2)historical revitalization历史复兴
1.By analyzing the historical revitalization focus on social transformation during the revitalization in historical areas, this paper aims at problems appearing in the process of historic preservation and development of water towns in the southern Yangtze River area.以江南六镇为代表性的遗产保护工作无论是在实践操作中还是在研究探索中部已经取得了巨大的成就,针对在江南水乡城镇历史保护实践过程中出现的一些问题,通过城市历史复兴概念分析,进行社会经济发展方面的反思。

1.The Citizen Education in China s "Modernization " Context;中国公民教育的历史复兴及其当代意义
2.From Reconstruction to Revival in Traditional Blocks;从历史街区公共空间改造到历史街区活力复兴
3.The Renaissance was an important chapter in European history.文艺复兴是欧洲历史上的重要时期。
4.A Study on the Strategy of Urban Catalysts in Revitalizing Historic Urban Quarters;历史街区复兴中的“城市触媒”策略研究
5."Cultural Economy": Opportunity for Historic Changes and National Renaissance;“文化经济”:历史嬗变与民族复兴的契机
6.On the Historical Foundation for the Realization of a Great Revitalization of the Chinese Nation;论中华民族实现伟大复兴的历史基垫
7.Historical Research on Early Japanese Sports Recovery after"WWⅡ;“二战”后日本体育复兴的历史考察
8.The Historical Inevitability of the Rejuvenation of Western Theoretical Psychology;论西方理论心理学复兴的历史必然性
9.On the Transformation of Seven Liberal Arts from Ancient Greece to Renaissance七艺的历史流变:从古希腊到文艺复兴
10.A Historical Study on the Revival of Supporting Yang School从历史角度谈中医“扶阳学派”的复兴
11.Rehabilitation of the Hakodate Historical District West从函馆西部历史地区修复项目看城市的复兴
12.International Conference on Restoration of the Historic Silk Route复兴具有历史意义的丝绸之路国际会议
13.Thus, what historians call The Great Awakening began in America.于是历史学家所称的大复兴运动在美国展开了。
14.A Research on Space Controlling in Retail Revitalization of Historical Blocks;城市中心历史街区商业复兴空间设计方法研究
15.Choice of Roads in Realizing the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation and Its Historical Significance;论实现民族伟大复兴的道路选择及其历史意义
16.Reunification between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits,a historical inevitability of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation;两岸统一是中华民族走向伟大复兴的历史必然
17.Some Problems Concerning the Rejuvenation of Historical and Cultural Neighbourhood in China;我国历史文化街区复兴面对的问题与思考
18.Historical Development of the Music of Classical Poetry and its Revival;古典诗词音乐艺术的历史衍变与现代复兴

historical revitalization历史复兴
1.By analyzing the historical revitalization focus on social transformation during the revitalization in historical areas, this paper aims at problems appearing in the process of historic preservation and development of water towns in the southern Yangtze River area.以江南六镇为代表性的遗产保护工作无论是在实践操作中还是在研究探索中部已经取得了巨大的成就,针对在江南水乡城镇历史保护实践过程中出现的一些问题,通过城市历史复兴概念分析,进行社会经济发展方面的反思。
3)process of rejuvenation复兴历程
4)the second rejuvenation第二次复兴
5)Historical block renewal历史街区复兴
6)Retail Revitalization of Historical Blocks历史街区商业复兴
1.A Research on Space Controlling in Retail Revitalization of Historical Blocks;城市中心历史街区商业复兴空间设计方法研究
