4)Scene Realization场景真实化
5)cultural distortion文化失真
1.If these idioms appear in E-C translation, cultural distortion may occur.大部分四字成语蕴涵浓厚的中国文化意象,英译汉时若使用这些成语,便在译文中掺入与添加了译语文化意象,造成文化失真。
2.Based on Venuti s dichotomy of translations into foreignising and domesticating,this paper aims to investigate the relationship between domesticating and cultural distortion by analyzing the translating of Chinese courtesy addressing forms into English.借用韦努蒂的“异化”与“归化”的翻译策略,通过分析汉礼貌称谓的英译,说明归化翻译策略与文化失真有着密切的关系。
3.More and more people,especially those who do translation as a career,are showing great interest in cultural distortion that occurs in translation.翻译中的文化失真现象越来越受到外语工作者尤其从事翻译工作者的关注。

1.The Cultural Distortion of the Chinese Courtesy Addressing Forms by Domesticating;汉礼貌称谓在归化翻译中的文化失真
2.Translating Restricled by Cultural Disagreement and the Problem of Cultural Violation and Fidelity;文化因素对于翻译的制约及译作的文化失真与保真
3.Discussion on Distortion and Protection of the Ethnic Culture in the Ethnic Tourism Development;论民族旅游发展中的民族文化失真与保护
4.Translation Strategies and Their Distortion of Culture:A comparison of three English versions of a Hong Lou Meng passage with 17 nai-nai s;翻译策略与文化失真——《红楼梦》中17个“奶奶”一段三种英译比较
5.The Distortion in Translating Cultural Images of Dream of Red Mansion and its Compensation;《红楼梦》文化意象翻译的失真与补偿
6.Causes of Missing "Trueness" in Chinese Traditional Culture中国传统文化中“真”的缺失的原因
7.Probe into the Infidelity of Culture from the Perspective of Functional Translation Theory;功能翻译理论视阈下的文化专属性失真探究
8.The Shortage of Humanity Spirits in the Era of Market Economy--On Reading Yan Zhen s "The Dark Green Water";市场化下人文精神的缺失——读阎真的《沧浪之水》
9.The cultural sources of accounting-information-infidelity & their solutions;试论会计信息失真的文化根源及其对策
10.The China Traditional Culture the Influence and the Countermeasure Analysis Which Distorts to the Accounting Information;中国传统文化对会计信息失真的影响及对策分析
11.Research into the Problem on "Distortion" in the Students Compositions;对中学生作文中“失真”问题的探究
12.Analyze the Distortion of Sound Files with Matlab;应用Matlab分析声音文件的失真
13.Analysis of the Causes for Distortion in Accounting Information and the Solutions for It;会计信息失真的成因分析与对策(英文)
14.Analysis of Failure Modes for scroll wrap in scroll vacuum pump涡旋真空泵涡旋齿失效形式分析(英文)
15.This paper presents an adaptive RF predistorter to linearize multi-carriers power amplifiers.本文提出一种线性化射频多载波高功率放大器的自适应射频预失真器。
16.Culture Malfunction and Culture Re-development of the University;论大学组织中的文化失灵与文化重建
17.Cultural Losses: the Cultural Dimension of the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry;文化缺失:汉语古诗词英译之文化维度
18.The scarcity of culture--On Mechanism of Curriculum Restricted by Culture;文化性的缺失——论课程的文化锁定机制

4)Scene Realization场景真实化
5)cultural distortion文化失真
1.If these idioms appear in E-C translation, cultural distortion may occur.大部分四字成语蕴涵浓厚的中国文化意象,英译汉时若使用这些成语,便在译文中掺入与添加了译语文化意象,造成文化失真。
2.Based on Venuti s dichotomy of translations into foreignising and domesticating,this paper aims to investigate the relationship between domesticating and cultural distortion by analyzing the translating of Chinese courtesy addressing forms into English.借用韦努蒂的“异化”与“归化”的翻译策略,通过分析汉礼貌称谓的英译,说明归化翻译策略与文化失真有着密切的关系。
3.More and more people,especially those who do translation as a career,are showing great interest in cultural distortion that occurs in translation.翻译中的文化失真现象越来越受到外语工作者尤其从事翻译工作者的关注。
6)facsimile of culture文化传真
1.The relationship between the translation of literature and the facsimile of culture is closely connected.文学翻译与"文化传真"之间的关系十分密切。
2.Meanwhile , "facsimile of culture " is suggested as the general principle of translation.同时认为"文化传真"应作为此系统的总原则。

东国1.东方之国。上古指齐﹑鲁﹑徐夷等国。《国语.吴语》:"昔楚灵王不君……逾诸夏而图东国。"韦昭注:"东国,徐夷吴越。"《史记.孟尝君列传》:"其攻秦也,欲王之令楚王割东国以与齐,而秦出楚怀王以为和。"张守节正义:"东国,齐﹑徐夷。"《文选.陆机<演连珠>》:"是以三卿世及,东国多衰弊之政;五侯并轨,西京有陵夷之运。"李善注:"东国,谓鲁也。"近代多指中国以东的日本﹑朝鲜等国。 2.东部地区。春秋时指楚国东部的锺离﹑巢﹑州来等地。 3.指东都洛阳。国,都城。 4.犹东方。指亚洲。一说,指中国。