1.With no doubt to his art achievement, Zhao Ji made an active and important contributions to the development and maturity of meticulous painting of birds-and-flowers, promoted birds-and-flowers painting of Song to form a unique art style——Xuanheti style.本文以研究赵佶和他的绘画活动为重点,系统地分析了他的工笔花鸟画风格和影响,以及他对画院的建设和他所引导的宣和体具有的重要历史意义。
1.It is now generally believed that Xiwen emerged in Wenzhou District i n the reign of Xuan-he ruled by Hui Zong the Emperor around 1127A.一般认为,戏文产生于宋徽宗宣和之后、南渡之际的温州地区。
3)Xuanhe seals宣和印
4)Xuanhe huapu宣和画谱
1.The author makes a thorough investigation of Xuanhe huapu to elicit the collecting criteria andaesthetic sense of Emperor Huizong of the Song dynasty, and examines what works he favoured by paintersfrom different periods and backgrounds, as well as his evaluative comments on different genres of painting.本文通过对《宣和画谱》进行细致的梳理以探求宋徽宗的收藏标准和审美趣味,排列出宋徽宗对不同时期、不同背景的画家的喜好以及对不同类型绘画作品的品评。

1.Forty-seven of his works were recorded in the Xuanhe Painting Book written in the Song Dynasty,宋代《宣和画谱》记载他的作品就有47件。
2.Copying,Publishing and Mass Communication--On the Peak Period of Woodcut and Poster;复制、印刷和大众传播——木刻和年画、连环画、宣传画全盛的时代
3." Chinese traditional painting is done with a soft brush, absorbent Xuan paper, and ink, which is why it is sometimes called ink-and-wash painting."中国传统绘画工具有毛笔,宣纸和墨,因此,中国传统绘画又叫水墨画。
4.Chinese style paintings are often done using special inks and pigments on rice paper.通常需要使用特殊的墨水和颜料在宣纸上才能画出中国画.
5.Some will be exhausted into the cookbook cover, and some said Blair will be confusing story inkjet into huge publicity picture scroll.有的将名菜写入菜谱封页,有的则将肴雅称典故喷绘成巨型宣传画卷。
6.On the Evolution of the Contents and Meaningof a Traditional Motif in Pictorial Art:A Case Study of the Horses and Carriage Depicted inThree Mural Tombs of Liao Dynasty at Xuanhua;绘画题材中意义和内涵的演变——以宣化辽墓壁画中的车马出行图为例
7.a later Song Dynasty scholar called him the founder of kai calligraphy.宋人《宣和书谱》中评价他的书法"各尽法度,为正书(即楷书)之祖"。
8.original engraving, print and lithograph原版画、印刷画和平版画
9.Declarations of Missing Persons and Death宣告失踪和宣告死亡
10.Posting or spreading subscription lists, advertisements or picture posters containing any content prohibited by laws or regulations or containing deceptive words;张贴和散发有法律、法规禁止内容的或有欺诈性文字的征订单、广告和宣传画的;
11.It/he shall not post or spread subscription lists, advertisements or picture posters containing any content prohibited by laws or regulations or containing deceptive words;不得张贴和散发有法律、法规禁止内容的或者有欺诈性文字的征订单、广告和宣传画;
12.By 2004, the selection of slogans, publicity posters, mascots, and the like will have been completed for both the Olympic Games in general and the specific competitions.2004年之前,完成宣传口号、宣传画、吉祥物等的征集。
13.Jesse window画有耶稣家谱的玻璃窗
14.Copybook ──Studying the Working Models of Ancient Painters through the Frescoes in the Liao Tombs in XuanHua;粉本──从宣化辽墓壁画看古代画工的工作模式
15.drawings in ink, pencil, pastel, and crayon;钢笔画、铅笔画、彩色粉笔画和蜡笔画;
16.The Anti-Japanese War caricature with flexible and multiple forms,which was used to Anti-Japanese Propaganda by satire and humor,has its distinct purpose and militancy.抗战漫画宣传具有鲜明的目的性和战斗性,并且形式灵活多样,以讽刺与幽默的手法进行抗日宣传。
17.Posters, publicity photographs, and other movie memorabilia.海报,宣传画及其它电影纪念品
18.peddling his crazy plan to other party members向其他党员宣传他那疯狂的计画.

1.It is now generally believed that Xiwen emerged in Wenzhou District i n the reign of Xuan-he ruled by Hui Zong the Emperor around 1127A.一般认为,戏文产生于宋徽宗宣和之后、南渡之际的温州地区。
3)Xuanhe seals宣和印
4)Xuanhe huapu宣和画谱
1.The author makes a thorough investigation of Xuanhe huapu to elicit the collecting criteria andaesthetic sense of Emperor Huizong of the Song dynasty, and examines what works he favoured by paintersfrom different periods and backgrounds, as well as his evaluative comments on different genres of painting.本文通过对《宣和画谱》进行细致的梳理以探求宋徽宗的收藏标准和审美趣味,排列出宋徽宗对不同时期、不同背景的画家的喜好以及对不同类型绘画作品的品评。
5)Xuanhe period version宣和本
6)lncidents of the Age of Xuanhe宣和遗事
