1.This essay want to search which factors can make the idea of chinese-painting became to reject the objective-reappearAlthough the European painting style was refused by the main stratum of chinese scholars at Ming-Qing ,but it influenced the folk-painting at n.无疑,欧洲绘画风格被排斥是由于它的求“形似”,本文的目的是寻求是哪些因素使中国绘画产生了这种反对客观再现的绘画观念。

1.Objective Representation of Unforgettable Autobiographical Elements as a Feature in O Neill s Drama Creating;尤金·奥尼尔戏剧创作特点之一:自身经历的客观再现(英文)
2.″determines its differences form western art in which the subject is depicted as it is.“以线造型”的独特方式决定了它有别于西方艺术客观再现对象的艺术形式。
3.An objective perspective of male constructs and female responses:the female s representation in Eugene O Neill s late plays;客观透视:男性的建构与女性的反应——奥尼尔晚期戏剧中的女性再现
4.Objective To study the reason and reoperation of strabismus patients Methods According strabismus type, the rational operation was designed.目的探讨斜视第1次手术后再次出现斜视的客观状态及再次手术的方法。
5.Modern Enterprises Customer Concept Customer Satisfaction and Customer Equity;论现代企业的顾客满意观和顾客资产观
6.microscopically,should respect the objective reality and accumulate answerable experiences.微观上要尊重客观现实,积累应对经验。
7.External or material reality.客观现实外部或物质现实
8.Charter flights no longer bring tourists to gaze at the dunes.包机所带来的不再是想要观赏沙丘的游客。
9.It is internalized again as objectively vaild truth in the course of socialization.在社会化过程作为客观有效的真理被再度内化。
10.Object consciousness, self-consciousness and its objectivity: a rethinking;对象意识与自我意识及其客观性:一个再思考
11.Objective To assess the effects on business process reengineering(BPR)scientifically and objectively,and to sum up the experience on BPR in out-patient department.目的客观、科学评价“流程再造”的效果,总结门诊“流程再造”的经验。
12.Expression and Representaion:the Art Concept from the Position of Dualism;表现与再现:两元论立场中的艺术观念
13.The Clash of Civilizations? Reconsidered: An Objective Prediction or a Subjective Support?;《文明的冲突?》再反思——一种客观预测还是一种主观倡导?
14.We can see that both these things are objective facts.现在我们看到,这两方面都是客观事实。
15.Decision shall is make always according to the objective reality.作决择应永远根据客观现实。
16.You must be objective in assessing the performances of the staff .你必须客观地评价职员们的工作表现。
17.Fact:Information presented as objectively real.实情:代表客观现实的信息.
18.Information presented as objectively real.实情代表客观现实的信息

Objective tone reproduction客观影调再现
3)represented objects再现客体
4)objective reality客观现实
1.George Gerbner,the American communication scholar, thinks that the TV culture can cultivate and construct the world view of audiences,make audiences subjective reality approach the symbol reality that TV media provides even more,but not objective reality.美国传播学家格伯纳认为电视文化可以培养和建构受众的世界观,使受众的主观现实更接近于电视媒介提供的符号现实,而非客观现实。
5)objective presentment客观呈现
6)the objective factors客观表现
1.To accurately interpret the connotation of carrying lethal weapons and to make appropriate application of the above mentionedlegal term ,the following aspects must be taken into serious consideration : the objective factors , the subjective factors , and its judicial confirmation .欲准确阐释“携带凶器”的法律内涵并正确适用该款之规定 ,可以从“携带凶器”的客观表现、主观因素和在司法认定中应考虑的因素几个方面进行探
