
1.the drapery served organically to cover the Madonna.这些帷帐是用来保护圣母像的有机组成部分。
2.Except the small ones on each side of the Goddess, which were added later, the sculptures were all created in the Song Dynasty.除圣母像两侧的小像是后来增补的外,其余都是宋初原塑。
3.At the behest of the bishop, the bullet was later set in the crown of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima.在主教的要求下,子弹后来放置在法蒂玛圣母像的王冠上。
4.Closer examination revealed the visitors were using the electricity socket used to light up the Madonna to charge their mobile phone.仔细检查才弄清他们是在用照亮圣母像的电灯插座给手机充电。
5.There was a madonna on the altar.祭坛上有一座圣母马利亚的雕像.
6.There are now 43 colored sculptures in the Goddess Hall.在圣母殿内尚存的43尊彩绘塑像中,
7.Well-a-well, man that is born of woman is of few days,哎,哎,就像《圣经》所说的,人为母生,光阴荏苒,
8.The peasant girl adores the statue of the Virgin Mary.这个农家姑娘非常崇拜圣母玛丽亚的塑像。
9.They planted Roses geraniums lilacs and irises on the other Side of the yard, around the statue of the Blessed Mother.在另一边,他们围着圣母的雕像种了玫瑰、笠葵、香和蝴蝶花。
10.the Blessed Virgin,ie the mother of Jesus,the Virgin Mary圣母马利亚(耶稣之母).
11.From the "Female"、"Motherhood" to "Notre Dame"从“雌性”、“地母性”到“圣母性”
12.a sacred rite, place, image宗教仪式、 圣地、 圣像
13.The bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into heaven after her death.圣母升天圣母玛丽亚死后升天
14.of or relating to or venerating the Virgin Mary.圣母玛丽亚的,与圣母玛丽亚有关的,或崇拜圣母玛丽亚的。
15.In front of Notre-Dame, and very near at hand, three streets opened into the cathedral square,--a fine square, lined with ancient houses.圣母院前面,就在近前,有三条街道像三条河流似地注入教堂广场,这是有着古老房屋的美丽广
16.The Pieta is the most detailed and finished of his important carvings, a work that repays the closest inspection.《圣母怜子像》是他那些重要作品中最精细最完美的一件,值得全心投入地去细致观察。
17.is where Notre Dame is located.就是圣母院所在地。
18.the sanctities of parenthood(做) 父母的神圣义务

an image of the Virgin Mary圣母玛丽亚像
3)Virgin Mary圣母
1.Based on the Archetype Theory,the paper explores the representation of mother in Jixin and reveals that the novel connotes the religious images of Virgin Mary,sufferer,redeemer and so forth.从原型理论角度探讨《棘心》中的母亲形象,可以发现其中蕴涵了圣母、受难者和救赎者等多重宗教意蕴。
1.With the spreading of Christianity,the iconoclasm gradually infiltrated into icons worship,boundary between the two became blurred and it was difficult to determined the nature of icons worship.随着基督教的传播,偶像崇拜的成分逐渐渗入圣像崇拜中,使两者的边界变得模糊,难以确定圣像崇拜的性质。
2.In his early works, “Matrena`s house”, the novelist displayed his profound appreciation of the art of icons in medieval ages.索尔仁尼琴在文学创作中继承和发扬了俄罗斯文学中的基督教传统,在早期作品《马特辽娜的家》中强调并突出了基督教主题,表现出作家对中世纪圣像画艺术的深刻了解。
1.The Icon of Christ: from Conflict to Ugly Appreciation基督圣像:从冲突到审丑

圣母1.君主时代对皇太后的尊称。 2.旧时对孔子母亲的尊称。 3.古代民间尊称有殊功于民的妇女。 4.古代对女神﹑女巫之称。 5.旧时各地多有圣母祠﹑圣母庙等。 6.基督教徒尊称耶稣之母马利亚。