农田土壤污染,Farmland soil pollution
1)Farmland soil pollution农田土壤污染

1.Study on the Influence of Soil Pollution on the Structure of Farmland Soil Animal Community in the Suburb of Wuhu City;芜湖市郊农田土壤污染对土壤动物群落结构的影响研究
3.Heavy Metals Pollution in the Reclaimed Tidal Flat Soils and Crops in the Pearl River Delta珠三角滩涂围垦农田土壤和农作物重金属污染
4.Study on Heavy Metals Pollution in Farmland Soils Around Scale Swine-farm;规模化猪场区域农田土壤重金属污染研究
5.Analysis of Heavy Metal Contamination and Chemical Speciation in Farmland Soil in the Suburb of Xi'an;西安市郊农田土壤重金属污染及形态分析
6.Study on High Efficiency Bioremediation Technologies of Agricultural Soil Contaminated by Arsenic;As污染农田土壤的高效生物修复技术研究
7.The Influence of Haloxyfop-r-methyl Pollution on the Community Structure of Soil Animal;盖草能污染对农田土壤动物群落结构的影响
8.Investigation of Persistent Toxic Substances in Agricultural Soil of Wuzhong District,Suzhou苏州吴中区农田土壤中持久性有毒污染物调查
9.Assessment of Selenium Environmental Pollution in Agricultural Soil in Vicinity of Coal Fly Ash Reservoir粉煤灰堆场附近农田土壤硒环境污染评价
10.Heavy Metal Pollution Assessment of Soil and Rice of Shuitou Town水头镇农田土壤及稻米重金属污染评价
11.Advances in immobilization/stabilization remediation in situ for heavy metal contaminated farmland soils多金属污染农田土壤固化/稳定化修复研究进展
12.Study on Characteristic of Heavy Metals Contaminated Farm land Soil around a Smelter某冶炼厂周边农田土壤重金属复合污染研究
13.Study on the Conditions of Heavy Metal Contamination of Basic Farmland Soil of Huangshi City黄石市基本农田土壤重金属污染调查研究
14.Spatial Pattern and Pollution Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Farmland Soils of Fuxin City;阜新市农田土壤重金属污染的空间分析及污染评价
15.Analysis and evaluation of the characteristics of heavy metals contaminating farmland soil around Lantian Smelter蓝田冶炼厂周边农田土壤重金属复合污染分析评价
16.Study on the Heavy Metal Pollution of Farmland Soil under Sewage Irrigation from the Wuhu Smeltery and the Remediation by Weeds;芜湖市冶炼厂污灌区农田土壤重金属污染及杂草修复研究
17.The Assessment of Contamination and Correlation on Heavy Metal between Farmland and Crops in Tongguan Gold Mining Area in ShaanXi;陕西潼关金矿区农田土壤重金属污染评价与农作物相关性分析
18.Pollution of Heavy Metals in Soils and Agricultural Products on Both Sides of Serval Main Roads in Jiangsu Province;江苏省主要公路两侧农田土壤及农产品重金属污染状况研究

Arable soil polluted by ArsenicAs污染农田土壤
3)polluted black soil污染农田黑土
1.Samples from the polluted black soil profiles in Northeast China were collected to investigate the distribution characteristics of total contents,available contents and organically-bound contents of cadmium(Cd),lead(Pb),copper(Cu) and zinc(Zn) at different depths,as well as their relation to soil organic matter.通过对东北地区污染农田黑土剖面的取样调查,对重金属Cd,Pb,Cu,Zn在农田黑土中不同采样点的全量、有效态和有机质结合态的分布特征及其与有机质的关系进行了研究,并分析了土壤有机质对重金属有机质结合态的影响。
4)agricultural soil农田土壤
1.The spatial structure feature of heavy metals in agricultural soil of mining city:A case study of Fuxin, China;典型矿业城市农田土壤重金属含量的空间结构特征——以辽宁省阜新市为例
2.A simulation analysis of distribution and change of agricultural soil carbon pool in Liaoning Province;辽宁省农田土壤碳库分布及变化的模拟分析
3.The distribution pattern of N_2O emission from agricultural soil in China;中国农田土壤N_2O排放通量分布格局研究
5)farmland soil农田土壤
1.Contents and spatial distribution patterns of heavy metals in farmland soils of Fuxin City.;阜新市农田土壤重金属含量及其分布特征
2.Environmental effect of mercury contamination of farmland soils in the Tongguan gold mining area,Shaanxi,China;陕西潼关金矿区农田土壤Hg污染的环境效应
3.Gontrol measure of heavy metal Hg and Ca in polluted farmland soil;农田土壤重金属汞、镉污染的治理措施
6)cropland soil农田土壤
1.In this study, a GIS-based geostatistical method was used to analyze the spatial variation of heavy metals in cropland soil in Cixi city of Zhejiang province.以经济快速发展的浙江省慈溪市为研究区,研究了农田土壤中重金属铜、锌、镉和铅的含量与分布状况。
2.The results show that most of the cropland soil was polluted.结果表明:成都平原大多数农田土壤已经受到不同程度的铅污染。
3.Nitrification is the important link of nitrogen cycle in cropland soil.根据文献资料,分析了黄土高原地区农田土壤残留氮素的形态、数量、分布、影响因素及其生态效应,提出了调控土壤氮素残留需进一步研究解决的问题。

农田土壤湿度测定农田土壤湿度测定measurement of soil moisture nongtian turang shidu eeding农田土壤湿度测定(measurement of 5011moisture)农田土壤水分贮存量及其变化的测定,是土壤农业水文特性测定的基础工作。其目的在于揭示农田土壤水分状态及其运动规律,掌握作物的水分供应状况,为编制作物水分供应情报和预报,鉴定农机具田间工作条件与效率,以及为采取农业技术措施提供定量依据。 自古以来,中国农民就有看墒种庄稼的经验,人们常以若干个等级来表示上壤干湿状况。许多国家测定土壤湿度仍多采用土钻取土,进行称重烘干的方法。20世纪50年代以来,中国气象站采用此方法。为了能够连续记录土壤湿度的变化,并减轻劳动强度,60年代以来,美、英、苏联、日本等国广泛使用中子法、了射线法、电阻法和负压计等方法进行测定。中国一些科研单位也引进使用这些方法。遥感测定土壤湿度技术正在发展,利用卫星红外扫描仪等先进设备测定区域或全球的土壤湿度已成为卫星探测的重要研究内容之一。 测定要求由于农田土壤物理特性和化学成分分布的不均一性,以及耕种的影响,造成土壤中水分含量的垂直梯度和水平分布的差异。因此,测定土壤湿度时要求分层和多点(多次重复)测定,求得农田不同层次的平均土壤湿度。为了掌握土壤湿度随时间的变化规律,还要进行周期测定。测定地段一般选在观测农作物生育状况的田块上,分l州定和非固定地段两种。前者选在地形、地势和上壤等条件有代表性的地段,周年进行测定。在上壤不冻结和冻结深度未超过10厘米时,呼旬末和作物各发育期浩遍期时测定。当七壤冻结深度超过10厘米以后.则停止测定。测定深度是地表下l()0厘米,每隔l()厘米取一上层(表层分为卜5、5一10厘米从每一士层取四个币复。非1司定地段随主要作物生育状况观测地段的转移而变动。观测日期、分层和玉复次数与固定地段做法相同,但测定深度改为50厘米) 测定方法分为三类: 直接测定法是把上壤中水分与固体部分相分离的方法〕属于这类的方法有:①称玉烘干法。用取上钻从田间取来上样,在1()()一1()5℃恒温条件下.烘烤到干燥状态,并用烘干前后的币量求出上样的含水鼠。烘烤土样多采用电热恒温干燥箱,它能控制适宜的烘烤温度,因此测定结果比较准确,使用较)’‘,但缺点是测定时间长。有的使用红外干燥箱,虽然缩短了烘上时间,但因温度较高,容易影响测定精度采用简易加热设备的,则因烘烤温度不易控制,精度较旅称玉烘干法是人工取土,劳动强度较大,又不能定点观测上壤湿度的连续变化;②酒精法。