疏浚泥,dredged spoils
1)dredged spoils疏浚泥
1.The optimum mixing proportion study of dredged spoils solidification with fly ash;粉煤灰应用于疏浚泥固化处理时的最佳配比研究
2.This paper reviewed the techniques of utilizing dredged spoils, involving those of solidification and construction.疏浚泥是一种大量发生 ,抛泥处理又会对环境产生污染的废弃物。
3.A lot of dredged spoils are produced in engineering building,harbor and waterway.港口、航道的建设和维护工程产生了大量的疏浚泥,如何处理这些疏浚泥已是国内外十分关注的问题。

1.Research Progress on the Dewatering Technologies for Environmental Dredge Sediment环保疏浚泥浆脱水干化技术研究进展
2.The overflow dredging method is predominantly used to dredge silt and, generally, only with outgoing tide.溢流疏浚法主要且于疏浚泥沙,一般只利用退潮来进行。
3.The Parameterized Design and Performance Prediction of Dredge Pump;疏浚泥泵叶轮参数化设计及泥泵性能预测
4.Mechanical Properties and Consolidation Characteristics of Dredged Sludge with High Water Contents;高含水率疏浚泥物理力学及固结沉降特性研究
5.The Simulation of Dredged Sediment Transport and Diffusion on Marine Dumping Ground;海洋倾倒区抛卸疏浚泥悬沙输移扩散模拟研究
6.The Establishment of the Experimental Facility of a Dredge Pump and Hydraulic Transport System;疏浚泥泵与管道水力输送实验系统的研制
7.hydraulic dredging用吸扬式挖泥船挖泥疏浚
8.The channel of the river will fill up with mud if not regularly dredged.河道如果不定期疏浚,就会积满淤泥。
9.Study on the Release Laws of Phosphorous and Nitrogen from the Sediment in Dredged Lake, Nanhu;南湖疏浚后底泥氮、磷释放规律研究
10.Design of a Small Dredging Simulator of Cutter Suction Dredger;绞吸式挖泥船小型疏浚仿真器的设计
11.Drag-suction dredger 3D view system耙吸式挖泥船疏浚作业三维显示系统
12.Technical specification for excavation volume measurement in maintenance dredging engineering for port on muddy ground淤泥质港口维护性疏浚工程土方计量技术规程
13.Experimental Study of Suzhou Creek Dredged Sludge Used as Landfill Cover Clay苏州河疏浚污泥作填埋场封场覆土的实验研究
14.Influence of Dredging on Suzhou Creek Ecology System苏州河底泥疏浚对围隔中水生生态系统的影响
15.Research on Optimization and Control of Dredging Operations for Cutter Suction Dredgers;绞吸式挖泥船疏浚作业优化与控制研究
16.Research on Sand Slurry Abrasion Mechanisms of Dredging Conditions and New Wear-Resistant Materials;疏浚工况泥沙磨损机理及其耐磨新材料研究
17.Modeling and Simulation of Dredging Process for Cutter Suction Dredger;绞吸式挖泥船疏浚作业过程的建模与仿真
18.Impact on Water Environment in Polluted Seriously Rivers in Suzhou by Different Dredging Degree;苏州重污染河道底泥疏浚程度对水环境的影响

dredged sediment疏浚泥
1.In consideration of some disadvantages in conventional methods for treatment of dredged sediment, the method of solidification was adopted for treatment of dredged sediment from the seriously polluted water body of the west Wulihu Lake.结合室内试验和数值模拟方法对疏浚泥直接堆放和经固化处理两种情况下的二次污染问题进行了对比分析。
2.In order to minimize the environmental pollution created by the traditional disposal methods of dredged marine sediments,a method was proposed to solidify the dredged sediments for beneficial use.针对海洋疏浚泥传统抛填中产生的环境污染问题,提出将疏浚泥进行固化处理后转化为土材料进行使用的方法,并对疏浚泥固化后作为土材料的基本力学性质进行了试验。
3)Sediment dredging底泥疏浚
1.Research on variety of plankton community prior and post sediment dredging in Nanhu Lake,Changchun;底泥疏浚前后长春南湖浮游生物群落变化研究
2.Sediment dredging can effectively lower the contents of nutrient,heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants in sediment,but resuspensiou of sedi- ment during dredging will induce the release of pollutants from sediment to the water column.底泥疏浚的效果至今仍存在很大争议,其中之一是疏浚后所产生的环境效果有可能偏离人们的期望,疏浚能够有效的削减沉积物中营养物、重金属和持久性有机物等污染物含量,但疏浚过程中会引起污染物向水体释放,疏浚后的界面过程有可能对疏浚效果产生较大影响,底泥疏浚对水体富营养化的控制有成功的经验也有失败的教训,不同的湖泊疏浚后对营养盐释放的控制效果不同。
3.Results show that the water quality of Nanhu lake in Changchun is significantly improved after sediment dredging from 2000 to 2002,and the indices of water quality in water lily area even reach or approach to the third level of GB3838-2002.结果显示,南湖在经过2000~2002年的底泥疏浚治理后,水质状况有了显著的改善,特别是荷花区水域的一些监测指标已经达到或接近GB 3838—2002Ⅲ类水体标准值;但游泳区和湖心区的水质仍表现出富营养化,水体中TP,TN超标现象较为严重。
4)dredged sediment疏浚底泥
1.Some approaches to utilize dredged sediment as resource,such as land utilization,producting construction material and fill material and wastewater treatment material,were analysed.介绍了疏浚底泥资源化利用的途径,对其土地利用、作建筑材料和填方材料及污水处理材料等资源化利用进行了可行性分析。
2.Ferric trichloride and PAM were used to dewater the dredged sediment.采用三氯化铁(FeCl3)和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)作为河流疏浚底泥的脱水药剂。
3.Dredged sediment which is composed of upland soil enriched with nutritive organic matters could be used beneficially as soil amendments or manufactured soil for horticultural use rather than discarded as spoil material.疏浚底泥具有陆地土壤的基本理化性质,富含植物生长所需的各种营养物质,可以用作土壤改良剂或人造土壤,应用于园林绿化。
5)dredged sewage river sediment疏浚底泥
1.Pot experiments were conducted to study the physiological and ecological effect of dredged sewage river sediment on horticultural plants — Lolium multiflorum Lam.通过温室盆栽试验,考察了将天津市大沽排污河疏浚底泥应用于园林绿地后,其对景观园林植物———黑麦草、紫花苜蓿生理特性的影响以及植物对重金属的积累和对有机物的降解情况,并对重金属在土壤中的迁移特性及其对地下水的潜在危害进行了评价。
2.This is a part of a subject " study on the sludge disposal and the reclamation in the urban dredged sewage river sediment (serial number of project: 043111811)".众所周知,受污染河道疏浚底泥中含有大量的污染物,尤其是重金属、有机物等污染物的严重超标,是限制底泥资源化的主要因素。
6)Dredged sludge疏浚底泥
1.Characteristic of nutrients and polluting chemistry in dredged sludge;疏浚底泥的养分特征及污染化学性质研究
