
1.They have taken the juice and taste out of them.他们享尽了荣华富贵
2.Prosperity make friend, and adversity tires them.富贵易交友,患难见交情。
3.tasted of the life of the very rich.享受富贵人家的生活
4.Tom was Born with a silver [golden] spoon in his mouth.汤姆生于富贵之家。
5.be born to the purple:出生富贵之家,出身名门
6.Death is no respecter of persons.死神不区分贫富贵贱.
7.regardless of their social status or wealth.而不去区分贫富贵贱。
8.be no/not be any respecter of persons不问贫富贵贱,一视同仁
9.The "Fugui Hong" is made of precious materials by means of elaborate techniques; the unpriced metal tantalum also is added for manufacturing this ceramic.“富贵红”用材金贵、工艺精贵,在红釉中加了比黄金还贵的金属钽。
10.The peony is flower of riches and honour , depths accept VIPs's being fond of.牡丹花为富贵之花,深受达官贵人的喜爱。
11.Amid the tinsel and shine of her state walked Carrie, unhappy.嘉莉身居荣华富贵之中,但并不幸福。
12.It will all the same a hundred year hence.贫富贵贱生前分,百年之后化为尘。
13.Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him.富贵不能淫, 贫贱不能移, 威武不能屈。
14.The vermilion gates and windows better highlight the wealth and rank of her family.朱漆的门窗更能突显她家的荣华富贵
15.His life isn't such a bed of roses!他这辈子反正也享不到什么荣华富贵
16.Books are the treasured wealth of the world“书是世界珍贵的财富,
17.I believe that my profound background and my qualifications would make me an outstanding asset to your school.我相信我丰富的背景和我的资质能使我成为贵校的宝贵财富。
18.Selection and Regionalization of Se-Enriched Crops in Typical Seleniferous Region of Guizhou Province贵州典型富硒区富硒农作物的筛选与区划

Gynura divaricata富贵菜
1.The Preliminary Diagnosis on Bacterial Wilt of Gynura divaricata;富贵菜青枯病的初步诊断
3)Dracaena sanderiana Virens富贵竹
1.Relation Between Contents of Soluble Sugar and Protein in Dracaena sanderiana Virens and Bacterial Stem Rot;富贵竹中可溶性糖、蛋白质含量与细菌性茎腐病的关系
2.Study on Indoor Processing Technique for Dracaena sanderiana Virens ;富贵竹室内加工技术研究
4)Pachysandra terminalis富贵草
1.Study on the Effect of Killing Snail with Pachysandra terminalis;富贵草杀灭钉螺效应研究
2.The histological characteristics of the root,rootstock,stem, leaf and flower of Pachysandra terminalis were reported.报道了富贵草HerbaPachysandraterminalis的根、根茎、茎、叶和花的组织结构特征,为准确鉴别该药材及为本属植物的系统分类提供了依据。
3.Pachysandra terminalis an evergreen bush and shadeloving.为了探讨富贵草的耐阴性,用黑色遮阴网设置了4种光强(全日照,24。
5)Dracaena Sanderiana富贵竹
1.Studies on Cutting Surface Preservative and Storage and Transport of Dracaena Sanderiana;富贵竹切口保鲜及贮运研究
2.Studies on the Chlorophyll Biological Synthesis in Dracaena sanderiana彩叶富贵竹叶绿素生物合成代谢的研究
3.Molecular Identification of Badnavirus in Dracaena sanderiana from Hubei of China富贵竹中杆状DNA病毒湖北分离物的分子鉴定
6)D. sanderiana Virens ornamental tower富贵竹塔
