1.Her literature ideas came to be based on naturalness under the regional culture,in the contemporary and linguistic context,Zhang Hong applied the traditional ideal of basing on naturalness to literary and artistic creation,from the relationship among the freedom of literary expression aesthetic spirit and aesthetic angle in the reality and truth,making Zhang Hong unique magic.生于陕南汉中的张虹,受地域文化影响,形成了崇尚自然之道的文学思想。
2.In his later years, SUN Li s aesthetic ideas came to be based on the ideal of naturalness.孙犁晚年形成了以崇尚自然之道为基质的美学思想。

1.Natural Law and Human Ethic - Interest of Painting Chinese mei;自然之道、人伦之理——画梅的意趣
2.Sex Taboos and Nature in the Medieval English Poem Cleanness;性禁忌和自然之道:14世纪英文布道诗《净洁》
3.The aging and death of leaves is nature's way of saving water and growth chemicals from year to year.树叶的衰老及死亡是树年复一年的节省水和生长物质的自然之道
4.The Difference between Taoistic Thought Emulates Nature and Western Natural Law“道法自然”与“自然法”思想之差异
5."Tao" of Confucian's Human Relationships and"Tao" of Taoistic Nature儒家人伦之“道”、道家自然之“道”与中国古代文论
6.The Confucian school adores the beauty of “harmony”whereas the Taoist school advocates the beauty of “nature”.儒家推崇“中和”之美,道家向往“自然”之趣。
7.Comments tao yanming s character,views on nature;大道自然——陶渊明的玄学人格及其自然之乐
8."Following the natural law, everything will go on smoothly. Disobeying it, even the success obtained cannot be kept for long"得天之道,其事若自然,失天之道,虽立不安
9.Shinto is the natural indigenous religion of Japan.日本之神道教是日本本土的自然教。
10.For Longjing Tea freshness and a naturally healthy mouth.清新的龙井绿茶,口腔自然健康之道。
11.The Taoist Arts and the Beauty of Naturalness in Modern Chinese Literature;道家艺术与中国现代文学的自然之美
12.Immortal Music of Silence and Clearness Following with the Concept Dao Emulates Nature--Research on the Music Culture of Taoism仙乐清妙,道法自然——道教音乐文化之研究
13.A Daoism follower does not try to fight against nature, but lives in harmony with it.学道之人尽量不与自然冲突,而要与之和睦相处。
14.The humanity that cares for nature itself contains the moral demands for kind treatments to natural objects.关爱自然界之人性本身就蕴涵着人要善待自然存在物的道德要求。
15.The Comparison about the Natural Teleology of Hans Jonas and Chinese Ancient Confucianists and Taoists;汉斯·约纳斯与中国古代儒道自然目的观之比较
16.On Chuang Tzu s Way to Care for Life;论庄子的从“自然无为”到“离形去知”的养生之道
17.On Natural Rights in Civil Law--An Example of Fusion of Morality and Law;民法上自然权利初论——道德与法律间融合之一斑
18.On the Causes for the Tension between Man and Nature and Ways of Easing;论人与自然关系紧张的原因与缓解之道

inevitable way应然之道
3)Beauty of nature自然之美
1.It is composed of such aspects as "beauty of nature","beauty of movement","beauty of space" and "beauty of artistic conception".从中国古代哲学“虚与实”的视角分析了中国文士园林的美学特征 ;运用了一些哲学与美学的观点对已经熟知的园林进行了美学特征的分析 ,并从“自然之美”、“运动之美”、“空间之美”和“意境之美”四个方面进行了论证与阐释 ,证明了“虚与实”对中国古典园林的重要影响和意义 ;试图透过中国古典园林表面的形式美 ,发现其内质的
4)death of nature自然之死
1.To avoid appearing of tragedy that death of nature results in advance death of human being, world outlook of human being must be changed thoroughly.自然之死必将导致人类之死,而引发自然之死———生态危机的根源在于近代人类中心主义的广泛传播,人类中心主义得以立足的价值根基是主体性原则统治下的主客二分的世界观,要避免因自然之死导致人类提前死亡的悲剧发生,就必须在人类世界观上实现根本性转变,而海德格尔、莫尔特曼对现代文化的深层信念所做的批判性反思,为人类实现这一转变提供了一个前进道路上的路标。
5)things of the nature自然之物
6)Natural Beauty自然之美
1.The landscapes are represented by the poets who wrote them by means of condensing and abstracting the scenery and their emotion based on natural beauty and their own taste, which.中国人历来就喜爱赞美自然山水,因此也留下了众多描写自然之美的诗歌。
2.The general features of his rural literature are real natural beauty and strong flavour of folk custom.其乡土文学的总体特征是具有真实的自然之美和浓郁的民俗韵味。
3.Pose Zhong Rong s doctrine of “Natural Virtue”to expound the natural beauty of poetry from the modern academic vision;pose Zhong Rong s “plaintive sentiment”doctrine to expound the delight of appreciating tragedy;bring up again Zhong Rong s doctrine of “Taste”to discuss the expression of poetic emotion;Comment on Zhong Rong s approach of “Grades”and point out its limitation in tradition.以现代的学术视野提出钟嵘的“自然英旨”说以论述诗歌自然之美;提出钟嵘的“怨悱”说以论述诗歌的审悲快感;重新提出钟嵘的“滋味”说以讨论诗歌的情感抒发。

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