大型科研项目,large research program
1)large research program大型科研项目
1.Based on the principles of risk decision-making,the article illustrates by example the application of Grey Condition Decision methodology in large research programs.针对大型科研项目风险管理的特点,设计了其风险管理流程;根据风险决策原理,结合实例探讨了灰局势决策法在大型科研项目中的应用,所获得的决策结果是进行风险处理的基础和重要依据,对风险管理实践有一定的指导意义。

1.Study on Complexity Based Large-Scale Research Project Management;基于复杂性研究的大型科研项目管理
2.Risk Management Process and Risk Decision of Large Research Project;大型科研项目的风险管理流程与风险决策
3.Self-regulation and transition of the Large-Scale Mass Chanter Teaching Research Project;大型群众性教学科研项目的内部调控及其转型
4.a research item that promises well大有前途的科研项目
6.Risk Control of Scientific Projects Based on Project Management Maturity Model基于项目能力成熟度模型的科研项目风险控制
7.The Project Management Method in Scientific Research --Methodology of Project Management in Big Science Age;科学研究中的项目管理思想——大科学时代科研项目的管理方法论
8.We've come a long distance on the project.我们在这个科研项目上已有很大进展。
9.In Canada, such scientific projects are forbidden.在加拿大,这类科研项目是受到禁止的。
10.Investigation on Improving the Quality of Application for Great Items of Scientific Research by Strengthening Management;加强科研管理 提高重大科研项目申报质量
11.Applied Research into Project Management Maturity Model in Chinese Scientific Research Institutes项目管理成熟度模型在我国科研院所项目管理中的应用研究
12.Analysis of 10 Years (1988 -97) research Projects of Bethune Medical University白求恩医科大学十年科研项目概况分析
13.Financial Resources of Scientific Research and Project Management in HKUST;香港科技大学的科研经费来源和项目管理
14.In addition, the amusement park is equipped with various hi-fi game facilities.此外还设计了高科技的声、光、电大型游乐项目。
15.Scientific management of the rehabilitation and water- saving reform projects in large- sized irrigation districts;大型灌区续建配套与节水改造项目的科学管理
16.Empirical Study of the Construction of Competency Model of Persons in Charge of Scientific Research Project;科研项目负责人胜任力模型构建的实证研究
17.Study of Maturity Models Applied in R&D Projects;在科研项目管理中运用成熟度模型的研究
18.The Research of Design Risk Management in Large-scale Public Building Projects;大型公用建筑项目设计风险管理研究

major scientific projects重大科研项目
3)scientific research items科研项目
1.Study on the Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Establishment of Institutions Scientific Research Items;高校科研项目立项综合评价研究
2.The scientific research items were introduced into the practical teaching of the chemical engineering course,which changes the former fixed mode only based on the textbook teachings.在探讨本科生科研训练改革的内容和模式的基础上,构建了课内-课外教学体系,将科研项目引入化工专业实践教学环节中,克服了以往单纯使用教材的传统模式。
3.The designing process of scientific research items management information system with structural development method from top to bottom was introduced.介绍了用自顶向下的结构化方法进行科研项目管理信息系统设计的过程。
4)Scientific research project科研项目
1.Simply discussing on the static analysis about economic benefits of the scientific research project;浅议科研项目经济效益的静态分析
2.Research on informationized management of scientific research project;科研项目信息化管理的探讨
5)research project科研项目
1.Aims at a discussion on the problem of risk management in largescale scientific research projects.以大型科研项目管理中的风险管理问题为研究对象,提出了基于灰色关联度的科研项目工艺路线选择及分阶段风险影响评价方法。
2.It introduces the investigation about 48 research projects by retrospective research.通过文献调研,采用典型案例调查方法,搜集了48个科研项目。
3.The intensification of effective management for technical development project with means of market regulation was pointed out based on that the objective of research project aimed at realizing the transformation of research results into benefits.在以科研项目的最终管理目标是实现成果转化的基础上,提出利用市场调节的手段来强化技术开发项目的有效管
6)scientific research item科研项目
1.On the management of scientific research items delayed in colleges and universities;浅谈高校科研项目延期问题的管理
2.Design and realization of management system for appling scientific research items;科研项目申报系统的设计与实现
3.In this paper several problems are raised with respect to consciousness, specific characteristic, volume-collecting, secrecy-maintaining and development of archive of scientific research items of colleges and universities, and some methods are given to deal with these problems.从意识、特殊性、收集归档、保密性、开发利用等五个方面提出了高校科研项目档案的若干问题,并探讨了解决这些问题的办法。

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