2)The parrot squawked loudly.那鹦鹉嘎嘎大叫.
1.Objective To establish methods of quality control of QichaRigana-11(Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae,Fructus Hippophae,Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati,Radix Glehniae,Radix et Rhizoma Nardostachyos,Rhizoma Cyperi,etc.目的建立其查日嘎那-11(甘草,沙棘,玉竹,北沙参,甘松和香附等组成)中的甘草苷的含量。

1.Assay Of Liquiritin In Qicharigana-11 By Hplc Yang Shuping Gegen Tana Cheng ZhipingHPLC法测定其查日嘎那-11中的甘草苷的含量
2.Honk! Honk! Honk!” went the11 other future leaders, as instructed.嘎,嘎,嘎!”其他11个未来领导则按照指示,发出叫声。
3.“Honk! Honk! Honk!” went the 11 other future leaders, as instructed.“嘎,嘎,嘎!”其他11个未来领导则按照指示,发出叫声。
4.Here a quack, there a quack, every where a quack-quack.这里“嘎嘎”叫,那里也“嘎嘎”叫,到处“嘎嘎”叫
5.KeShenKeTeng Mongolia Mode of Life and Production Changes蒙古族克什克腾部生产及生活方式的变迁——内蒙古克什克腾旗那日苏嘎查调查报告
6.With a quack-quack here and a quack-quack there,在这里嘎嘎叫,在那里嘎嘎叫,
7.Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.嘎嘎,嘎嘎,嘎嘎,嘎嘎,嘎嘎。
8.It was on the eleventh of November 1918, the day the armistice was signed.这是在1918年11月11日,战争停战协议签署那天。
9.The Use of Natural Resources in Agriculture-Husbandry Area: An Anthropological Research on Adarga-gachaa in Inner Mongolia;半农半牧地区自然资源的利用——内蒙古察右后旗阿达日嘎嘎查的人类学田野考察
10.They will start formal inspections on November 27.他们将于11月27日正式开始武器核查。
11.November 11th is Veterans Day, when Americans honor those who served in the military.11月11日是美国老兵纪年日,是美国人表达其对军人尊敬的日子。
12.I realized that the funny, crunching noise I heard each night as I climbed the stairs was really my knees.我意识到了我每天夜里爬楼梯时听到的那种有趣的、嘎吱嘎吱的声响其实就是来自于我的膝盖。
13.The stairs creaked just the same as ever.楼娣仍然是那样吱吱嘎嘎地响。
14.One day when Elisha came, he went up to his room and lay down there.11一日、以利沙来到那里、就进了那楼躺卧。
15.Juventus' next championship fixture is away to Genoa, on Saturday 11th November.尤文青年队的下一个对手是热那亚,比赛定于11月11日(周六)进行。
16.The man slammed on the brakes.那个男人嘎地刹住车。
17.The door opened with a creak.那扇门嘎地一声开了。
18.A duck says @Quack, Quack@,鸭子说“嘎嘎,嘎嘎”,

The parrot squawked loudly.那鹦鹉嘎嘎大叫.
1.Objective To establish methods of quality control of QichaRigana-11(Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae,Fructus Hippophae,Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati,Radix Glehniae,Radix et Rhizoma Nardostachyos,Rhizoma Cyperi,etc.目的建立其查日嘎那-11(甘草,沙棘,玉竹,北沙参,甘松和香附等组成)中的甘草苷的含量。
5)The girl is all heart.那姑娘很温柔。
6)He is crazy about that girl.他迷恋那位姑娘。
