1.Tao:An Ultra-modernist Urban Planning Framework:The Interpretation of Carl Fingerhuth’s Learning from China:The Tao of the City;:一个“超现代”城市规划框架——卡尔·芬格胡斯《向中国学习——城市之》解读
2.On Tao and Science:Consult with Mr. LI Yijun;论与科学——与李毅军先生商榷
3.Tao-Headstream of Spirits of Chinese Films and Television Programs;“”——中国影视精神流向的源头

1.Is the way/passage free?路[通]畅通吗?
2.The equator. Used with the.赤。和the连用
3.berm;inside berm马(戗、戗台)
4.Tentative Study on the Difference of Taoist School s the Way and the Taoist Religion s the Tao;浅析家之“”与教之“”的差异性
5.The Way,Law of Nature,and the Vehicle of the Confucian Ideas;、原、载——“”范畴美学释义
6.The Tao about Changes, Gods, Human and Deities in the Book of Changes;《易传》中的易与天、人及神
7.flashes of lightning lit up the sky照亮天空的闪电.
8.discrete four-channel tape system分立四声系统
9.In fiery ringlets from their sleep,跳成一火织的发鬈,
10.gate, level-crossing, electrically-powered operating equipment for栅电动操作设备
11.No, what?@ replied the son.儿子回:“不知,怎么了?”
12.I love you-don't you know?"我爱你——难你不知吗?”
13.No. I only know that I love you.不知。我只知我爱你。
14.gate ,level-crossing of iron or steel平交栅,铁或钢制
15.A wavering line along the path.一条波状,沿着小径。
16.locking and unlocking rail(索的) 挂结和脱开轨
17.Vagina: Genital canal in females.阴: 女性的生殖管
18.y enteric orphan virus呼吸孤儿病毒

1.Chaos Thoughts in Dao De Jing;浅析《德经》的混沌学思想
2.Compare Han Fei s Views on Dao and Law with Those of Huang Lao School;韩非的法思想与黄老之学
3.A cultural interpretation of religion——With a reference to Daoism;宗教的文化学诠释——以教为例
1.Taoism Outlook on Art and Tradition and Chinese Architecture;“”的艺术观与中国传统建筑
2.On the "Taoism" in Sino-Japanese Classical Dramas;脱与哀实的舞台显出——试论中日古典戏剧中的“
3.Explorations on Integration and Conversion of ZHONG Chang-tong s Confucianism,Taoism and Metaphysics Thought;论仲长统儒、、玄思想的交杂与转化
1.Beauty of "Doctrine" and "Utensil" of Ming Style Furniture and Its Inspiration on Modern Product Design;明式家具的“”、“器”之美及对现代产品设计的启示
2.By examining the doctrine of “Change” this paper analyzes the ancient urban planning theo- ries and philosophical origin in “Handicraft of Zhou Etiquette” and the “Guan Zi”, discovering that the two literatures have the same origin of urban con- struction philosophy.简要探讨了《易》之,对《周礼·考工记》和《管子》中古代城市规划理论及哲学渊源进行了分析,认为二者在城市建设哲学理念上具有同源性,并以夏、商、周城市遗址为例,印证传统哲学理念对早期城市中轴、方位和型制的影响。
3."The doctrine of mean"makes a great impression on the formation of ethical character of Chinese,but people deeply misunderstand it."中庸之"对中国人民族性格的形成影响至深,但人们也对它误会至深。
1.The Three Representations" is the necessary way to the success of our party;“三个代表”是我党事业必胜之
2.The way is the most important concept in traditional Chinese culture.为中国传统文化最为重要的一个概念,有多种,但主要为天与人
3.《Lao Zi》 revealed that the universe evolved from chaos through the following course:way-vague semblance-shape-matter.《老子》揭示了宇宙从混沌中演化而来,宇宙万物的演化过程是“——惚恍——状(象)——物”,这个过程是一个“法自然”的自组织的过程,在混沌与物质形态之间以“状”、“象”作为一种亚组织的中介受到重视。
1.Art and Daoism Co-exist in Poetic Way——Post-modernistic Intereptation of ZHUANG Zi's Attitude to Technique艺与:诗意的生存——庄子“技”之态度的后现代解读
2.Sui-Tang dynasty pursued the policy of Confucianism,Daoism and Buddhism simultaneously,Sun Simiao absorbed three kinds of thought organically.隋唐奉行儒、、释并立共宏的政策,孙思邈有机地吸收了三家思想,择优汰劣,使之相互融合、相辅相成,并以高明的智慧改造及妙用儒、、释的有关理论。
3.Therefore,Zhuangzi argued that people should abandon the distinction between right and wrong,you and me and with the guide of"Daoism"come to consent to"all the things are uniformed".庄子《齐物论》篇从世人"与接为构,日以心斗"、"与物相刃相靡"的入世状态出发,探讨出现此类情形的原因是人们在争夺是非彼此,而实际上并不存在评判是非的"真宰",所以不如"和之以是非而休乎天钧"、"莫若以明",从宏观上讲,"如求得其情与不得,无益损乎其真",主张派遣是非,泯灭彼我,"通为一",进而达于"齐万物"的状态。
