1.Ansai oil field is characterized by low Permeability, low pressure, low output and adverse natural conditions, so surface engineering construction of Ansal oil field has great difficulty.本文论述了安塞油田主要特点是:低渗、低压、低产,自然环境恶劣,油田地工程建设难度大。
2.CLIGEN is a stochastic climate generator,based on the daily observed values of rainfall,the maximum and minimum temperature and average wind velocity from 1986 to 2003 at comprehensive experimental station of soil and water conservation in Ansai and other climate factors gained by corresponding station all over the American,whose applicability in Loess Plateau is tested.为进一步检验水蚀预报模型WEPP在黄土高原的适用性,并提供必要的数据准备,根据安塞水土保持综合试验站1986—2003年的日序列的降雨量、最高温度、最低温度和平均风速的实测值及全美范围内选择参照站得到的其他气象因子,对随机气候生成器在黄土高原的适用性进行了检验。

1.Chang2 Reservoir Characteristics and Diagenesis of Sai5, Sai431 Region in Pingqiao Area,Ansai Oilfield安塞油田坪桥地区塞5、塞431区长2储层特征与成岩作用
2.Ansett Transport Industries Limited安塞特运输工业股份有限公司
3.He told him where the old man, Anselmo, was posted.他告诉他老头儿安塞尔莫放哨的地方。
4.Afterwards you may turn towards Ansai, and induce the enemy to move west again.再后你们可折向安塞方面,引敌再向西。
5.Anselmo swung his heavy pack up.安塞尔莫背起沉重的背包。
6.On one hand, loss implies gain; on the other hand, gain implies loss .塞翁失马,安知非福;塞翁得马,安知非祸。
7.The piston end of the rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin, or wrist pin.连杆的活塞端用活塞销或销轴安装在活塞上。
8.Install rings and confirm ring side clearance:安装活塞环,并确认活塞环侧间隙:
9.The grooves into which they fit are called ring grooves.安装活塞环的凹槽称为活塞环槽。
10.Good-evening, M. de Morcerf."晚安,马尔塞夫先生。”
11.Installing Balls in Rack Piston在齿条活塞上安装球
12.The Catacombs of Saint Sebastian圣·塞巴斯蒂安的陵墓
13.Her parents' names are Allah and Sergei.父母名叫安拉和塞格尔。
14.Old Sebastian's on the spree again.老塞巴斯蒂安又狂欢了。
15.The Indians besieged the fort.印第安人围困了要塞。
16.Venus and Anchises维纳斯和安切塞斯(绘画)
17.The Indians encompassed the fortress.印地安人包围要塞。
18.In the fall of 1991, the Anderea Gail left Glousceter. MA.1991年安德列·盖尔号离开马萨诸塞州格鲁塞斯港。

Ansai oil field安塞油田
1.Sedimentary microfacies of Chang-6 reservoir of Yanchang Formation in Xinghe area of Ansai Oil Field;安塞油田杏河地区长6油层沉积微相研究
2.Diagenesis and its effect on reservoir quality in Chang-2 reservoir of Ansai Oil Field;安塞油田长2油层成岩作用及其对储层物性的影响
3.The effective driving pressure system study and adjustment techniques of waterflooding in Ansai oil field;安塞油田特低渗透油藏有效驱替压力系统研究及注水开发调整技术
3)Ansai Oilfield安塞油田
1.Study on the Techniques for Waterflooding in Ansai Oilfield;安塞油田注水开发技术研究
2.Sedimentary microfacies characteristic of Chang2 reservoir of Sai431 wellblock in Ansai oilfield;安塞油田塞431井区长2油层沉积微相特征
3.Application of Acidizing Technology for Plugging Removal and Injection Enhancement with.Vibration and Fracturing in Ansai Oilfield;振动压裂复合酸化解堵增注技术在安塞油田的应用
4)Ansai district安塞地区
1.Sedimentary system of Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in Ansai district;安塞地区上三叠统延长组沉积体系研究
2.By applying of sequence stratigraphy principle, connecting with the data of outcrop and core, the strata in Yanchang formation in Ansai district have been divided into S1, S2, S3 and S4.运用层序地层学原理,结合野外剖面和钻井资料,根据不同的层序界面,将安塞地区延长组划分为4个层序,自下而上为S1、S2、S3和S4。
5)Ansai county Northern Shaanxi陕北安塞
6)Ansai County安塞县
1.Land Structure of Ansai County in the Loess Plateau;黄土丘陵沟壑区安塞县土地结构
2.Regional agriculture resource predominance and development in Ansai County of Shaanxi Province;陕西安塞县农业地域资源优势及开发
3.Ecological De-farming Scenarios and Their Influences on Agricultural Development of Ansai County on Loess Plateau;黄土高原安塞县生态退耕情景及农业影响

安塞定药物名称:头孢他啶英文名:Ceftazidime别名:头孢噻甲羧肟、头孢塔齐定、噻甲酸肟头孢菌素、凯复定、复达欣、头孢他定、安塞定外文名:Ceftazidime, Ceftazidime Pentahydrate ,Fortum, CAZ, CTZ, Eposeyin, Fortaz, Modocin 作用与用途:本品为第三代头孢菌素类抗生素,抗菌活力较强,抗菌谱较广,是抗绿脓杆菌最强的注射用头孢菌素,对革兰阳性或阴性菌均具有较强作用。对革兰阳性菌、阴性菌产生的β内酰胺酶具有高度的稳定性,本品对绿脓杆菌、大肠杆菌、克雷白杆菌、变形杆菌、肠球菌、沙门菌、志贺菌、淋病奈瑟菌、脑膜炎奈瑟菌、金葡菌、溶血性链球菌、肺炎球菌及产气杆菌等具有强的抗菌活性。 可用于治疗单纯的感染或由两种以上敏感菌引起的混合感染。临床上主要用于败血症、菌血症、支气管炎、肺炎、胸膜炎、腹膜炎、肾盂肾炎、尿路感染、前列腺炎、膀胱炎、耳鼻咽喉感染、皮肤和软组织感染、骨和关节感染、盆腔炎及烧伤等。 剂量与用法: 肌注,成人,0.5g~1g/次,1次/8~12小时,严重感染每日可增至6g;儿童,每日30mg~100mg/kg,分2~3次给予,严重感染可增至每日150mg/kg。2个月内新生儿每日25mg~60mg/kg,分2次给予。 副作用:1 过敏反应,主要是红斑及荨麻疹、瘙痒、药物热,偶有血管性水肿、气喘和低血压。 2 恶心、呕吐及腹泻等胃肠道反应。 3 血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶可轻度升高。偶见血肌酐或血尿素氮升高。可能发生一过性白细胞降低、中性粒细胞下降、血小板下降、Coomb's试验阳性。 4 局部肌注部位可引起疼痛,静注可引起静脉炎或血栓性静脉炎。 5 少有头痛、眩晕感觉失常等神经系统反应。 6 对头孢菌素类抗生素有过敏的病人禁用。 注意事项: 对青霉素过敏或头孢菌素过敏者慎用。 长疗程用药可能发生二重感染。 哺乳期妇女慎用。与肾毒性抗生素或强效利尿剂联合应用可能加重肾损害,应予注意。规格: 注射剂: 0.25g, 0.5g, 1g ,2g/支(静注用);2g/支(静滴用)。类别:抗生素\β-内酰胺类\头孢菌素类