2)picture and cartoon绘本和漫画
3)romantic painting浪漫绘画
1.Classical painting and romantic painting are two main directions for the development of painting arts.古典绘画与浪漫绘画是绘画艺术发展的两个主要方向,二者虽在美学观念、表现形式等方面有较大差异,但各个所呈现的美却向人们展示了一个多样化的审美世界,反映了不同时代、不同民族的精神内涵。
4)Japanese comics日本漫画

1.One of the most popular manga authors is Yoshinori Kobayashi, whose first volume of his series“ On War” sold nearly1 m copies.小林善纪是最受欢迎的日本漫画家之一,他的连环漫画“战争论”第一卷就卖了近100万册。
2.Death Worship in the Japanese Cartoons--On the Death Culture in the Japanese Cartoons日本动漫的死亡崇拜——谈日本动画中的死亡文化
3.From the AI YAZAWA's Works of Japanese Animation and Comics Association从矢泽爱的作品看日本动画与漫画的关联
4.Kevin: I'm off on my quest to find Japanese manga books in English!我要出发去找英文版的日本连环漫画罗!
5.NANA, a series of Japanese girls' comics by artist Ai Yazawa, is popular among teenage girls all over Asia.由漫画家矢泽爱所创作的日本少女漫画系列《NANA》,风靡了全亚洲的年轻女孩。
6.I found a comic book,我找到一本连环漫画册,
7.Kevin: I want to find some Japanese manga comic books that have been translated into English!我想要找一些已经被翻译成英文的日本连环漫画。
8.In 1866 she was a mediaeval people, a fantastic caricature of the extremest romantic feudalism;1866年,日本还是个中世纪民族,宛如一幅极其浪漫的封建制度的荒诞漫画;
9.Here's a big picture that consists of a large number of Japanese animation or comics characters, see how many can you get?这里有一幅图画,内藏很多日本动漫画的角色人物,看看你可认到几多个?
10.The assimilation of Japanese Romanticism to European Romanticism;日本浪漫主义对欧洲浪漫主义的摄取
11.Sculpting Animated Cartoon--Reflections over the GK Trend of Japanese Cartoon雕塑动漫——对日本动漫手办热潮的思考
12.Comic-book fans know well that the most sought after editions are those in which a superhero appears for the first time.漫画迷都很清楚,最受欢迎的漫画本是超级英雄首度面世的那本。
13.I'm headed to the bookstore to buy another comic by Cai Zhizhong.我去书店,再买本蔡志忠的漫画。
14.Mocky, this comic book looks more interesting.莫奇,这本连环漫画册看起来更有趣。
15.This comic was a swap that I got from Nick.这本漫画书是我从尼克那里换来的。
16.overseas tour: Seven days around Japan, a country of flowering Cherry.境外旅游:烂漫樱花日本七日游
17.A Perspective of the Global Spread of Japanese Animation and Japanese Cultural output Strategy;日本动漫的全球扩散与日本文化输出战略
18.To draw a humorous or satirical representation of; caricature.画漫画为…画一幅幽默或讽刺性的画;画漫画

picture and cartoon绘本和漫画
3)romantic painting浪漫绘画
1.Classical painting and romantic painting are two main directions for the development of painting arts.古典绘画与浪漫绘画是绘画艺术发展的两个主要方向,二者虽在美学观念、表现形式等方面有较大差异,但各个所呈现的美却向人们展示了一个多样化的审美世界,反映了不同时代、不同民族的精神内涵。
4)Japanese comics日本漫画
5)comic translations漫画译本
6)the Essence of Painting绘画本体
