实践本体论,practical ontology
1)practical ontology实践本体论
1.And also there were a lot of heated arguments about the literature ontology and many different theory schools,such as formal ontology,life ontology,practical ontology,active ontology,anthropology ontology,practical and ontological ontology,and so on.关于"文学本体"的论争非常活跃,出现了诸如"形式本体论"、"生命本体论"、"实践本体论"、"人类学本体论"、"实践存在论"等主张。
2."Practical materialism" of "practical ontology", merely as a product of "metaphysical ontologic fantasy", is unqualified for a criterion of "heterogeneous disparity" between Marx s and Engels s thoughts.马克思恩格斯思想"异质性差距论"其实是变相的西方马克思学之"马恩对立论";"实践本体论"的"实践唯物主义"不过是一种"本体论的形而上学怪想"的产物,不能够作为判定马克思恩格斯思想有"异质性差距"的标准;"异质性差距论"指导下的"虚会"法究竟要把马克思主义哲学研究引向何方?"马克思恩格斯问题"作为一个"马克思恩格斯本身的问题"是由西方马克思学制造出来的"学术化问题",对中国学者来说目前是一个无由无据讨论的问题,而作为一个受其启发而产生的"我们的马克思恩格斯问题"则是一个非常有意义的问题。
3.Following Marx’s practical ontology,we can clarify the ontological being of organization from practice,make organization’s humanity emerge,and thus humanistic management to organization can be achieved.依据马克思提出的感性的实践本体论,能够从实践上对组织的存在作本体的澄明,使其人文维度显现出来,实现组织管理的以人为本。

1.Essensence of the Argument Between Material-Centered Noumenon Theory and Practice Noumenon Theory;实践本体论与物质本体论争论的实质
2.On the Theory Foundation and Immediate Significance of Practice Ontology;论"实践本体论"的理论基础与现实意义
3.On the Misunderstanding of the Ontology of Marxism Philosophy and "Ontology of Paxis";马克思主义哲学的本体论不是“实践本体论
4.A Philosophical Explanation on Marx s Ontology of Praxis;马克思“实践本体论”的确立及其阐释
5.On theoretical generalization of perceptual practice;论感性实践的理论概括——“实践本体论复活了形而上学”说质疑
6.Brief of the Inner Tension of Practical Materialism --A Criticism of Practical Ontology;简论实践唯物论的内在张力——对“实践本体论”的一点批评
7.Reiteration of the Foundation of Practical Ontology and Its External Set--On Gramsci s Practical Philosophy;实践本体论基础的重申与外在设定——论葛兰西的实践哲学
8.Marx s Philosophy Is Practical Materialism Which foundatim Is Practical Ontology;马克思的哲学是以实践本体论为基础的实践唯物主义
9.Three Issues in the Relationship between the Concept of Practice and the Concept of Matter;实践概念与物质概念的关系三议——兼评实践本体论
10.How Practical Aesthetics Could Surpass Its Traditional Pattern--Talking from the Completed Transformation of Marxism s Practice-self Center;实践美学如何实现自我超越——从实践唯物主义实践本体论中心已转移谈起
11.Outstanding Achievement on Practical Ontology--On Prof.Liu Gangji s Academic Series;实践本体论的卓越成就——评刘纲纪学术丛书
12.Ontological Significance of Practice and Practical Ontology;实践的本体论意义与马克思主义的物质本体论
13.Ontology of Emotion: A Dimension of Individual Existence in Aesthetics of Praxis;情本体——实践美学的个体生存论维度
14.An Analysis of the Ontology of Practical Existential Aesthetics and Literary Theories--Centering on the Relation Between Practice and Existentialism“实践存在论”美学、文艺学本体观辨析——以“实践”与“存在论”关系为中心
15.The Anti-ontology Orientation and the Meagre Ontology of Marx s Practical Philosophy;马克思实践哲学的非本体论批判向度和弱本体论历史语境
16.Proof for Significance of Practice in Ontology --Pondering the status of practice in Marxism philosophy;实践的本体论意义的确证——对实践在马克思主义哲学中地位的思考
17.From ontology to practicalism Marxism on man s fundamental change of method;从本体论到实践论——马克思主义论人的方法的根本变革
18.Research on theory and practice of school-based curriculum development in Chinese Elementary and Middle Schools;我国中小学体育校本课程开发理论与实践研究

Practice Ontology实践本体论
1.For example, Practice Ontology and Material Ontology are representation.其中,最典型的回答就是实践本体论和物质本体论。
3)object practice ontology客体实践本体论
1.Taking the reflections on the ultimate existence and development of man in the future as its main purpose and task,and upholding and applying the dialectic interactive law of object practice ontology and subject practice ontology,the philosophical concept of human macrocosms is a philosophical concept formed with the transformation of global man into macrocosm man.大宇宙哲学观念是以思考未来人类的终极存在和发展为根本目的和任务,是以客体实践本体论和主体实践本体论辩证互动规律的掌握和运用,由地球人转变为大宇宙人而形成的哲学思想。
4)subject practice ontology主体实践本体论
1.Taking the reflections on the ultimate existence and development of man in the future as its main purpose and task,and upholding and applying the dialectic interactive law of object practice ontology and subject practice ontology,the philosophical concept of human macrocosms is a philosophical concept formed with the transformation of global man into macrocosm man.大宇宙哲学观念是以思考未来人类的终极存在和发展为根本目的和任务,是以客体实践本体论和主体实践本体论辩证互动规律的掌握和运用,由地球人转变为大宇宙人而形成的哲学思想。
1.Among them,thoughts of praxis-meta-ontology and epistemology are especially remarkable.其中实践一元本体论思想和认识论思想显得尤为突出。
6)foundation of practical ontology实践本体论基础
