树仔菜,Sauropus androgynus
1)Sauropus androgynus树仔菜
1.Study on Eco-Geochemistry of Cadmium in Sauropus androgynus from Wuzhishan City of Hainan Province;海南五指山树仔菜重金属镉的生态地球化学研究

1.Assessment of acute toxicity and genotoxicity of Sauropus androgynus planted in Hainan海南树仔菜急性毒性及遗传毒性研究
2.Determination of Cadmium Content in Sauropus androgynus L.Merr Cultivated in Hainan and Its Quality Safety Risk Assessment海南树仔菜中镉含量测定及质量安全风险评估
3.She looked after them very carefully,她很仔细地照料这些菜,
4.He Began carefully to scrape away the moss from the stump.他开始仔细地刮去树桩上的苔藓。
5.He carefully earthed up the roots of the newly-planted tree.他仔细地在新栽的树的根部培上土。
6.Vegetables store has assortment of vegatables, Small Boy cannot distinguish which is which.菜档有好多不同种类的蔬菜,粗眉仔分不清甚麽跟甚麽。
7.The man read it carefully, then ordered all of the most expensive dishes.这个人仔细地看着,然后点了所有最贵的菜。
8.Isolation and identification of a sweet function factor from the endemic wild vegetable of Yunnanopilia longistaminata特有野菜甜菜树甜味功能因子的分离与鉴定
9.Submenu New for Nav tree and Nav View On Page网页导航树及导航视图的“新建”子菜单
10.resinous leaves used in stews and stuffings and meat loaf.含树脂的叶子,用于炖菜、馅和肉块中。
11.To grow vegetables in out backyard, we have to fence out the chickens.在后院种菜,我们必须树栅防鸡。
12.When she gathered wild herbs, they discovered that wild herbs were exactly what they needed most.小芹上树采野菜,马上青年们也都去采。
13.The Situations and Strategies of Application of Fertilizer in Fruit and Vegetable Planting in Shaanxi Province;陕西省果树蔬菜施肥现状及对策研究
14.Study on purification of calamintha chinensis benth flavonoid with AB-8 macroporous adsording resinAB-8大孔树脂纯化风轮菜黄酮的研究
15.Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction and Macroporous Resin Purification of Total Flavonoids from Potentilla chinensis Ser.委陵菜黄酮提取及大孔树脂纯化研究
16.Influences of Controlled-release Urea Coated by Resin Film on the Growth of Pakchoi树脂膜控释尿素对小白菜生长的影响
17.Citation Analysis of Master Thesis on Vegetable Science and Pomology关于蔬菜学果树学硕士论文引文分析
18.Divide the broccoli into florets and wash them thoroughly.把花椰菜掰成一块块小花,然后仔细地把它们洗干净。

Sauropus androgynus海南树仔菜
1.Assessment of acute toxicity and genotoxicity of Sauropus androgynus planted in Hainan海南树仔菜急性毒性及遗传毒性研究
4)Solanum wrightii [potato tree]薯仔树
5)Puncture vine with vegetables(cold)冻茨仔什菜
6)Stewed Perch with Preserved Vegetable锅仔雪菜鲈鱼

主料: 白菜仔、碎瘦肉各12两(约480克),皮蛋、咸蛋各1只,蒜头1个。做法: 1、白菜仔去头洗净,皮蛋去壳切碎,咸蛋洗净去壳,将蛋黄拍扁,蛋白留起后用。2、蒜头切片用油爆香,加入碎瘦肉同炒,再放白菜仔同炒,最后加入咸蛋黄及皮蛋同煮。3、煮至菜软时,加入咸蛋白调味即成。