1.Within thescope of the feminist paintings,Frida is the most frequently mentioned name.谈及女性主义绘画,弗里达是最容易被涉及其中的。

1.Freda : Go on, surprise me.弗里达:你说吧,看有什么意料不到的。
2.Freda: Well, don't give them any money until they've sung at least one carol all the way through.弗里达:要他们至少唱完一首颂歌,才把钱给他们。
3.Freda : Really? Why did they choose your town?弗里达:是吗?他们为什么选了你们的城市?
4.Point of view as a whole in emotion research--Commentary on Frjida s theory of constellation;情绪研究中的一种整体观——弗里达群集理论述评
5.Freda Bcenter says, Only in opera do people die of love.Itstrue.弗里达·布赖特说过:“只有在歌剧中,人们才会为爱而死。”
6.My dear Jane, my wife and I are both very happy at the thought that you and Frieda are going to be married.亲爱的简,我和我的妻子想到你和弗里达就要结婚,都十分高兴。
7.He realized that there is very little that he can offer Frieda materially.他认识到他在物质上能给予弗里达的帮助实在是微不足道的。
8.On Frida Kahlo s Artistic Creation: Two Methods in Exploring and Interpreting Her Art;论弗里达·卡罗的艺术创作——用两种方法对画家艺术的解读探索
9.O ceanfront Townhouses,Atlantic Beach,Florida,USA,1979-1982弗罗里达大西洋海滨砂丘住宅,美国
10.There is Florida or Hawaiian Islands to choose from.可供选择的是弗罗里达或夏威夷群岛。
11.Pvt. James Frederick, Ryan: James Frederick Ryan, Minnesota.弗雷德里克:詹姆斯·弗雷德里克·瑞恩,明尼苏达州的。
12.Juventus are chasing Olympique Lyon winger Florent Malouda.尤文图斯正在追求里昂边锋弗洛伦特·马卢达。
13.Appreciation of the Classic Comedy Le Tartuffe;欧洲古典喜剧的经典作品——莫里哀的《达尔杜弗》
14.Inhabitants in North Dakota definitely buy more heavy clothes than residents in Florida.(北达科他州的住民购买的衣服肯定比弗洛里达州的居民更厚重。
15.A native or inhabitant of the Frisian Islands or Friesland.弗里西人弗里西岛或弗里斯兰省的土著或居民
16."I understand how to put you in a corner, Mr. Darnay,"said bully Stryver“我会把你驳得无话可说的,达内先生。”盛气凌人的斯特里弗说。
17.Forrester predicts that by 2003 that figure could reach over $3 trillion.弗里斯特调查公司预言到2003年这一数字将达到3万亿美元。
18.Chanton, a chemist, teaches in the department of oceanography at Florida State University.强顿在弗罗里达州立大学海洋学系担任化学教授。

Frida Kahlo弗里达
1.Loneliness——Soil of Frida Kahlo's Art孤独:弗里达艺术的土壤
2.Life and death were the absolute themes of two artistic talent\'s works,Edvard Munch and Frida Kahlo.蒙克与弗里达,一男一女两位天才艺术家,生命与死亡曾是他们绘画的绝对主题。
3)Frida Kahlo弗里达·卡罗
1.On Frida Kahlo s Artistic Creation: Two Methods in Exploring and Interpreting Her Art;论弗里达·卡罗的艺术创作——用两种方法对画家艺术的解读探索
4)GIUFFRIDA, Manlio曼利奥·朱弗里达
5)Analysis on Frida s Arts of Drawing弗里达绘画艺术论
6)Frida Kahlo s Mysterious Style弗里达的神秘画风

达磨弗多【达磨弗多】 (人名)Dharmaputra,太子名。译曰法子。见历代三宝记八。