水质平衡,water quality balance
1)water quality balance水质平衡
1.Based on analyses of water quantity and water quality balance for Baiyangdian Lake,a water quality model was established for the computation of water environmental carrying capacity.通过对白洋淀水量、水质平衡分析,建立水质模型,对水环境承载能力进行计算,提出白洋淀水环境保护措施:加强污水灌溉和土地处理系统工程建设;建立湿地利用和污水净化工程;采取合理的水产养殖和水质控制技术措施。
2)Water-electrolyte balance水电解质平衡

1.(2)maintain the fluid and electrolyte balance and preclude hyperglycosemia;(2)注意保持水电解质平衡及防止高血糖;
2.Clinical Observation on Balance of Water and Electrolytes During the Period of Peri - operation of Renal Transplantation肾移植围手术期水电解质平衡的临床观察
3.Study on calculation of phase equilibrium in mixed aqueous electrolyte solutions混合电解质水溶液相平衡计算的研究
4.Measures were taken to correct electrolyte and acid-base imbalance监测电解质及酸碱平衡
5.Investigation on ABC and dEB of the Piglet Diets in China我国常见典型仔猪日粮系酸力和电解质平衡水平的调查研究
6.⑤ try to improve anoxia and keep the balance of water and electrolyte.⑤去除病因 ,纠正缺氧及水、电解质的平衡紊乱等措施
7.The major factors causing death are electrolyte imbalance and dehydration, leading to cardiac arrest.引起死亡的主要原因是电解质的不平衡和脱水,导致心脏停搏。
8.Such drinks are widely available, and all contain electrolytes that help you retain fluids.运动饮料哪儿都买得到,且富含电解质,可帮助你保持身体水分平衡。
9.Effects of the supplement of carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks on body fluid balance and sports capacity during hypoxic training;低氧训练中糖-电解质饮料补充对机体水平衡及运动能力的影响
10.Clinical Analysis on Water-Electrolyte and Disturbance of Acid-Base Balance in Children with Acute Rotavirus Enteritis小儿急性轮状病毒肠炎水电解质及酸碱平衡紊乱的临床分析
11.Ionization Balance Constant of Weak Electrolyte Determined by Conductance Method;电导法测定弱电解质醋酸的电离平衡常数
12.Any of a group of steroid hormones, such as aldosterone, that are secreted by the adrenal cortex and regulate the balance of water and electrolytes in the body.盐皮质激素一种类固醇荷尔蒙,如醛固酮,由肾上腺皮质分泌,调节体内水分和电解质的平衡
13.Experimental study on effect of total parenteral nutrition on electrolyte homeostasis肠外营养对电解质平衡影响的实验研究
14.inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance.肾脏不能排泄废物不能维持体内电解质平衡。
15.Studies on Effect of Dietary Electrolyte Balance on Egg-Laying Maturity of Cage-Rearing Ducks in Summer;笼养蛋鸭夏季开产日粮电解质平衡调节的研究
16.Effects of Security Feed Supply and DEB on the Milk Production of Dairy Cows安全性复合预混料及日粮电解质平衡对奶牛生产性能的影响
17.Effect of Acute Hypervolemic Hemodilution on Plasma Electrolytes and Acid-base Equilibrium;急性超容性血液稀释对电解质及酸碱平衡的影响
18.The Effects of Different Value of Dietary Electrolyte Balance on Performances and Blood Biochemical Indices of San Huang Chickens;日粮中不同电解质平衡值对肉鸡生产性能和血液生化指标的影响

Water-electrolyte balance水电解质平衡
3)water and electrolytes balance水和电解质平衡
4)equilibrium level平衡水平
5)water-electrolyte balance/druge effects水电解质平衡/药物作用
6)hydrophilic-lipophilic balance(HLB) sorbent亲水-亲脂平衡介质
1.A full factorial design consisting of 4 factors and 2 levels was used to examine the preconcentration-cleanup efficiency of eleven kinds of phthalates acid esters(PAEs) pollutants in aquatic sample with hydrophilic-lipophilic balance(HLB) sorbent SPE cartridge.采用全因子设计试验对水样中11种邻苯二甲酸酯类污染物在亲水-亲脂平衡介质固相萃取柱上的富集净化效果进行研究,以邻苯二甲酸酯平均回收率为响应指标,通过析因分析,获得主因子及交叉因子效应,并建立了由显著性因子及交叉因子表达的平均回收率方程。

地下水水质测定(见水质测验)地下水水质测定(见水质测验)  dixiashui shulzhi eeding地下水水质测定见水质测验。