人格魅力,personality charm
1)personality charm人格魅力
1.A Teacher s Personality Charm and the Teaching of“Two Subjects”;教师的人格魅力与“两课”教学
2.Fully develop personality charm of teachers of "two-course;充分发挥“两课”教师的人格魅力
3.On the personality charm of college leaders;论高校领导者的人格魅力

1.The academic charisma and personality of an academic leader in university;论高校学术带头人的学术魅力和人格魅力
2.A fine example serves for a personality fascination which, especially that of the leader' s, has boundless power.榜样的作用是一种人格魅力,尤其是领导者的人格魅力是巨大的。
3.The Personal Prestige: the Embodiment of United Front Cadre s Noble Character Charm;个人威信:统战干部人格魅力的展示
4.Cultivation of Working Personality Charm of University Counselors;浅析高校辅导员工作人格魅力的培养
5.A Brief Exploration into the Teachers Personality Charms of the Political and Ideological Education in Colleges and Universities;高校思想政治教育教师人格魅力探微
6.The Personality Charm of Deng Xiao-ping from His “Three-Up-and-Down”;从“三落三起”看邓小平的党性人格魅力
7.Talk about the Teacher s Personality Glamour and Students Phenomenon of Playing Truant;论教师的人格魅力与学生的逃课现象
8.A Study on the Advance of a Member of CPC and His Personality Charm;共产党员的先进性与其人格魅力探析
9.Mould the Personality Glamours of Ideology and Politics Educators;塑造思想政治教育工作者的人格魅力
10.The Personality Glamour of Teachers Influences on the Growing of College Students;教师的人格魅力对大学生成长的影响
11.Exploration of Xu Xia-ke’s Personality and the Tragic Elements of his Traveling notes;徐霞客人格魅力及其《游记》悲剧探源
12.On the Party Spirit and Personality Charm of College Student Party Member论大学生党员的党性修养与人格魅力
13.Personal Charm and Personality Shaping of Academic Journal Editors in New Era;浅谈新时期学术期刊编辑人格魅力及人格塑造
14.Personality Glamour of Confucius as a Teacher and Contemporary Teachers Personality Molding;孔子为师的人格魅力与现代教师的人格塑造
15.Mencius Ideal of Moral Quality, Personal Fascination and its Significance in Modern Times;孟子的人格理想、人格魅力及其当代意义
16.Influence of Personality Charm of Moral-Education Teachers in University on Talents Training高校德育教师人格魅力对人才培养的影响力
17.The Influence of Charisma of Teachers Personality on College Students;教师的人格魅力对大学生人文素质的影响
18.Noble and Unsullied Moral Character Showed in Li Qingzhao s Ci--Personal Charm Seen from Li QingZhao s Words;品性高洁 词如其人——从李清照的词看其人格魅力

personal charm人格魅力
1.The personal charm of academic journal editors comes from their willingness to sacrifice,determination to advance with the times, readiness to cooperate,and enthusiasm in their work.编辑的人格魅力主要表现为甘为人梯的精神和创新进取的时代精神、团结协作的精神和肩负着出书育人的基本职责等。
2.Working as a counselor of the main contingent of college students,their personal charm in the shape of the character is a very prominent position.大学生的人格塑造是高校学生工作的重要内容,辅导员作为高校学生工作队伍的主体部分,其人格魅力在大学生人格塑造中的地位是很突出的,它是一种综合影响力,具有非强制性、广泛性和持久性等特点。
3.It s an important way to achieve self-realization and with personal charm to achieve the effective leadership that establishing a correct attitude,strengthening the will to i.确立正确的态度、磨练坚定的意志、完善心智模式、培育健康的情绪情感,是领导干部充善个性达到自我实现,并以优秀的人格魅力赢得下属的拥戴而实现有效领导、获得成功的重要途径。
1.Taking into account the author s years of teaching experience,the article explains the building of modern teachers personality from the senses of self-cultivation;equality,professional dedication and innovation.文章结合多年的教学体会,从修身意识、平等意识、敬业意识和创新意识四方面阐述了现代教师人格魅力的塑造。
2.To study his personality charm has a practical significance for the construction of the Party.他的崇高威望不仅仅来自于他的丰功伟绩,还来自于他独特的党性人格魅力
4)charm of personality人格魅力
1.He not only drew magnificant blueprint about reform and opening-up and socialist modernization construction of China,but also earned esteem from the Chinese people for his extraordinary charm of personality.本文从邓小平坚忍不拔的个性、不计前嫌的气度、直率放言的风格、荐贤让位的风范、人民公朴的形象这一颇具特色的人格魅力的角度出发,再展伟人的风采。
5)personality glamour人格魅力
1.He was esteemed and respected by descendants,which lies in his firm faith in recovering Han Dynasty and revitalizing Liu,his remarkable political ability of predicting like a prophet,directing with perfect ease,and his personality glamour shown in the conduct of being loyal to the masses and solicitous of the country and being clear and upright in corruption and intelligence.他之所以备受后人的敬慕和爱戴,在于其复汉兴刘的坚定信仰,卓然不群的政治才能,料事如神、指挥若定的军事才干,以及忠公体国、清正廉明的品行所展示的人格魅力
2.Teachers personality glamour is the power of education.教师的人格魅力就是教育力量,它不仅影响学生的情感和学业,更影响着学生品德的形成和发展。
3.Confucius, with his extensive and profound educational ideology and peculiar personality glamour, established a vivid image of the greatest sage and teacher for later generations.孔子以他博大精深的教育思想和独特的人格魅力,为后人树立了一个鲜活的至圣先师形象。
6)teachers charm of personality教师的人格魅力
