皴法,texturing method
1)texturing method皴法
1.Abstract: This paper chooses chinese landscape panting as its research object, because texturing method is a form of art language coming from the practice of landscape painters and it gradually becomes a complete system and had its specific values.本文选择中国山水画皴法作为研究对象,理由在于:皴法是历代山水画家在“外师造化”、“中得心源”的实践中提炼出来的艺术语言形式,并在不断发展中形成了一套完整的体系,从而具有了独特的价值地位。
2.The texturing method, through which the aesthetic style of Chinese landscape painting is reflected well, is the most primary technique.皴法是山水画中最主要的技法,山水画审美风格的体现,主要表现在皴法上。
3.In the process of artists exploring the technique to deeply expressing the nature s outlook and spirit, texturing method was born.皴法的产生是画家深入表现大自然的形质的探索结果。

1.Graphical Simulation Algorithm of 3D TS'UN for Chinese Landscape Painting中国山水画3D皴法的计算机仿真算法
2.On the Historical Development and Appreciative Significance of Texturing Method of Chinese Landscape Painting;试论中国山水画皴法的历史演变和审美意义
3.A Comment on the Cun Method of Chinese Landscape Paintings in the Period of Five Dynasties and Early North Song Dynasty;五代北宋初期中国山水画创作皴法简评
4.From the Development of Texturing Method Considers the Variety of Aesthetic Conceptions and Connotation Connection of the Chinese Landscape Painting;从皴法的发展看中国山水画审美取向的变化与内涵关联
5.On Integration of the Landscape Texture Stroke and the Folk Art Expressing the Times Mores论山水画笔墨皴法与民间艺术的融合体现时代面貌
6.Gaining clear ideas of the development course and the inherited relations about the texturing method, one can acquaint with the history of Chinese landscape painting on the whole.弄清了皴法的发展历程及其传承关系,也就基本上理解了一部山水画史。
7.Mountain distant mountain behind the stone, accumulate with garrulous pen black law order chapped and succeed, simple and honest , remote.山石后面的远山,用碎笔积墨法点皴而成,浑厚、悠远。
8.About her windraw face her hair trailed.脸被风刮皴了,披散着头发。
9.He used a central and side brush technique, sometimes dry, sometimes wet; both the wrinkling and rubbing methods are employed in his painting.画家中锋、侧锋兼施,尖笔、秃笔并用,长短干笔皴擦,湿笔披麻,浑成一体。
10.He was good at using the dry brush and those strokes that utilize the side of the brush.他善用侧锋淡墨,干笔皴擦,作品笔墨精粹,意境幽远。
11.acupuncture technique刺法(针法)(针刺法)
12.superstitious beliefs, ideas, practices迷信的说法、 想法、 做法.
13.Better no law than laws not enforced.有法不依法,不如不立法。
14.Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court高等法院原讼法庭法官
15.Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court高等法院上诉法庭法官
16.The jurisdiction of a law court or judge.法庭或法官的司法权
17.Grammar cannot prevail against usage.文法无法胜过习惯用法。
18.A law court or system of law courts;a judiciary.司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度;司法系统,司法部

1.According to the complex effects and the self-similar character of the wrinkled-texture, a Chinese landscape rendering algorithm on the basis of texture synthesis is presented here.在中国水墨画仿真研究成果的基础上,深入研究山水画的笔墨和造型特点,鉴于其效果的复杂多变性及皴法纹理的自相似特征,提出了以纹理合成为基础的山水画系统仿真绘制算法。
3)On Cun and Cunfa论皴和皴法
4)Rendering of TSUN皴法渲染
5)The art of painting is rare and spccial皴法奇特
6)texture stroke笔墨皴法
