1.On the Influence of Virtues of Confucian Sage upon the Social Order Construction in the Pre-Qin Period;先秦儒学圣人德化机制的逻辑重构——以社会秩序建构为中心

1.He used the sacraments and venerated the saints.他行使圣事,崇拜圣人
2.odour of sanctity圣洁的声誉, 圣人之誉
3.The people revered the saint.人们崇敬这位圣人
4.She have a face like a saint - a saint bernard.她的脸孔长的像个圣人-圣 伯纳。
5.She has a face like a saint-a Saint Bernard.她的脸孔长得像个圣人—圣 伯纳。
6.She has a face like a saint- a Saint Bernard.她的脸孔长得像个圣人—圣·纳。
7.How to Become a Sage by "Ti-wu";“体无”何以成“圣”?——王弼“圣人体无”再解
8.Textual Research on the Prototype of Sage;“圣”之原型考——兼论中国古代的圣人
9.Santa Claus, Santa Claus!圣诞老人, 圣诞老人!
10.Merry Christmas, Santa!圣诞节快乐,圣诞老人!
11.one who journeys to a sacred place.去神圣的地方朝圣的人。
12.pilgrims visiting the shrine到圣徒墓地朝圣的人.
13.Thank you, Father Christmas.谢谢你,圣诞老人。
14.Santa Claus is real.圣诞老人是真的。”
15.Wow! You are Father Christmas!哇!你是圣诞老人!
16.sheep and goats善人与恶人来自《圣经》。
17.The culmination of the Christmas party was the appearance of the Santa Claus.圣诞晚会的高潮是圣诞老人的出现。
18.In the famous Christmas song Santa Claus is Comin' to Town,在著名的圣诞歌曲《圣诞老人进城来》中,

1.A saint,as the representative of the ideal personality in the Saint Theory of Mencius,manifests all the good qualities recognized by him.圣人,作为孟子圣贤学说中理想人格的代表,具备了孟子所认可的种种优良品质。
2.The idea of Saint origins very early.圣人观是中国传统文化的核心观念之一。
3)the sage圣人
1.The article enters on the comparison between the hero and the sage from the study on human s ability, exploring Liu Shao s personality.刘邵的《人物志》,着眼于英雄和圣人的二重组合,反映了他的理想人格。
2.The thought of worship of the sage in the book Zhou Yi has more passive functions than its active functions, and we must transform it.《周易》的圣人崇拜思想 ,既有积极作用 ,更多的是消极作用 ,必须在新时代加以转
1.Worship of saints was peculiar of China,which was based on rational thinking and breaks through the antique god worship.圣人崇拜是中国特有的建立在理性思考上的突破了远古神灵崇拜的一种理性信仰,曾在思想上和政治上主宰了中国社会两千多年,至今仍未失去影响力。
2.Confucian promotes a sense of anxiety,directly related to their personality saints.这与其所标举的圣人人格是直接相关的。
5)the character of the sage圣人人格
1.This article comes to believe that the relation between talent and nature, the character of the sage and the classification of the talent were developed after the study of the practical activities of appraising intellectuals.与汉魏以前相比,这个时期在才性论、圣人人格和人才分类等人才理论上取得了明显进步。
6)The tourism saint旅游圣人

圣人【圣人】 (术语)梵语阿离野A^rya,译言圣者圣人。对于凡夫之称。谓大小乘见道以上,断惑证理之人也。涅槃经十一曰:“以何等故,名佛菩萨为圣人耶?如是等人有圣法故。常观诸法性空寂故。以是义故名圣人,有圣戒故复名圣人。有圣定慧故,故名圣人。有七圣财,所谓信、戒、惭、愧、多闻、智慧、舍离,故名圣人。有七圣觉故,故名圣人。”金刚经曰:“一切圣人皆以无为法而有差别。”