氯盐融雪剂,chlorine deicers
1)chlorine deicers氯盐融雪剂
2)deicing snow融雪盐
1.Aiming at the quality and particle size requirement to the deicing snow product in the international market,we develop a new type of light weight and deicing snow screen.文章针对目前国际市场要求固体融雪盐产品品质高,粒度要求不尽相同的特点,研制适应滩区作业环境使用的轻型融雪盐筛分设备,不但使产品适应国际市场的需求,而且为企业带来较好的经济效益。
3)snow-melting agent融雪剂
1.The research progress and development direction of snow-melting agent;融雪剂的研究进展及发展方向
2.Studying on How the Snow-melting Agent Injuries the Plants in City;融雪剂对城市园林植物伤害机理的研究

1.The Influence of Snow Melting Agent and Salt on Snow Removal Effect and Road浅谈融雪剂和盐对除雪效果及道路影响
2.Analysis of residue of agent for snow melting in soil during the snowstorm in early 2008 in Hefei2008年初合肥市雪灾后融雪剂残留的研究
3.Studies on the Snow-melting Agent with Crop-nutrition and Friendly Environment;环境友好、作物营养型融雪剂开发研究
4.Study on Inhibitive Performance of Inhibitor in Deicing Salt to Carbon Steel;融雪剂中缓蚀剂对碳钢的缓蚀性能研究
5.Enlightenment from Standardization Construction of Snow Melt Agent Management on Snow-cleaning Work in Shenyang City沈阳市融雪剂管理标准化建设对除雪工作的启示
6.Study on Environmental Influence and Strategies of Chloric Snow Thaw Agents;氯盐类融雪剂对环境的影响及其对策研究
7.Effects of Snow-melting Agent on Growth and some Physiological Characteristics of Rice Seedlings融雪剂对水稻幼苗生长及部分生理特性的影响
8.Investigation of Chlorine Deicers' Pollution and Corrosive Effect氯盐类融雪剂污染及其腐蚀作用的初步研究
9.Effect of Chlorine Deicers on Soil Environment氯盐类融雪剂对土壤环境影响的初步调查
10.Investigation and Analysis on Plant Which Has Been Injurined by Snow-Melting Agent in Medial Divide on the Expressway融雪剂对高速公路中分带植物伤害调查分析
11.Accumulation and Translocation of Deicing Salts in Roadside Soils and Their Effects on Soil Properties融雪剂在路域土壤中的累积、扩散及其对土壤性质的影响
12.Research of CH3COOK to Misgurnus anguillicaudatus of Acute Toxicity and Effects on Micronuclei in Erythrocytes有机融雪剂对泥鳅的急性毒性以及红细胞微核研究
13.The preparation and small scale Ice - Melting test of caldum magnesium acetate;醋酸钙镁冰雪融化剂的制备及融冰效果小试
14.partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow).部分融化的雪(或雨雪的混合物)。
15.The river was swollen with melted snow.河水因融雪而上涨。
16.The rain [melted snow] swelled the rivers.雨 [融雪] 使河水涨高。
17.Snowflakes were melting in her hair.雪花在她的头发里融化。
18.the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.门前积雪同在早春融化。

deicing snow融雪盐
1.Aiming at the quality and particle size requirement to the deicing snow product in the international market,we develop a new type of light weight and deicing snow screen.文章针对目前国际市场要求固体融雪盐产品品质高,粒度要求不尽相同的特点,研制适应滩区作业环境使用的轻型融雪盐筛分设备,不但使产品适应国际市场的需求,而且为企业带来较好的经济效益。
3)snow-melting agent融雪剂
1.The research progress and development direction of snow-melting agent;融雪剂的研究进展及发展方向
2.Studying on How the Snow-melting Agent Injuries the Plants in City;融雪剂对城市园林植物伤害机理的研究
4)snowmelt agent融雪剂
1.The related departments import and use snowmelt agent to get ride of ice and snow.有关部门引进并使用融雪剂去除冰雪,融雪剂在提高清除积雪效率的同时,也给城市的基础设施和生态环境带来潜在危害。
2.This research shows the influence of the snowmelt agent to the physical and chemical of soil both sides of highway by carrying on physics and chemistry property analysis of soil which collected from both sides of highway from Guiyang to Zunyi.利用对比分析的方法对贵阳至遵义高速公路两侧采集的土壤样品进行理化性质分析,研究融雪剂施用后对公路两旁土壤理化性质的影响状况。
5)Melting snow and/or antifreeze agent融雪/冰剂
6)snow thaw agent融雪剂
1.There are many types of the snow thaw agent, which consist of two different categories: the chloride and the non-chloride.冬季除冰雪是世界性问题,而融雪剂是最常用的技术之一。
2.This was a good way,using snow thaw agent to clean out snow in the road,and the deicing salt which was made of chloride was mostly used at present.融雪剂是清除道路积雪的有效方法,而氯盐类融雪剂是目前使用最多的一类融雪剂产品。

融雪洪水预报(见冰情预报)融雪洪水预报(见冰情预报) rongxue hongshu,融曾洪水预报yubao 见冰情预报。