1.It is because that he had profound knowledge and attainment,and the natural sight of Baihua San-bar in Dengzhou molded his sentiment.不曾到过岳阳楼的范仲淹却能写出传诵千古的《岳阳楼记》,一是由于学植深厚,二是得力于邓州百花洲自然美景的陶冶,三是想象力丰富,四是具有政治家博大的襟怀。

1.Works of taste can refine the mind.高雅的作品能陶冶心灵。
2.Green hills and clear waters are the Best place for you to mould your temperament.青山绿水是您陶冶情操的好地方。
3.Some people think military service is character-building.有些人认为服兵役能陶冶情操.
4.Take exercises with sports, mould soul with art.35用体育锻炼身体,用艺术陶冶心灵.
5.Make three wishes. Be strong. Nurture your soul.许三个愿望。坚强起来。陶冶情操。
6."Taking Kettle for Potting and Iron for Forging"-On Liu Xianxin's Cultural View;“取釜铁于陶冶”:刘咸炘文化思想研究
7.Ideal and Surmount Chinese Cultural Teaching in Primary School;理想与突围:小学语文陶冶性教学探索
8.On the Lingustic Sense Training and Aesthetic Molding in Chinese Teaching;论语文教学中的语感训练与审美陶冶
9.On the Moral Sentiments of College Students Molded by the Aesthetic Education论艺术美育对大学生道德情操的陶冶
10.At this school we aim to cultivate the minds of all the children we teach.在这所学校里,我们旨在陶冶学生的心灵。
11.He read edifying books to improve his mind.他读一些陶冶性情的书籍,以提高自己的心智。
12.Induce student's emphasis on and lifting of their own discipline of Characteristic.3.二、发学生重视并提升人文素养以陶冶性情、格。
13.reading the best authors in an attempt to cultivate her mind她为陶冶情操而阅读最优秀作家的作品.
14.The peaceful and auspicious atmosphere in the room is the Best circumstances in which one can mould one's character.宁静祥和的居室气氛,是陶冶情操的最佳境地。
15.The residents' spending on cultural and artistic activities, body- building and health care has grown steadily, while that on children's non-compulsory education and self-reeducation has increased considerably.用于陶冶情操、增进身心健康的文化艺术、健身保
16."300 Tang Poems" Edification on Middle School Students Personality and Aesthetic;论《唐诗三百首》对中学生人格和审美趣味的陶冶
17.An Analysis of Wang Fuzhi s Theory of Poetic Aesthetic Role;“陶冶性情,别有风旨”——王夫之诗歌美感作用论简析
18.My Viewpoints on Health and Sports──The Edification Values of Sports;健康与体育关系之我见──兼谈体育的陶冶性价值

1.This paper mostly on the spiritual systematic and material aspects and then expands the three functions as follows: the creative function, the cooperative function and the moulding function.在现有的有关校园文化功能研究的基础上,侧重从物质、制度、精神三个层面上拓展出创造、协调、陶冶三大功能,对每一功能的内容和依据进行了论述,就拓展的可行性和必要性进行了论证,提出了拓展的方式,强调了在拓展中应注意处理好正极和负极功能及在校园文化建设中怎样利用和发挥这些功能的作用。
3)edify idea陶冶思想
1.The meanings of the edify idea represents at the aims of the study,the mode of study,the knowledge,the relationship of the student and teacher,the process of the study etc.以存在主义哲学为理论基础的陶冶思想对当今的教育理论与实践仍然折射出鲜活的时代气息。
4)to mould the character陶冶心灵
5)Emotional Nurture情感陶冶
6)individuality mould个性陶冶

陶冶1.陶工和铸工。 2.谓烧制陶器和冶炼金属。 3.制作和烧炼(陶瓷器)。 4.陶铸。教化培育。 5.谓怡情养性。