1.the Embarrassment of "serving a Qing Dynasy Monarch"——the living situation of WuWei-ye and the implication in his poetry;“贰臣”的尴尬——吴伟业的生存处境及其诗歌的意韵

1.The poet is to concentrate on his own breathing, on the syllable rather than on metre or rhyme.诗人得集中表现自己的向往,注意音节而不是注意韵律或韵脚。
2.On the Inner Meaning and Rhythm Beauty of the Japanese Classical Poetry Okula-100 Poems with Each from 100 Poets Respectively;日本古典诗集《小仓百人一首》的意韵
3.Bacchus s Spirit--A Doughty Beauty Rhyme of Western Aesthetics;“酒神精神”:西方美学的“刚美”意韵
4.Analysis and Appreciation of the Word "Board" Used as Pun in Oliver Twist;外谐内庄 意韵无穷——《雾都孤儿》中Board语义双关评析
5.the Embarrassment of "serving a Qing Dynasy Monarch"--the living situation of WuWei-ye and the implication in his poetry;“贰臣”的尴尬——吴伟业的生存处境及其诗歌的意韵
6.The rhyming systemin Concise Introduction to Prosodic Rhymingby Shen Qian沈谦《词韵略》的韵部形制及其词韵史意义
7.On Rhyme of "Wen Xin Diao Long";韵随意谴 浑然天成——论《文心雕龙》的韵律
8.The Tragic Delineation of Females in Jiang Yun s Fiction and Their Literary Significance;蒋韵小说女性悲情书写及其文学意义
9.On "One Meaning Shared and Only Rhymes Renewed in Three Chapters" of the Poem "Jianjia";《蒹葭》“三章只一意,特换韵”辨
10.‘Yi’ in Yun Yu Yang Qiu;论《韵语阳秋》文艺美学“意”本体论
11.A Random Discussion of Equivalence of Ancient Poetry in Meaning and Rhyme;漫谈古诗英译意义和押韵的对等关系
12.From Radical“Yan”to“Sound Rhythm”in Literary Criticism--Distinctions of Words, Pronunciations and Concepts;从语根的言到文论的韵——言、音、意解析
13.Exploring the Mnemonic Effects of Alliteration on the Retention of the Meaning of English Idioms探索头韵对英语习语意义记忆的影响
14.Rhyme of Zen,On the Artistic Conception of Bathroom Space禅之韵——试谈卫浴空间的意境营造
15.Tentative Translations of Ten Fantastic Fables;存意换形,以韵译蕴——试以音韵方法译数则英语荒诞寓言
16.A Midnight Elegy to the Deceased Love-An analysis of sense echoed by the sound in Allan Poe s poem "The Raven;幽韵浅唱夜半歌——析爱伦·坡《乌鸦》中音韵、节奏的表情寄意
17.The First Literature on the Construction of Ci Rhythm Theory in Qing Dynasty:The Significance of Shen Qian's Ci Yun in Ci History清代词韵学建构的开山之作——论沈谦《词韵》的词史意义
18.Boundless Ancient Rhythm and Spiritual Poetic Quality -- The Symbolic Meaning of the Novels Written by Su Tong;苍茫的古韵 空灵的诗意——苏童小说的象征意味

inner meaning and rhythm beauty意韵美
1.The inner meaning and rhythm beauty is the soul of the Japanese classical poetry and meant to the remote and obscure avant-garde implicitness of it,which is closely related to the peculiar characteristics of the Japanese culture."意韵美"主要指不显现在和歌表面的需要整体把握的那种朦胧、悠远的韵味。
3)savor of enjoyness写意韵致
1.It represented tendency of poetry,savor of enjoyness and pattern of infinity,and showed the inimitable light of Chinese classical aesthetics with specific oriental style of animation.它具有诗意抒情之趋向,写意韵致之品藻,淡然无极之格调,以极具东方风韵的动画风格凸显出独特的中国古典美学特征。
4)Examines kindness rhyme审美意韵
5)Mood of the Works作品意韵
6)Lingering Charm of Gu Qin琴之意韵

意难忘 妓杨韵卿以善歌求赋【诗文】:高韵天成。问当时爱爱,得似卿卿。江梅风致别,楚蕙雪香清。花旎旎,月盈盈。写不尽才情。把旧游,名讴试数,谁解新声。诗家只有杨琼。向吴姬丛里,转更分明。金闺春思怯,翠被暮寒生。人欲去,酒还醒。黯此际销凝。待翦将,江云数尺,与染丹青。【注释】:【出处】: