日本因素,Japanese factor
1)Japanese factor日本因素
1.With the alternation of internal affairs on Taiwan and the rampant of Independence of Taiwan, the Taiwan Issue has been complex , especially the Japanese factor of Taiwan Issue is prominent.进入21世纪以来,国际形势发生了重大变化,随着台湾岛内政局的变动和“台独”分裂势力的猖獗,使台湾问题不断复杂化,尤其是台湾问题中的日本因素日益突出。
2.In Taiwan issue, Japanese factor is prominent day by day.20世纪90年代以来,国际形势发生了重大变化,以及台湾岛内政局的变动和“台独”分裂势利的发展壮大,使台湾问题不断走向国际化复杂化,其中台湾问题中的日本因素日益突出。

1.Japan's Impact on China's Early Modernization Process(1895-1945)中国现代化进程中的日本因素(1895-1945)
2.A Study on the Influence of Japanese Literature on Tian Han s Early Plays;田汉早期戏剧所受日本因素影响的研究
3.The Motives of Japan s Diplomacy in UN and its Constraints;日本联合国外交动因及制约因素分析
4.On the Traditional Factors and the Customs of Japanese Marriage and Funeral in Records of Japan;《日本国志》中的日本婚葬习俗与传统文化因素
5.Analysis of Economic Factors of American Appeasing Japan in the Early Period of Japanese Overall Invasion of China;日本全面侵华初期美国绥靖日本经济因素探析
6.The decisive factor for Japan's surrender is the entry of the Soviet Union into the war.日本投降的决定因素是苏联参战。
7.Japanese Culture Factor in Guo Moruo s Historical Plays Written during the War of Resistance;论郭沫若抗战史剧中的日本文化因素
8.A Study on the Factors Limited Japan to be the Political Power;日本走向政治大国的制约性因素探析
9.Cultural Background of the Suicide in Japan;日本人自杀行为背后的文化因素探析
10.Analysis of Chinese Elements in the Course of Japan s Economic Development;日本经济发展过程中的中国因素分析
11.Analysis of Influential Elements on Popularization of Senior High School Education in Japan;日本高中教育普及化的影响因素分析
12.The “Non-Confucianist” Elementin Traditional Japanese Ethic Relation;日本传统社会人伦关系中的“非儒”因素
13.An Analysis on the Factors of the Strategic Transformation of the Safety lnsurance in Japan;日本安保战略转变的国内外因素分析
14.On “the Chinese Aspects” in Self-Recovery of Japanese Economy;论日本经济自主性复苏中的“中国因素”
15.The Change of Employment Situation and the Corresponding Influencing Factors In Japan;论日本就业状态的变化及其影响因素
16.Discussion on The Cutting Technology of The Japanese Weeping Cherry Blossom日本垂枝樱花扦插生根影响因素探讨
17.Analysis of the Restrictions on Japanese Government s Efforts to Internationalize the Japanese Yen;日本政府推进日元国际化制约因素分析
18.The Evolution, Motivation and Influencing Factors of the UN Diplomacy of Japan;日本联合国外交的演变、动因及影响因素

daylight factor日照因素
3)basic factor基本因素
1.Many recent studies in domestic and abroad shown that individual basic factors, history fact ors of pregnancy and delivery, and genetic factors may be the pre-pregnancy high-ris k factors of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy.多项研究提示包括个体基本因素、孕产史因素及遗传因素等诸多因素可能是妊娠期高血压疾病妇女孕前存在的高危因素。
2.It is very significant for raising students qual ity of music arts to learn existing form of music art,basic factors of compositi on,way of composition,and existing pattern and law of music arts.了解音乐艺术的存在形式及其组成基本因素、组成方法和音乐艺术的存在方式、存在规律 ,对大学生音乐艺术素质的提高具有非常重要的意
4)basic element基本因素
1.By analyzing the basic elements influencing the normal operation and life-span of a medical equipment, this paper leads to a better understanding of these elements for both supervisors and operators, so as to keep it in a normal operation and to decrease malfunction as well as to improve practical efficiency of a medical equipment.通过对影响医疗设备的正常运转及其使用寿命的基本因素分析,以便使管理人员和使用人员准确把握和利用这些因素,尽可能的使医疗设备保持在正常运转状态,减少故障次数,提高使用率,以达到提高经济效益和社会效益的目的。
2.And four basic elements for this development are analyzed,namely the formation background,the relevant theories,the practice of archive work and the scholars of archives.论述了中国档案学形成和发展的四个过程,并分析了其形成发展的四个基本因素,即:产生的时代背景、理论条件、档案工作实践基础、档案学者。
5)Humanistic factor人本因素
6)fundamental factor基本因素
1.Automobile modeling fundamental factor consists of art,use,material technology,economy,and market five factors.汽车造型的基本因素包括艺术、使用、材料技术、经济、市场等5个因素。
2.The fundamental factors of automobile modeling include art,technology,material,economy,and market.汽车造型的基本因素包括艺术、技术、材料、经济、市场等5大主要因素。

非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)  l焦非密度制约因素见生态因素、密度制约后