1.This paper makes a study of the contents of the letters from Wu Mi to Zou Mingzhang, and Wu s mood as well as the social background when the letters were written.本文分析了《吴宓先生给邹名璋侄的信》的内容及吴宓写这封信时的心情和时代背景。

1.A state of mind or emotion.心情,心境,情绪一种心理或情感的状态
2.a melancholy mood, person悲伤的心情、 人.
3.a remorseful confession, mood痛悔的自白、 心情.
4.a serene autumnal mood.平静的已过中年的心情
5.a serious person, mind, appearance严肃的人、 心情、 外表
6.Tom has a larkish mood.汤姆有嬉戏的心情
7.a person who shows no gratitude.不表示感谢的心情的人。
8.She came home with a heavy heart.她心情沉重地回到家里。
9.He swam back across the lake with a light heart.他心情愉快地游过湖水。
10.I stood with a heavy heart.我心情沉重地站在那里,
11.he answered her cantankerously.他心情烦躁地答复了她。
12.They parted with heavy hearts.他们心情沉重地分别了。
13.My heart was at peace.我的心情平静下来了。
14.took leave of her with a heavy heart.心情沉重地和她道别
15.a sloppy, sentimental love story伤情感心的爱情小说.
16.religious [patriotic] sentiment宗教情操 [爱国心]
17."I sympathize with you."“我是真心同情你……”
18.expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings; disposed toward.表示同情的、有同情心的、出于同情的或富于同情心的;有此倾向的。

Frame of mind; disposition.心情;性情
3)a framestate ] of mind心情, 心境
4)in a good humour心情(情绪)好
5)Mood and feelings心情地图
1.All above let us to think about what the relationship is between "psycho-emotion" and language.心理情绪模式小说在当代小说林中可谓蔚为大观的一派 ,同时语言又已上升到本体论的意义 ,这不禁让我们思考其“心理情绪”与语言形式是怎样的一种关系。
