2)the conception of painting history绘画史观

1.Examining Changes in the Historical Viewpoint on Painting of Li Rihua as Seen from Weishui-Xian Riji (Diary of the Water Taster's Studio) and Liuyan-ZhaiBiji (Notes from Liuyan Studio)从《味水轩日记》、《六研斋笔记》看李日华绘画史观之转变
2.Painting Historical Themes of Mass Values Presented历史题材绘画中的群体性价值观念呈现
3.Mural Painting is the oldest art in the history of human being' s painting.壁画是人类绘画史上最古老的艺术。
4.a painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery.描绘广阔的自然景观的绘画作品。
5.The Sense of History in the Writing and Transferring of the Chinese Painting History;中国绘画史著述与传达中的史感问题
6.The Enlightenment That the Concept of "Dao" and "Technique" in Zhuang-zi s Thought to the Painting Creation and Education;庄子“道”“技”观对绘画创作和绘画教育的启示
7.The Influence of Shanghai's Style of Painting on the Development of Traditional Subjects and Aesthetic Standard论海派绘画对传统绘画题材与审美观的发展
8.Ultimate of Painting--Meaning of formal language and concepts in painting绘画的终极——绘画形式观念与语言的意义
9.The Establishment of the System of Chinese Painting History in Modern Times-Comment on Three Works of Painting History during the Republic of China;现代中国绘画史学体系的建构——评民国时期三部绘画史著作
10.Teng Gu s Study of the History of Modern Painting: Examination and Comparison of His Two Histories of Modern Painting;滕固绘画史学思想探究——对滕固两部绘画史著的考察与比较
11.A Study of Teng Gu's Historiography of Chinese Painting History during the Republic of China between 1912 and 1949;1912-1949年民国绘画史学史视野下的滕固史学
12.An academic depiction of scenes from mythology, history, or the Bible.以神话、历史或圣经为题材的传统绘画。
13.to paint and record the history of Native Americans.去绘画和记录美洲土著人的历史,
14.works of painting history of Three Kingdoms, Jin, Southernand Northern Dynasties三国-两晋-南北朝绘画史论著述
15.The children study English, history, music, painting, and the like.孩子们学习英语、历史、音乐、绘画等等。
16.The Significance of Chu s Painting in the History of Art;丹磨色美夸原质——楚绘画的艺术史意义
17.“The German Pattern” of the Modern Art History of Tengku;试论滕固现代绘画史学中的“德国模式”
18.ZhangZao s "Trees and Stones" and "the Transformation of Landscape Paintings" in the Chinese Painting History;张璪“树石”与中国绘画史上的“山水之变”

the conception of painting history绘画史观
3)Study on painting history绘画史学
4)view of Three Thoughts in Chinese painting history三宗说绘画史观
5)Contemporary historiography of Chinese painting history现代绘画史学
6)painting history study in the Qing Dynasty清代绘画史学
