1)self-portrait[英]['self'p?:tr?t, -,tre?t, -'p??r-][美]['s?lf'p?rtr?t, -,tret, -'por-]自画像
1.Symbolic Information and Aesthetic Significance of Female Self-portrait;女性自画像的符号信息及其审美意义
2.Martin Eden is Jack London s self-portrai马丁·伊登——杰克·伦敦的自画像——读《马丁·伊登》
3.Martin is the writer s self-portrait and reflects the writer s superman thought,teir tragedy is a deep spiritual tragedy of intellectuals.美国作家杰克·伦敦在其自传体小说《马丁·伊登》中 ,根据自己的亲身体验塑造的同名主人公马丁这一超人般的艺术形象 ,是作家超人思想的显现 ,是作家的“自画像” ,是一曲知识分子深深的精神悲

1.The Last Years Self-image of Heller: Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man;海勒末年自画像《老年艺术家画像》综论
2.The Value of Self-portraits Oil Painting in Chinese Contemporary Art油画自画像在中国当代美术中的价值
3.Let Charcoal Drawing Speak--Beginning with the self-portrait of the painter让素描说话——从画家的自画像谈起
4.He did36 paintings of himself, and his most famous still lifes are of sunflowers.他为自己画了36幅自画像,而他最有名的静物画是向日葵。
5.His many self-portraits are among the best of this century.他的许多自画像是属于本世纪最好的。
6.Elizabeth-the Wonderful Self-portrait of Jane Austen伊丽莎白:简·奥斯丁绝妙的自画像
7.Symbolic Information and Aesthetic Significance of Female Self-portrait;女性自画像的符号信息及其审美意义
8."New Females"and Their Self-portraits in the First Half of 20th Century20世纪上半叶的“新女性”与自画像
9.Got a link from a colleague, and I draw an ideal picture of me.同事给了我一个链接,自己画了一个理想的自画像
10.It is possible that Rodin meant The Thinker to be a self portrait. He was an egotistical person.《思想者》可能就是罗丹的自画像,因为他很自负。
11.Therefore the lips of the profile were filled in freehand to match those on the self-portrait.这幅作品上的嘴唇和自画像都采用了徒手作画的方式。
12.Meanwhile, Liu finds Du's portrait while travelling.而柳梦梅在旅途中偶然发现了杜丽娘的自画像
13.A Self-portrat of the Solitary Struggler ──on "Weeds.Snow一幅孤独奋斗者的自画像──《野草·雪》之我见
14.----Excerpts from Portraits from Memory——节译自:《来自回忆的画像》
15.I am going to have my portraiture taken.我请人给自己画张肖像。
16.Many of the pictures are by well-known artists许多肖像画出自著名画家手笔。
17.He commissioned the artist to paint a portrait for him.他委托了那位画家为自己画一张肖像。
18.paint a picture, a portrait, a still life, etc画图画、 肖像画、 静物画等

self portrait自画像
1.As a special drawing method, self portrait became irreplaceable because of its connection with the artist itself.而自画像是与艺术家“自恋”联系最为紧密的一种绘画形式,可以说是艺术家“自恋”心理视觉化的表现和艺术家“自恋”心理在艺术创作中最集中的体现。
2.The paper takes the charcoal drawing of the painter\'s self portrait as the object analysis,cuts in the different expression forms of charcoal drawing to illustrate the discourse advantage in the expression of the painter\'s world of feeling as an independent painting language.以画家的素描自画像为个案,从素描不同的表现形式为切入点,进而张显素描作为一种独立的绘画语言表达画家情感世界的话语优势。
3)"Self-Portrait, U. S. A"美国自画像
4)automatic portraiture自动肖像画生成
5)a self-portrait by Van Gogh凡高的自画像
1.In Chinese history, to decorate the tombs with pictures is most prevalent in Han dynasty.中国西南地区是汉代南方唯一盛行画像墓的地区。
