1.By the study of Zhao Yiguang\'s Calligraphy and Calligraphy comments,further explained Zhao Yiguang\'s calligraphy style and origin in history,and further explained Zhao Yiguang\'s esthetic ideal,solved the problem of the fuzzy understanding of“CaoZhuan”and Zhao Yiguang\'s“CaoZhuan”.本文在广泛搜集赵宧光文献资料和书法作品图版资料的基础上,结合其家族、交游及社会背景,梳理了赵宧光与相关吴门书家的渊源关系,研究了赵宧光篆书的风格特征及历史渊源,进一步厘清了后世对赵宧光“草篆”的模糊认识,并阐释了赵宧光“草篆”的风格特征是其自觉追求的结果。
2)seal characters;seal script篆字; 篆书
1.Sun Yirangs Verification of Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells and Xiaozhuan in Shuowen(说文);孙诒让的甲骨文考释与《说文》小篆
2.The Qin state unified six countries,in the original characters tradition of the Western Zhou Dynasty,on the basis of national characters of the reform,waste and eliminating the six countries allograft set Xiaozhuan,advocate Xiaozhuan so that the Chinese characters has changed dramatically,laying the text of the unique system of Chinese characters.秦始皇统一六国后,在继承原西周文字传统的基础上,对各国文字进行了改革,废汰六国异体,正订小篆,提倡隶书,使中国文字的面貌发生了巨大的变化,奠定了汉字独特的文字体系。
3.Later with the development of society, the form of Chinese characters kept changing, from Jiaguwen(inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells) to Jinwen(inscriptions on ancient bronze objects), and then to Xiaozhuan(an ancient style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty for the purpose of standardizing!the Chinese script), and their pictographic feature was disappearing gradually; when they ev.汉字初创时的象形特征非常明显,后随着社会的发展变化,汉字字体不断改变,由甲骨文至金文至小篆,其象形特征日渐消失;汉字字体演变为隶书、楷书后,其象形特征基本消失。

1.The engravings on Mount Yi represent the typical style of qinzhuan calligraphy.《峄山刻石》是秦篆(即小篆)的代表之作。
2.He asked his Prime Minister, Li Si, to unite the eight calligraphic styles that were thriving in other states to create the standardized qinzhuan (Qin-Dynasty seal) script.他命宰相李斯将当时的大篆、小篆、刻符、摹
3.Analyze the Formation Pattern of Xiaozhuan by the Theory of Chinese Characters Formation;利用汉字构形理论分析小篆构形模式
4.The Poem of Li Chao s Bafen & Xiaozhuan Calligraphies and the Aesthetic Conceptions of Du Fu;从《李潮八分小篆歌》看杜甫的美学观
5.Sun Yirangs Verification of Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells and Xiaozhuan in Shuowen(说文);孙诒让的甲骨文考释与《说文》小篆
6.A Study on "Siti Leishu" of Shuowen Guwen and Its Corresponding Xiaozhuan《说文》古文与对应小篆“四体类属”研究
7.A Probe into the Teaching of Seal Script of Qin Dynasty横向拓展小篆教学 综合提高学生素质
8.There are rarely any students today who can write fewer-stroke seal character.现在的学生很少有人能写一手漂亮的小篆了。
9.At the same time, a man called Cheng Miao invented lishu (official script).除了小篆,在当时,有一个叫程邈的,发明了另一种新的字体——隶书。
10.As a visual modality of art, Xiao Zhuan possesses Symmetrical and balanceable beauty.作为一种视觉艺术形式,小篆具有一种对称的平衡美。
11.On Relationship between Chu Characters and Xiao Zhuan--Discussing Concurrently on Ancient Chinese Characters Collection;略论楚文字与小篆的关系——兼论依《说文》部首编著的古文字编的体例
12.A Case Study of the Synthesis Practice "Calligraphy Seal Cutting Classroom" in a Hope School in TC Town of Anhui Province;安徽TC镇希望小学“书法篆刻教室”综合实践活动个案研究
13.He was versed in Zhen Script, Xing script, Li script, Seal Character and Seal Cutting, especially expert at Seal Character.他于真、行、隶、篆、篆刻等无所不工,尤擅于篆书。
14.Taking the Examples of Loopholes and Faults with Seal Characters and Seal Characters Correspond to Regular Scripts in Ancient Documents;古文献中篆文及其篆楷对应错漏举例
15.Researches on Forged Ming and Qing Dynasty Seals of Notables in the Collection of the Palace Museum(Ⅲ):Four Works with Seals Donated by Mr.Deng Yizhe故宫藏明清名家篆刻伪讹丛考(三)——邓以蛰先生捐献的四件篆刻作品
16.His calligraphy was inherited from the northern tablet styles and he learned li and zhuan calligraphy from Deng Shiru.他的书法承北碑,篆隶师邓石如,
17.The official script in calligraphy is a transition between seal character, and regular script.隶体是书法从篆体到楷体的过渡。
18.Li calligraphy developed from zhuan characters but it introduced the kai (regular script) characteristics.隶书承上启下,上承篆书,下启楷书。

seal characters;seal script篆字; 篆书
1.Sun Yirangs Verification of Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells and Xiaozhuan in Shuowen(说文);孙诒让的甲骨文考释与《说文》小篆
2.The Qin state unified six countries,in the original characters tradition of the Western Zhou Dynasty,on the basis of national characters of the reform,waste and eliminating the six countries allograft set Xiaozhuan,advocate Xiaozhuan so that the Chinese characters has changed dramatically,laying the text of the unique system of Chinese characters.秦始皇统一六国后,在继承原西周文字传统的基础上,对各国文字进行了改革,废汰六国异体,正订小篆,提倡隶书,使中国文字的面貌发生了巨大的变化,奠定了汉字独特的文字体系。
3.Later with the development of society, the form of Chinese characters kept changing, from Jiaguwen(inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells) to Jinwen(inscriptions on ancient bronze objects), and then to Xiaozhuan(an ancient style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty for the purpose of standardizing!the Chinese script), and their pictographic feature was disappearing gradually; when they ev.汉字初创时的象形特征非常明显,后随着社会的发展变化,汉字字体不断改变,由甲骨文至金文至小篆,其象形特征日渐消失;汉字字体演变为隶书、楷书后,其象形特征基本消失。
1.He proposed "learning Zhuanli should start from Qin and Han Dynasty,leaning XingShu should start from Jin and Tang Dynasty" in accordance with the malpractice at the time.针对当时书坛的种种流弊,他提出“书本篆隶,书本晋唐”的书学思想。
5)Mou Zhuan缪篆
6)seal cutting篆刻
1.How Remarkable It Is About“ Cutting”—— a Comparison Research on the Art of China s seal cutting and that of Lettering of the Time;怎么一个“刻”字了得——中国篆刻艺术与当代刻字艺术的比较研究
2.The form beauty of seal cutting expresses its inner endless beauty through limited outer space, embodying in the peculiar and strong sense of crude beauty of knife cuts with the special formation, seal characters as well as lines.篆刻艺术的形式美是利用有限的小小外在空间表现内在的无穷美,具体体现在通过空间组织和构成、篆字、线条等独特而又强烈的刀味美来体现的。
3.The author of this thesis is going to make a detailed study on the seal cutting of Qing Dynasty.有鉴于此,笔者本文拟对当时的篆刻艺术界进行微观研究,通过阐述和剖析篆刻艺术在清代的发展状况及其特点,藉以揭开和凸显考据学对篆刻艺术影响的全部具体细节,从而深化人们对考据学的认识和理解,推动清代文化史研究的发展。
