
1.The house was winged on the left side.房子的左边造了厢房
2.He climbed over, approached the @ell,他翻过围墙,走近厢房
3.A wing of a building at right angles to the main structure.厢房与正房成直角的房子
4.The house was enlarged with a new wing.增建的厢房使房屋扩大了。
5.As the three proprietors came back into the room, they all burst out laughing at once.三位老板再回到厢房里,齐声大笑;
6.A carbon spar of the wing has a wall made of a carbon braid.厢房的一个碳桅杆一个碳包线做一个铸壁。
7.As he stood there, the sun went behind the clouds, leaving the room gloomy.此时太阳光忽然躲起来了,厢房里便显得很阴暗。
8.Chin Mah had finished doing the concubine's hair and had gone into the next room to lay out her clothes.金妈工作完毕,就到后厢房去整理姨太太的衣服。
9.Lights were burning brightly in both the left and right sections of the main building as well as in the wing opposite the one in which the two brothers lived. Mahjong tiles clicked in the left section of the main building.堂屋里灯光昏暗。 左右两面的上房以及对面的厢房里电灯燃得通亮,牌声从左面上房里送出来。
10.He heaved a sigh and came to, then hurried back indoors and slumped on to a sofa.他轻轻吁一口气,急步回到厢房里,沉重地把身体落在沙发上。
11.Then the electric bell in the servants' quarters began ringing, and continued to ring for fully three minutes.接着就听得厢房后边女仆卧室里装的电铃叮令地响了足有三分钟。
12.The lamp in the room drew the insects in swarms and the four frightened men had a bad tame of it.厢房里灯光亮着,虫子齐飞了。 四位怀着惊恐的先生就够受用了;
13.There was really no end to its windings-to its incomprehensible subdivisions.迂回曲折的走廊长得没尽头,匪夷所思的厢房多得数不清。
14.Sunlight was streaming through the bamboo blinds and throwing a criss-cross pattern of light and shade over part of the room.太阳光透过了那一排竹帘子,把厢房的前半间染上了黑白的条纹。
15.Suddenly two heads appeared outside the barred window overlooking the lane and peeped into the room.突然有两个人头爬在这厢房的朝南窗洞的铁栅栏外边,朝里面窥视。
16.Grace then entered with them into Melbury's wing of the house.于是格雷丝和他们一起走进了麦尔布礼住的一侧的厢房
17.Though you ought to thank your lucky stars that I've just had two Gods of Wealth come to see me-look, there they are in my room!谢谢老天菩萨,本老板刚刚请到两位财神爷,——喏,坐在厢房里的就是!
18.Presently there came the click of high-heeled shoes as footsteps approached and suddenly stopped outside the door.高跟皮鞋声阁阁地由外而来,在厢房门边突然停止。

the east wing东厢房
3)And I need a private room.在厢房里的。
4)top machine room轿厢顶部机房
5)Booth Seats,Private Dining Room包厢座位,包房
6)The room was far from spacious.这厢房不很宽阔。
