1.Study on the Idea of Taiyi in Jiugong in the Huangdi Neijing;《黄帝内经》中太一行九宫思想研究
2.From Mathematic view,this article analyses Jiugong,the Eight Diagrams and Chinese Zodiac in versatile map of Thangka in order to find trails of ethical cultural interaction.文章从数学文化的角度对唐卡"万有图"中的九宫、八卦、十二属相进行探析,旨在发现各民族文化交融的影子,展现藏民族非物质文化基础及独特的心理文化。

1.Comprehensive Notation for Southern and Northern Ci-Poetry《九宫大成南北词宫谱》
2.Five-element, Nine-palace, and the Eight-trigram:A recount and commentary on the theory of Five-element and Nine-palace in HU Wei s Yi tu Ming bian;五行、九宫与八卦——胡渭《易图明辨》"五行、九宫"说述评
3.On the Five Improprieties of the Formats in "Great Courtly Treasure of Ci from South and North"《九宫大成南北词宫谱》体例“五不当”论
4.Reconstruct Pitches of Tone of Every Tone s Music Word in Jiugong Dacheng Beici Scores(九宫大成北词宫谱);《九宫大成北词宫谱》各声调乐字调值拟测
5.A Study on the Tune Sort of Shizi Xu in Nanqu Jiugong Zhengshi;《南曲九宫正始》[狮子序]曲牌的宫调归属论析
6.Discuss again the Problem of Governing the Split of the Entering Tone through JiuGongDaChengBeiCiGongpu(《九宫大成北词宫谱》)《九宫大成北词宫谱》所反映的“入派三声”问题再论
7.Sagittarius is an Autumn Zodiac Sign( as are the Signs of Libra and Scopio)。射手:黄道十二宫的第九宫,每年11月22日前后太阳到这一宫。
8.Study on the Natural Value of the Forest Ecological Resources in Mount Jiugong;九宫山森林生态资源自然价值量研究
9.the ninth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from November 22 to December 21.黄道带上第九宫;太阳月日至月日在此区域。
10.The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid.出题人会给出一个已填充部分数字的九宫格。
11.Study of South Plays in Song and Yuan and Legends in Ming and Qing Dynasty Embodied in "Jiu Gong Da Cheng Opern";《九宫大成》收录的宋元南戏与明清传奇考
12.Thoughts of Nan Jiugong and its correlation of Notation;“南九宫”之疑——兼述与南曲谱相关的诸问题
13.Local biodiversity protecting and tourist resources exploiting on Jiugong Mount Hubei Province;湖北九宫山生物多样性与旅游资源开发研究
14.Foundation of the Universe Evolution on the Taiji Figure and the Figure of Nine Squares - Eight Diagrams - Five Elements;太极图的宇宙演化基础和九宫八卦五行图
15.Landscape Evaluation on Wild Ornamental Plant Resources in Jiugong Mountain九宫山野生观赏植物资源及其园林应用评价
16.Libra and Scopio). This time of year is also known as the Light Snow... a time of harvest when the days and nights are of equal length.射手:黄道十二宫的第九宫,每年11月22日前后太阳到这一宫。那时的节气是小雪。
17.Clarification of Indigenous and Exotic Rare and Endangered Plant Species in Jiugongshan Nature Reserve九宫山自然保护区本土和外来珍稀濒危植物的澄清
18.The entire complex contains over 9,000 rooms.整个故宫里共有九千多个房间。

1.The "nine-rectangle-grid" is a very simple plan, but it plays an important part in Chinese architecture developing process."九宫格"是一种非常简单的平面几何形式,但在中国传统建筑与文化漫长的发展历程中,却以此为基础,演化出千变万化的建筑空间,并赋予其丰富的文化内涵。
3)nine palaces九宫城
4)Jiuchenggong town九成宫镇
1.Solving the Problem of "JiuGongTu" by VB Program;编写VB程序解决“九宫图”问题
6)Jiu Gong Da Cheng Opern《九宫大成》
1.Study of South Plays in Song and Yuan and Legends in Ming and Qing Dynasty Embodied in "Jiu Gong Da Cheng Opern";《九宫大成》收录的宋元南戏与明清传奇考
