1.There have been many arguments on how to understand "pushuo" and "mili" in the sentence "The feet of male rabbits pushuo,and the eyes of female ones mili" in the folk song Mulan Poem in North Dynasty.北朝民歌《木兰诗》"雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离"中的"扑朔""迷离"作何解释,历来众说纷云莫衷一是。

1.the intricate windings of a labyrinth迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线
2.I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth.我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。
3.The men were simply mystified.男人们简直是迷离恍惚。
4.a psychedelic painting.色彩鲜艳迷离的油画。
5.Both buck and doe have a little gait And both their eyelids palpitate.雄兔脚扑朔 雌兔眼迷离
6.On the image we just did the blur on, adjust the blending to Lighten.在我们做迷离的图像,调整照亮的混和。
7.All this is very strange.所有这一切是多么扑朔迷离啊!
8.the hazy languor of a summer's afternoon夏日午后那种令人迷离恍惚的沉闷.
9.The wanderer from the way of knowledge will have his resting-place among the shades.迷离通达道路的,必住在阴魂的会中。
10.She had woken early, but drifted a while longer.她醒得很早,但继续迷离恍惚了一会。
11.He slept for a while and lapsed into dreaminess.他睡了一会儿就堕入恍忽迷离的境界。
12.Research on the Fictions in Xiaoshuo Shibao(Novel Times);迷离、演变与现代—《小说时报》之小说研究
13.Narrative Attitudes Hidden in the Title of The Blurred Gunshui River《迷离的滚水河》标题的叙事态度分析
14.Readers who have not read the whole work are completely bewildered by him.读者没有见过全本,便也被他弄得迷离惝恍。
15.Recent real estate prices remain the property should listen to the voices who?近期房地产价格扑朔迷离房价应该听谁的声音?
16.He was still drowsy from the warmth of his sleep.他刚离开被窝,还迷迷糊糊的。
17.She strayed from the road and got lost.她走离了正路,迷途了。
18.Why they leave is a mystery.他们为什么离开是个迷。

labyrinth separation迷宫分离
1.Research on wet labyrinth separation section of cooking oil fume purifying device;厨房油烟湿式迷宫分离净化设备的实验研究
3)the mysterious relationship迷离关系
4)mystery writing扑朔迷离
5)It is misty烟雾迷离
6)eyes dim with sleep睡眼迷离
