于坚昆,于是坚昆陷入匈奴单于的直接统治之下。继匈奴而起的鲜卑在极盛时亦统治到了坚昆等地区。    三国时,坚昆胜兵3万。其族过着游牧兼营狩猎的生活;亦有一定的农业与手工业,手工艺品制作精巧。与邻族有经济、文化联系,汉族的经济、文化对坚昆有明显的影响。这时的坚昆已经出现了贫富的分化和阶级的对立。