低量程,low range
1)low range低量程

1.The development of low range and high accuracy strain gauge pressure transducer低量程高精度应变式压力传感器研制
2.Optimal Design of Low-Test-Rang and High-Shock-Resistant Strain Accelerometer抗高过载低量程应变式加速度计优化设计
3.A lowering in amount, degree, or position.降低,削弱数量、程度或地位的降低
4.To make too low an estimate of the quantity, degree, or worth of.对…估价过低过低估计…的数量,程度或价值
5.made less in size or amount or degree.在尺寸、数量变小或者在程度上变低。
6.the smaller in amount or degree esp of two alternatives.两个中数量较小的或程度较低的一个。
7.lowest or smallest in size or degree or importance.数量最小程度最低最不重要。
8.On the project quantities list and reasonable evaluation method in low price;工程量清单和合理低价评标法的探讨
9.Quantitative Study of Stress-release Zone of Low-elevation Slope in a Certain Hydroelectric Station某水电站低高程岸坡卸荷带量化研究
10.Practice of Sulfur Content Controlling During the Smelting of Low-sulfur Steel in Laigang莱钢低硫钢冶炼过程硫含量控制实践
11.To reduce earthwork costs, the volume of the fills should be equal to the volume of the cuts.为了降低土方工程的费用,填方量应等于挖方量。
12.The Development and Application of Energetic Test System for Low Head and Large Discharge Pumping Station;低扬程大流量泵站能量测试系统的开发与应用
13.The raw material concentration is one order of magnitude lower than the concentration in the traditional fixed state process.原料浓度比传统定态过程低一个数量级
14.In the process the magnetic field structure relaxes to a lower-energy configuration.在这个过程中,磁场结构松弛到低能量状态。
15.Emphasis of BP quality management is quality control and decreasing of reject rate.批生产过程的质量控制强调降低废品率。
16.To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen.减少,降低使在数量、程度或强度上减少;减轻
17.Using protection cast process in the whole course to debase the content of gas and inclusion.采用全程保护浇注工艺降低气体和夹杂物含量 ;
18.Quantum mechanics is used at a lower level than in 22.51 and 22.106.本课程比22.51和22.106采用较低水平的量子力学。

low-rahge dosimeter低量程剂量计
3)low-range flowmeter低量程流量计
4)low range低量程,低档,低倍率
5)low lift and large flow rate低扬程大流量
1.The paper summarizes the traditional methods of flow measurement and brings forward another method using build-in 7510 portable ultrasonic flowmeter, it is effective to use the meter to measure the discharge of a single pump in low lift and large flow rate pump station.对传统流量测量方法进行了综述,提出了采用内贴式超声波7510系列便携式流量计对低扬程大流量泵站单机流量进行测量是十分有效的。
6)large flowrate low head pump大流量低扬程泵
1.the test method for large flowrate low head pump testing on 2000kW test bed is introduced briefly.本文介绍了在2000kw化工泵试验台上进行的大流量低扬程泵试验的测量方法。
