巴河,Bahe river
1)Bahe river巴河
1.Research on CEA of Cascade Hydropower Development in Bahe River Based on AHP基于AHP的巴河水电梯级开发累积环境影响评价研究
2.This paper reports 55 fish species in 46 genera and 13 families at Jiujietan hydropower station reservoir in the Bahe river,which belong to 4 faunas.报道了巴河九节滩水电站库区河段鱼类55种,分别隶属于13科46属,分属于4个区系类群,并预测了水库建成后对鱼类资源的影响,由此提出了一些建议和对策。
2)habahe county哈巴河县

1.Geological Features of Volcanic Rock in Baihaba Village,Kaba,Xinjiang新疆哈巴河县白哈巴村一带火山岩地质特征及构造意义
2.Tourism Development and Culture Protection of Hani People;论红河县旅游开发与哈尼族族文化保护
3.Fission track dating and thermal history of Habahe rock body in Altai阿尔泰哈巴河岩体的裂变径迹年龄及热历史
4.The Study on Forest Types Combustibility and Spatial Distribution Pattern in Habahe哈巴河森林类型燃烧性及空间分布格局研究
5.Analysis on the Exploitation and Utilization of Water Resources in the Bayin River Watershed,Delingha City,Qinghai Province青海德令哈市巴音河流域水资源开发利用
6.Seroepidemiologic Survey of Hydatid Iinfection in Baliqun Kazak Autonomus County,Xinjiang新疆巴里坤哈萨克自治县人群包虫感染血清流行病学调查
7.Analysis of Ore-forming Geologic Conditions of Porphyry Copper Deposit in Halasu Area in Qinghe County, Xinjiang Autonomous Region;新疆青河县哈腊苏地区斑岩型铜矿成矿地质条件分析
8.The Social Control System in a Hani Village;哈尼族村寨的社会控制组织体系——以红河州绿春县新寨村为例
9.Hartford is a central Vermont town located in Windsor County within the bi-state Lebanon-Hanover-Hartford region.哈特福德是在黎巴嫩─汉诺威─哈特福德地区内,位于温泽县的佛蒙特州中部小镇。
11.Analysis of expert determination on points of difference about Baglihar Hydropower Plant under the Indus Waters Treaty基于《印度河用水条约》的巴格里哈尔水电站纠纷仲裁分析
12.Agricultural Structure Regulation on Water and Soil Conservation in Mountain Region----Case Study of Ba River Basin in Luotian County基于水土保持的山区农业结构调整——以罗田县巴河流域为例
13.Agricultural structure patterns for water and soil conservation in mountain region--A case study from the upper reaches of Ba River in Luotian County in Dabie Mountain Region山区水土保持农业结构模式——以大别山区罗田县巴河上游为例
14.Landscape Designing of Tourist Area--A Case Study of Tourist Area Named Bayinamen in Jinghe County;旅游区的景观设计——以精河县巴音阿门旅游区为例
15.Study on Landscape Design in Tourism Planning;旅游规划中的景观设计研究——以新疆精河县巴音阿门旅游区为例
16.SANHA, Malam Bacai马拉姆·巴凯·桑哈
17.A man sells religious umbrellas at the confluence of the Yamuna and Ganges Rivers in Allahabad, India.印度阿拉哈巴德一名男子在亚穆纳河与恒河交会处贩售宗教用的伞。
18.a former canal connecting the Hudson river at Albany with Lake Erie at Buffalo.一条老运河,它把位于奥尔巴尼的哈得逊河和位于布法罗的伊利湖连结了起来。

habahe county哈巴河县
3)Habahe group哈巴河群
1.The span of Habahe group extending about 1500 kilometers is from Sinian to Middle Ordovician and is belived to be continental margin sediment of Altai-Mongolia microtinent.中国阿尔泰具有古元古代-中元古代-新元古代基底,其间可能经历了四次主要地质事件,对阿尔泰前寒武系的研究是确定阿尔泰—蒙古微大陆存在的基础;哈巴河群时代为震旦纪-中奥陶世,延伸约1500km,对哈巴河群时代及其规模的讨论是确定阿尔泰—蒙古微大陆存在最重要的依据;东锡勒克组为两大陆碰撞后松弛阶段的产物,白哈巴花岗岩形成于后碰撞环境,对东锡勒克组和白哈巴花岗岩的研究是确定阿尔泰—蒙古微大陆存在的重要依据。
4)the Balouhe Formation巴漏河组
1.The development of the Balouhe Formation discovered at first time in Zibo area,Shandong Province filled the stratum gap of Pliocene system.上新世巴漏河组在淄博地区的发现填补了该地区上新统的空白。
5)Allium mongolicum Rgl. Kabaense C.Y.Yang et J.H.Huang哈巴河葱
6)Balariver tourist area巴拉河
1.Taking Balariver tourist area in Guizhou province as example,the thesis studies the villagers perception of tourism impacts in four aspects: economical,social,environmental and sustainable tourism conditions,on base of analyzing villagers judgment of present tourism status.以全国农业旅游示范点贵州巴拉河旅游区为例,研究表明,巴拉河旅游区居民对旅游发展的影响持肯定态度,但不同类型居民对旅游发展态度存在一定差异。
