怀素,Huai Su
1)Huai Su怀素
1.Comment on Differences of Zhang Xu and Huai Su s Cursive Script;简论张旭、怀素草书的不同表现
2.Flying Birds out of Woods, Scared Snakes into Bush——On Huai Su s calligraphy in "Zi Xu Tie";飞鸟出林惊蛇入草——论怀素《自叙帖》的书法艺术
3.Talking about the Inheritance of Cursive Script Art of Zhang Xu and Huai Su by Huang Tingjian's谈黄庭坚草书艺术对张旭、怀素的继承

1.Zhang Xu and Huai Su are its two leading representatives.代表人物是张旭和怀素
2.His family was poor when he was young, and he studied Huai Su's calligraphy style.他幼时家贫,学怀素书法获 益,
3.Talking about the Inheritance of Cursive Script Art of Zhang Xu and Huai Su by Huang Tingjian's谈黄庭坚草书艺术对张旭、怀素的继承
4.There were many great kuang cao calligraphers in later dynasties,在张旭和怀素以后,历代都有草书大家出现,
5.The other great kuang cao calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty was Huai Su, a native of Tanzhou (present-day Changsha, Henan Province).另一位狂草大书家怀素,潭州(今湖南长沙)人,
6.Flying Birds out of Woods, Scared Snakes into Bush--On Huai Su s calligraphy in "Zi Xu Tie";飞鸟出林惊蛇入草——论怀素《自叙帖》的书法艺术
7.Procedures drawn a running hand, scribbles, Wang wrote, Transmutation of HUI Zong, such as Sushi to 10 species of style.程序预设了行书、草书、王羲之、怀素、徽宗、苏轼等十来种风格。
8.The hormones associated with pregnancy can cause sneezing.与怀孕有关的激素能引发打喷嚏。
9.A Study on Correlation between Reproductive Hormone and Pregnant Outcome;生殖相关激素与怀孕结局相关性研究
10.On concern with human of quality education of the ldeological and political course;论思想政治课的素质教育对人的关怀
11.An estrogenic hormone, C18H24O3, found in the urine during pregnancy.雌三醇在怀孕妇女的尿中发现的一种雌激素,C18H24O3
12.He said he now tries to draw the material from their movements.林怀民说,现在他试著由舞者的动作中寻找素材。
13.Wyrazik had not, until that time, known about his allergy to penicillin.在这之前,怀拉兹克并不知道自己对青霉素过敏。
14.On the Evolution Characters and Influencing Factors of Huaihua Urban Morphology;怀化城市形态演变特征及影响因素研究
15.Dual Expressive State of Religious Impetus in Patrick White s Novels;宗教因素在怀特小说中的两种表现形态
16.Humanistic solicitudes The eternal pursuit of quality-oriented education in institutions of higher learning;人文关怀——高校素质教育永恒的价值追求
17.Mistrust and misunderstanding - comment on the Wen Hui Daily article Teach to quality or test;怀疑与误解——评《文汇报》文章“要素质还是应试”
18.Determination of K,Ca and Fe in Achyranthes bideentata by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry利用原子吸收光谱法测定怀牛膝中钾、钙、铁元素

care quality关怀素养
3)Care for quality素质关怀
4)Huɑi Su怀素(737~799)
5)A Random Remark about Huaisu怀素散论
6)teachers caring quality教师关怀素养
