骨气,moral integrity
1)moral integrity骨气
1.Through renovelizing historical characters of Bo Yi and Shu Qi, Lu Xun gives personal explanation of moral integrity and faith.通过对历史人物伯夷与叔齐的“故事新编”,鲁迅对“骨气”、“忠诚”的定义进行了个性化的诠释。
2.What is real moral integrity?It is not only to dare to struggle,but also be good at struggling.怎样才算真正的骨气?要敢于斗争 ,还要善于斗争。

1.He has spine and starch.他有骨气,有热情。
2.He lacks moral fibre.他缺乏道德上的骨气
3.Good show, Stone. That's the spirit.干的好,史东。有骨气
4.The Chinese people have backbone.中国人民是有骨气的。
5.We Chinese have backbone.我们中国人是有骨气的。
6.Chivalry,Talent and Moral Integrity--Discussing the Courage in Liu Rushi s Work;侠气 才气 骨气——试论柳如是作品的须眉之气
7.Better poor with honor than rich with shame.富得无节气,不如穷得有骨气
8.The determined cannot be brought down. The courageous do not crave sympathy.有志气者,不受人侮;有骨气者,不受人怜。
9.These were spirited men, men of character and mettle.这些都是有骨气的人,有特殊性格和气质的人。
10.I despise such people; they've no character.我藐视这种人, 他们没骨气
11.I look down upon such people, they've no character.我藐视这种人,他们没骨气
12.There were more complication, the main were fracture ( rib, cranial bone and clavicle), shock, pneumoatothorax, pneu-mohydrothorax, hydropneumothorax.本病并发症较多,以骨折(肋骨、颅骨、锁骨)、休克、气胸、液气胸为主。
13.a biting cold morning一个寒气刺骨的早晨
14.omotracheal triangle肩胛舌骨肌气管三角
15.aeroglisseura quille laterale带侧面龙骨的气垫船
16.Analysis of diagnosis and treantment of distal radius fracture in the extreme weather极端天气下桡骨远端骨折的诊治分析
17.The damp in the air makes my old bones hurt.空气中的湿气使我老骨作痛。
18.From the ground had risen a gnawing frost that chilled him to the bone.地面上升起一股刺骨的寒气,使他冷彻骨髓。

Temporal bone pneumatization颞骨气化
3)Air-bone gap气骨导差
4)cartilagines tracheales气管软骨
5)emotion expressing气骨遒劲
1.His style is different form Wen Tingyun and Wei Zhuang by concentrating on his style of emotion expressing.在《花间集》中,孙光宪的风格区别于温、韦,也区别于其他作家,呈现出气骨遒劲的审美风格,主要体现在情感的力度、浑然的结构、精警的语言和阔大的意境等四个方面。
6)air chamber of temporal bone颞骨气房
