1.Impact of Feng Wei-min s personality on His Works;试论冯惟敏个性品格对其作品的影响

1.Impact of Feng Wei-min s personality on His Works;试论冯惟敏个性品格对其作品的影响
2.Moral Character and Graceful,Marvellous Poetry --Explication on Meng Haoran’s Personality and Its Influence on His Poetry Creation;品格狷洁诗清妙——试论孟浩然的个性品格及对其诗作的影响
3.Research on Character Design of Personal and Consumer Electronics Products;个人消费类电子产品的性格设计研究
4.The National Characteristics and Art Character of the Miao Feige(flying song)贵州“苗族飞歌”的民族个性与艺术品格
5.On the Overturning and Personality of Novels in 1990s;试论90年代小说的颠覆性和个性化品格
6.The totality of qualities and traits, as of character or behavior, that are peculiar to a specific person.人格品质和性格的总称,包括个性或行为,特别是特指的人
7.Practice: an Important Theory from Speeches by Mao Ze-dong;实践性:毛泽东《讲话》的一个重要理论品格
8.Food price soar during the cold weather.这个冬季食品价格猛涨。
9.He is a man of sterling character.他是一个品格优秀的人。
10.This information system shall include mandatory index and flexible index such as price, service and quality.这个信息体系包括价格、务、量等品牌的硬性指标和软性指标。
11.Disposition, the center of an individual's psychological structure, is exactly moral character, which shows one's nature.个性心理结构中的核心组成部分即性格就是品德。
12.individuality of character性格的个别性 性格的个别性
13.The brand has individuality, the brand dissemination then is inthe television dissemination has the bright individuality characteristic the personificationdissemination.品牌是有个性的,品牌传播则是电视传播中有鲜明个性特色的人格化传播。
14.On the Chinese Translation of "Personality";Personality:人格还是个性
15.ruined in character or quality.在性格或者品质上堕落。
16.Does engineering usually deliver a clean product to Validation/ System Test?工程师通常会递交一个合格的产品作确认性或系统测试吗?
17.Results For 4 culture medium products (15 batches), results of general character and asepsis test were all qualified.结果 所抽查的4种品牌成品培养基(15个批号)的一般性状与无菌试验结果均合格;
18.It is a mistake to speculatively buy commodity products like memory chips that typically go down, not up, in price.投机性地购买商品,例如存储器芯片之类价格有下降趋势、而不是上升趋势的产品是一个错误。

5)personal style个性风格
1.TV presenter s personal style plays a very important role in TV programs.电视节目主持人的个性风格对于电视节目的成败有着举足轻重的影响。

品格教育测验品格教育测验character education inquiry  品格教育$I]验(eharaeter educ“t,o”1叫uiry)用于测量诚实、自我控制以及利他主义等品德或行为特点的情境测验。由美国心理学家哈特松(Hartshorne,G.H.)和梅(May,M.A.)在20世纪20年代末期设计。测验情境都是儿童日常生活或学习中所熟悉的、自然的情境。 (郑日昌撰林传派审)