1.On the compilation of educational history of the Republic共和国教育史编撰的新探索
2.Under the guidance of Marxism,the compilation of Chinese national history has made praiseworthy achievements but has also shown such weakness as "confinement to the theory of five social forms".在马克思主义指导下,中国民族史的编撰取得了可喜的成就,但同时也存在局限于“五种社会形态理论”等明显的缺陷。
3.This book aimed at looking for the way to deal with aggressor, so it brings forth new ideas in compilation such as the historical materials method of Westerner talking the Western world, the synthetically writing forms and the introducing of science and technology, which make it the first systematic work on history, geography and culture of the world.魏源写作《海国图志》贯穿着鲜明的经世致用精神,故在编撰上具有与传统历史地理著作不同的特色。

1.National History Compilation Committee国家历史编撰委员会
2.The process or work of writing or compiling a dictionary.词典编撰词典的编纂或撰写的过程或工作
3.Carrying forward the Traditional Culture, Making Books Compiling Booming;弘扬传统文化,繁荣图书编撰——评《中国古籍编撰史》
4.It took him over 27 years to write his book.他花了27年的时间来编撰这部词典。
5.It takes years of work to compile a dictionary.编撰一本字典要花很多年的工作。
6.Editorial Features and Historical Contribution of Chronicles of the Later Han Dynasty《后汉纪》的编撰特色及其史学地位
7.The Research on the Compilation and Literature Value of Tang Hui Yao;《唐会要》的编撰体例及其文献价值
8.The Research of Compiling and System on Zang Maoxun s "Yuan Opera to Be Elected";臧懋循《元曲选》的编撰及体制研究
9.Regarding the Systematicness of Documentary Compiling in The Analects from Notes and Commentaries on The Analects;从《论语注疏》看《论语》文献编撰的系统性
10.On the Typology,Characteristics and Compiling Principles of Translatological Dictionaries;翻译学词典的类型、特征及其编撰原则
11.On Duan Yucai Contribution in Book Arrangement from Shou Wen Zhu;从《说文注》看段玉裁对图书编撰的贡献
12.Meditation on Compilation of Teaching Materials for Contemporary World History;关于世界现代史教材编撰的几点思考
13.Protection of Person: the Basic Value in Chinese Civil Codification;人的保护:中国民法典编撰的价值基础
14.On Compiling of Teaching Materials of Multinational Chinese Ancient Literature History;多民族中国古代文学史教材编撰侧议
15.Probing into the Reasons Why Jin Lou Zi Wasn t Recorded in Liang Shu;《梁书》不载《金楼子》考——兼论《梁书》编撰问题
16.On the "Sample" in Mother-tongue Textbooks and its Compiling Strategy;语文教材中的“例文”及其编撰策略
17.Problems on "History and Theory" in Compilation of Chinese History of Modern Literature中国现代文学史编撰中的“史与论”问题
18.Establishment of order:compilation and meaning of Records of Great Clans in Xin'an秩序的确立:《新安名族志》的编撰与意义

1.Based on a brief introduction to the history of development of college English textbooks,this paper analyses the problems lying beneath the compiling and publication of college English textbooks,and finally puts forward some rules for the compiling of college English textbooks in the new era.文章从我国大学英语教材的发展历程着手,探讨了我国大学英语教材编撰与出版发行中存在的问题,并就大学英语教材的编撰提供了具体的建议。
2.Over a hundred years, the compiling and research of the history of fictions not only inherited Luxun s remarkable stylistic rules, layouts and compiling methods, but brought forth many new ideas and breakthroughs as well.一百年来,小说史的编撰与研究不仅保持着鲁迅《史略》的优秀编写体例与方法,也在不断前进,并有了许多创新与突破。
3.Tibetan historic works plays an important role in Tibetan historiography,being rich in content and original in compiling form.藏族史学著作是藏族史学史的重要组成部分,以内容丰富、编撰形式独特而在史学史上独放异彩。
4)compilation style编撰体例
1.LI Shi-zhen was a famous scholar of the materia medica who used the compilation style of historiography literature by ZHU Xi for his own reference.本草学家李时珍,借鉴朱熹创制的史学文献编撰体例——纲目体,对陶弘景以来旧本草编撰形式——朱墨分书小字增注,进行了彻底改革,成功的编撰出了举世闻名的《本草纲目》,为本草文献的编撰开辟了一条新路。
5)compilation reasons编撰原因
6)compiling years编撰年代
